Reminder to John Hutton of outstanding questions on the internal corruption within the DWP and the internal illegality lack of constitutionality and lack of accountability within the DWP across the whole spectrum of activities.
Questions concern the findings of the Public Accounts committee (PAC HC) of the UK House of Commons and also those of the UK National Audit office (NAO UK).
Both reports have been based on examination of the relevant evidence, albeit not all the evidence, of the conduct and the operation of the DWP and both have concluded that the DWP is
Operated wastefully and that the waste and fraud runs into several £Billions
What neither (PAC HC and NAO UK) did was to investigate the actual sums lost to Benefit claimants as compared with the actual sums stolen by DWP employees, agents and contractors.
This has not been an accidental oversight on the parts of the PAC HC and the NAO UK.
Although their reports received the predictable high profiles and prominence on the BBC and allied UK mainstream media, none of the so-called investigators was asked any questions about the headlines which were weighed against the unnamed but generally maligned image of the benefit claimants who were accused of being responsible for the DWP fraud.
Neither the PAC HC nor the NAO UK report contains any evidence at all that the main multi £Billion DWP fraud is linked on the facts with the benefit claimants.
The question arises: who has been robbing the cash from the DWP ?
The answer is that the DWP itself has been robbing the cash and that it has been doing so as part of the agenda of the present Tony Blair government.
Our researches have shown that Tony Blair has been continuing the same programme of discrediting the idea of social security that had been put in place by Margaret Thatcher and pursued during John Major as the occupant of No 10 Downing Street.
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