The start signal of their new world campaign will be given at an important public hearing before the INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS on December 5th in Geneva, Switzerland, at the C.I.C.G. Centre International de Conférences de Genève, 15 rue de Varembé. More than 40 humane NGOs from Europe and Overseas are parties to the conference.
In her vibrant speech for the prosecution, Brigitte Bardot, as main complainant, will denounce the barbarity of the yearly massacre of arctic seals and the irresponsibility of those mainly responsible for this crime against the animal world. Bardot is supported in her accusation by a petition signed by 200'000 citizens from all over the world, among which are the names of famous artists and other public personalities. The 200'000 signatures will be received by the Court in a solemn act during procedures and transferred to the General Secretary of the UN, Kofi Annan.
«The Animal Court of Justice is an expression of the universal conscience», says Franz Weber who will preside the hearing of the 5th December, assisted by two more judges from France and Germany.
Accused are the Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, the Canadian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Geoff Regan and the Canadian Minister of Environment Stephan Dion. An international jury of 9 members will pronounce the verdict.
Eye witnesses from Great Britain, Ireland and Belgium will testify and present their film and video evidence. Experts in veterinary medecine will be heard. Members of the European Parliament will attend the hearing as observers.
It has to be recalled that these last three years alone one million seals have been the victims of a massacre which according to experts is devoid of any rational justification and the brutality and sadism of which are a disgrace to the image of Canada.
The public trial starts at 9.30 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. (16 h) by the verdict. For Brigitte Bardot and Franz Weber it is the starting point of a new ruthless battle against the seal hunt.
Montreux, 30th November 2005
In 1979 Franz Weber brought the United Animal Nations – UAN into being, an international organisation modelled upon the United Nations, an organisation which, today, has 120 affiliated member organisations in the whole world. A mainstay of the UAN is the International Court of Justice for Animal Rights, whose purpose is to denounce serious abuses against the animal world and to see that perpetrators are called to justice – if need be up to ministerial or governmental level. Court proceedings take place annually in Geneva in the presence of the international media, under the auspices of well known legal representatives and experts.

Vera Weber
Fondation Franz Weber
1820 Montreux
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