I AM my own transcendence.
Flashing through the night;
MORE I AM easy and intense
Than the hammering of right
By a thunder in its fright.
MORE I AM easy and intense
As translucent fluorescence
Of a flood in the moonlight
In its quarreling alliance
With the land; I AM delight
Of the thunder's inner fight.
As the drum of foolish fight
Thunder seems to be immense.
But so to be as morning light,
MORE I AM nearly no offence
But very silence of the night,
Essence of the cycling light.
Than the hammering of right,
MORE I AM the silence whence
Truth is trembling as a white,
Wide awareness within sense.
So MORE I AM easy. I AM bright.
Light; I AM the might of sight.
MORE I AM near than any power.
MORE I AM mighty than thunder;
Like the freshness of a shower.
Where I AM HERE is Wonder;
Like the fragrance of a flower.
MORE I AM near than any hour.