Another true vegetarian hero from Tibet is the monk Geshe Thupten Phelgye, who, after practicing in retreat for several years, founded the Universal Compassion Movement, ( in 1998. The Movement promotes vegetarianism and compassion for all sentient beings through various means, including distributing vegetarian flyers around Dharamsala.
More information about the growth of vegetarianism in the Tibetan Buddhist movement can be found in this article:
Why vegan?
Campaign for Animal Rights
Dalai Lama
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The eight-fold dinner menu
15.12.2005 18:54
What, curious beliefs like this giggling little geek is a "king-God' who should be venerated and obeyed ? Don't you just long to go back to the good old days when all kings were divine ? Weird he could see the eternal in every (formerly) living thing that made up his daily diet for so long but only now he chooses to stop eating them. I guess his dentures aren't up to the fibre. And it is great to know I can go on eating meat for decades quite happily spouting nonsense about how much more moral it is to eat big animals rather than small animals only to become a 'vegetarian hero' in my dotage.
Just for emphasis, this guy claims to have been connected to the fabric of all living things through meditation for 50 odd years while at the same time he has been picking bits of pig from between his teeth - and now he decides its wrong. Way to go the boy-God ! Can't wait til he converts to Catholicism.
Sorry, Rubber Ritchie, I'm not slagging you or your beliefs but I bet you personally are more of a vegetarian-hero than the Dalai Fuck-a-Lama ever will be. In spirituality as in politics you just can't live truly by other peoples rules and you can't let someone else represent you.
long live the REPUBLIC!
15.12.2005 19:03
fuck him and the horse he rode in on!
M Z Dong
My vegetarian hero
15.12.2005 20:03
Better late than never
16.12.2005 10:29
Yes, I agree with a lot of what you say Danny. I don't agree with the role he has as a so called leader but he has so many following his teachings, most (in the west) without considering his political status but just because he his message is so inspiring. There has always been this contradiction about his 'compassion to all beings' teaching and yet guzzling animal corpses on the other. This shows the guy makes mistakes and the need to remember to look to the moon, not to the finger pointing there.
Love to all
Rubber Rich
buddhist christmas present
16.12.2005 21:25
I must admit gross hypocracy as not only do I regard myself as a god-king, I've also being eating meat for the past eight years. I was at a Slovakian birthday party recently and they eat 'goose pancakes' for their birthdays and carp at Christmas. Since the goose-pancake I haven't been able to stomach any meat though. If you, Rubber Ritchie, do solemnly swear to help vastly reduce the amount of palm oil consumed by those around you, then I Danny, solemnly swear to stop eating meat for the next eight years. Kiss on it ?
Dalai Lama becomes vegetarian again!
18.12.2005 23:26
religion is poison!
19.12.2005 12:43
A bit late but ..
10.01.2006 01:41
Dalai Lama eats veal!!
18.05.2007 20:25
He's off my Christmas card list!
It's strange because in 2005 stories circulated that he had become a vegetarian again. He famously became sick many years ago following a vegetarian diet which was believed to consist of nuts and milk so no wonder.
I find this news sad because millions worship the guy and would all go veggie tomorrow if he said so. He's also famous as the symbol of compassion.
Rubber Ritchie
Response to Rubber Ritchie
08.06.2007 04:26
a person can be compassionate and kind but not be a vegetarian because "One who eats meat can culivate a pure heart just as one who is vegetarian might have an impure heart." The Religion recommends followers to eat vegetarian, but as the Monks travel, they can only eat what ever food is offered by lay followers, whom they encountered "Randomly" from place to place, and they are not allowed to be specific and specify what they want to eat, they eat what is given. if it happens to be meat, they still have to eat it.
Look! i can go on forever, but before you or everyone out there makes their comments and remarks, please do your research and studies before comparing him and Madonna!!! It's all about Karma and i think a lot of people out there that critise him will never reach to his level or knowledge and wisdom. When he talks, read between the lines, use your brains, a clear example - [he explains about putting postive thoughts instead of negative thoughts which will put a burden on your shoulders and wear you down] this gentlemen replied and said that's because the Dalai Lama doesn't have a mortage to pay - this gentlemen had no idea, instead of replacing your negative thought of having a mortage, he can replace it with - i have a mortage to pay which means i have a house to live in and not on the streets... so many other positive.
Anyways I'm getting side track so... that's all for me.
Cheers =P