step is RENDITION!
AUSTRALIA/CUBA: TERROR SCAPEGOATS for prime meanster john hoWARd, the coward's, war on terror, (which is terror), will be flown by helicopter without warning NOW to prisons in other states, a parliamentary inquiry should be told!
A seriously corruptive services commissioner, Rotten, ron woodheap, told a State Dictatorship inquiry yesterday that state and territory prison commissioners were likely to agree at a meeting next March on the interstate transfers.
Put another log on the fire
"With terrorists, we hope they could be in Sydney today, in Melbourne tomorrow and in Brisbane the third day," woodheap said.
Threats and intimidation in custody
Woodheap: "Our intention is that when we open their cell doors, it will be to ask the prisoner, 'do you want to go as you are or do you want to get dressed?'
But why don't you f**k them first? After all you have the power?
Then at least they'll know why they are being mistreated?
Woodheap: "If we received intelligence that a terrorist cell was about to do something... or that people were going to be 'harmed outside' to try to get us to release somebody we would go and totally disrupt that plan by moving the prisoners without warning."
So even if that were true then the authorities would not release the prisoners and the people outside would just get harmed?
If they released the prisoners where would they go?
When did it ever happen before?
Will people be more likely to do this because there are innocent people locked up?
If woodheap had any intelligence he would tell you that he is the terrorist and has been for years breaking every rule in the book. That the jail is run by the state and that the state is a supreme power with military hardware.
Woodham said prisoners suspected or convicted of terrorism-related charges are already treated separately from other prisoners and can be transferred without notice.
In other words he can do with them what he likes - state sanctioned terror is legal.
The next logical step is RENDITION!
And this is how they are treated NOW!
International Human Rights Day Action
Justice Action and the Australian Prisoners Union (APU) call for one minute's silence in support of the Offer of Hope at midday on International Human Rights Day, Saturday 10 December 05

Terrorism suspects' custody conditions 'inhumane'
"This treatment is very cruel and inhumane and what I've put forward to the Premier Morris Iemma to intervene and put an end to this scandal," he said.

Some evidence is prejudicial to national insecurity
It has been previously reported that he is facing nine charges and is accused of planning a major terrorist attack on Sydney defence sites and the electricity grid using downloads off the internet and having 100 rolls of toilet paper to wipe his arse after low level bombs and farts. Shit!