But it was all too much for hoWARd the coward's abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz to use the word 'alleged discussion', I wonder why? Anyway I've inserted it because I think it is important!
Are they suggesting he's guilty? He hasn't even got bail yet!
But even if it were true I hear that sort of talk all the time up the pub?
Words from the mouth in conversations don't prove anything but words!
It was also seemingly too easy for them to use the words 'terrorist group' and not group? Who decided that they were a terrorist group?
A bail application has resumed for 31-year-old Hani Taha and 20-year-old Abdullah Merhi who were picked up in a district fishing expedition by ASIO and used as scapegoats in hoWARd's war on terror (which is terror), to help introduce his new draconian laws.
Now the group of men are charged with 'allegedly' belonging to and 'allegedly' making financial contributions to a terrorist organisation.
The Melbourne Magistrates Court has been told by someone that Taha was present during a conversation with the group's alleged leader Abdul Benbrika and alleged other men when one of the men was allegedly recorded discussing grabbing members of the police and quietly slaughtering them.
But like I said even if that were true I've heard it all before and I'll no doubt here it all again. That sort of talk usually emanates when people have been abused and offended by the authorities and some bias media giants.
So the only difference here is that these men are being used as scapegoats by ASIO via john hoWARd to wipe their arse on, anytime they feel like it, based on what this group allegedly said in a private conversation. Shame hoWARd shame on you!
Out of context
The persecutor alleged Merhi suggested a guide to making and using explosives might have been useful for the 'Jemaah Islamiah' (keyword), group and that Taha was present when members of the group suggested slaughtering police.
But in what context were these alleged words allegedly said?
JI group could have been talking about Bali and the price of eggs?
Slaughtering police I've heard it all before. After what they do to people? I've heard that many times in conversations where police have offended people! So what was the crime? Speaking!
Because someone said lets slaughter police does not mean that it materialises it just means most of the time that someone is angry, feeling very helpless and or frustrated about the way they are being treated, even if it were true?
As if police could not protect themselves? These laws were not to protect police they were purported to be used to stop terrorists? Now the police want to use them for themselves? But there are plenty of laws that protect police without draconian laws where people have no legal way to challenge their validity. I mean police don't lie?
We all need protection from police too but laws to protect the protectors that are draconian? No reasonable defense? No lawyer of your choice? No bail? Locked away in solitary confinement and segregated? All very sinister use of these laws.
This is rubbish based on rubbish and the dictator hoWARd gave them the laws to do it!
Now the hoWARd's abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz is going to report it like it was a crime and already some type of fact using sly words and not including other words specifically, 'alleged' everything! If you don't mind?
The thought police
The court was also told by someone Benbrika and Merhi were recorded discussing killing innocent families at the football in revenge for Prime Minister John Howard killing innocent Muslim families.
Well maybe, even if it were true and taken out of context, then there is a good lesson for John hoWARd the war criminal? STOP KILLING INNOCENT MUSLIM FAMILIES.
The prosecutor says Benbrika also suggested the group take to a Muslim cleric with a long baton for his criticisms of Osama bin Laden.
Magistrate Reg Marron said he would decide on the applications later today but the persecutor should lose the plot because hoWARd has his draconian laws.
Many groups are calling for a demonstration against racism
The National Union of Students said: "Racism from some of the media and political leaders have whipped up fear and anger to lead to the disgraceful violence at Cronulla. This rally wants to show that people are fed up with this racist violence and that enough is enough."

Australian state government prepares savage attack on democratic rights
Likewise, in the wake of the racial violence, there will be no public discussion or even the semblance of a parliamentary debate on Iemma's new legislation today. Having created the social and political climate that has led to the clashes in Sydney, the political establishment is rushing to exploit the situation to further its own right-wing "law and order" agenda.

ASIO raid family home
This is an assault on civil liberties, for all Australians - on the eve of Human Rights Day 2005 that marks the day in 1948, that the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Shame hoWARd shame on you!

Christmas in Guantanamo
After four long years, David Hicks - and scores of others - have been confined in steel cages in Guantanamo Bay, without trial or charge. Here in Australia, draconian anti-terror laws abolish some of our most cherished freedoms, and give ASIO and the Australian Federal Police carte blanche to treat the Islamic community like criminals.

Tight security impedes scapegoat case
Indymedia has learnt this includes a bank account his supporters say was set up to fund legal representation for Muslims facing any kind of legal action. The prosecution is understood to allege the money was intended for terrorist purposes.

Sister defends Un-Australian lies
Ms Jamal said yesterday that depicting her brother as a terrorist was unfair. She said she knew her older brother better than anyone and that his bad past had nothing to do with terrorism.

Terrorism suspects' custody conditions 'inhumane'
"This treatment is very cruel and inhumane and what I've put forward to the Premier Morris Iemma to intervene and put an end to this scandal," he said.

DPP should lose the plot!
Now why would the DPP do that? Based on some notion I suppose, that john hoWARd (the hangman) wants to use Thomas's butt again, to raise the fear stakes in the introduction of the new Anti-Liberty-Dissent Directives!

Here we go round the scapegoat bush!
Now how do you secure 18 men on false and misleading charges made during a 'scapegoat' 'fishing expedition' last month? You get some poor soul locked up in a military prison in Lebanon to verbal them by offering him a bribe! Shame hoWARd, shame on you!

Anti-liberty laws should never be passed
Law Council president John North said the laws were flawed because they allowed people to be held without charge. "There's no amount of tinkering with those laws that can save the badness of that particular law," he said.

Some evidence is prejudicial to national insecurity
It has been previously reported that he is facing nine charges and is accused of planning a major terrorist attack on Sydney defence sites and the electricity grid using downloads off the internet and having 100 rolls of toilet paper to wipe his arse after low level bombs and farts. Shit!

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