The racist and persistently offensive comments being allowed to be posted as 'comments' on anti-GW Bush pieces indicate an editorial policy on the parts of those who control the publishing sites. This has been pointe4d out before but the abuses continue. THIS pierce is addressing some of the racist 'icons' being promoted by the abusers to justify their attacks on a writer whom they racistly target because of the writer's name. They have ignored they contents of the Political Poetry of MUHAMMAD HAQUE.
Their 'English' words say it all
their hatred, their poison apall
All sense of decency
They bring indecency
Into all attempts at freeing the haters
From their hateful core. they're baiters
And spewers spouters of filth
Immoral gangs existing on stealth
They are blinder than the most unsighted
They are full of obscenity as benighted
Planes of waste hidden from ordinary view
The evil offspring of evil appear to view
Any even the most modest bid to liberate
Always missing the truth, prone to berate
Any curer of their cursed soulless egos
The evil beings unleash chorus of goes
In the direction of prophetic seers
The racists bid to derail the steers
Away from the focus of the world's woes
That is the thief Bush who breaks laws
Of nature laws of humanity laws of virtue
the evil ones on 'Indymedia' do pursue
The sayers of the truth and the callers
To righteous ways. The evil apallers
Wait submerged in the alleged anonymity of the net
To pounce on the freedom sayers with no regret...
What is the secret of these devilish elements?
They are united in the evil that also cements
Their links every day
They name call and say
That the universal eternal truth is undesirable
That the ways of the evil Bush is preferable
The true human liberation is not on
Evil rule must stay and must go on...
These same evil forces dominate the airwaves
And they lie to rob and to colonise. The raves
The evil ones enjoy as they peddle and plug
Each other and their plans preferring the thug
Of the day disguised as an alleged woman Polly
Bending the truth and bidding to sell the unholy
Source of the polluted stream of Guardian lies
The evil ones confessing now to their evil ties
Which for a century almost have lain concealed?
By the Guardian lying under the cover, sealed
In a liberal cloth doubly shielded by the 'trust'
As though the evil ones were not like the non-'Trust'
Daily Mail! Polly Toynbee has been the tool of the devil
Issuing certificates for all manner of baddies, evil
Doing her deed for the devil under the guise of gender
The devil cannot hide its colour nor any of its agenda
From the targets of the devil’s poison propaganda
It is Polly Toynbee that does the ‘best propaganda’
She has the gender she has the Guardian paper
Forgetting the Guardian is unfit even as a toilet paper
For the backing it gives to genocide mass murder
Across the world. Polly Toynbee follows Melanie
Phillips in the same venomous racist crusader cause
BOTH are creatures of the Guardian and the cause
Of racist view of the world that the Bushes so accept
The Guardian and the Daily Mail equally reject
The freedom fort almost all of humanity
A freed world to them is disaster, calamity..
Hide the following 15 comments
Friendly advice
14.11.2005 11:48
Only a fascist tells people what information the can and can't consume or be exposed to and expects every point of view expressed to affirm their own world view.
14.11.2005 12:11
( not forgetting the sexually-frusrated trolls,MI5,loopy Nationalists and other timewasters )
spare me from bad poetry
same as always
14.11.2005 20:36
Of course, their comments always follow the form of "I'm not a New Reich troll, BUT...", and then we get the usual outraged blah, blah, blah that anybody attacking Blair and his Mass Media mouthpieces should be ignored.
It should be noted that a majority (or near majority) of comments made on articles here are thinly disguised pro-Blair and pro-New Reich in nature. This is very sad since it either implies that the majority of the readership of Indymedia comprises of Blair's goons (very likely given the confused purpose of Indymedia), or that too many people feel reluctant to participate (understandable, given the fear of identification via IP tracking).
Of course, it is always possible that since this site is of the left, and many normal Brits are clinging on to the pathetic idea that Old Labour might one day re-appear from the ashes of Blair's New Reich party, that such people are conflicted when it comes down to a concept of political identity. Control in Britain has long depended on the idea of "what church do you go to?","what football team do you support?","waht party do you vote for?" etc. What happens when people have to truly think for themselves, and come to terms with their own unique belief system? Free-thinkers have long been recognised because they are UNUSUAL. For the rest, the world of free-thinking seems like a very scary and confusing place. I think this has far more to do with why so many choose to remain silent. Unfortunately, such silence defaults to empowering those that are currently most powerful, and that means Blair and his goons.
Yet More Poetry
14.11.2005 22:08
14.11.2005 23:54
Group Dynamics
15.11.2005 06:39
Yoo Hoo, Twilight
15.11.2005 07:23
"It should be noted that a majority (or near majority) of comments made on articles here are thinly disguised pro-Blair and pro-New Reich in nature. "
I disagree. Many of the comments are instead critical of Twlight's unsubstantiated conspiracist laden spam or others who are long on conjecture, short on facts. Labelling us all as Blairite trolls rather than answering our points isn't helping.
15.11.2005 08:15
English, no parentheses
not good.
15.11.2005 11:35
all poetry is good. ask a vogon.
a name
Meaningful disputes
15.11.2005 17:06
And yes - I think poetry is great! For the very reasons above.
Lively debate? Not likely.
15.11.2005 22:27
IMC has nothing to lose, and much to gain, by instituting a proper membership system and allowing posters to stand by their comments, good or bad. Those with power deserve our opposition scrutiny, but we shouldn't be afraid to allow our own positions to be examined to the same standards too.
16.11.2005 08:14
Look what happened to Bristol Indymedia. Sorry to create a storm with this comment, but since the police raid and seizure of the server, it's now a crap site. The volunteers do a fantastic job to keep it alive, but comments are hidden. I haven't managed to make any comments there myself due to some technical fault (having contacted them twice about this). Comments are clearly censored to avoid further police interest and activists rarely post there now.
Now I'm paranoid!
16.11.2005 14:55
Bristol Indymedia
16.11.2005 21:28
Indy Media Must Remain Open to Racists & Hate Mongers Too...
18.12.2005 16:04
So that we can learn about their mindset and strategies, and deal with them here and now.
Suppression will not gain victory over suppression - this is something that free expression must do.
Summery of Initial Post: Bad Idea! Let it be settled...
richard kobzey