the spontaneous uprising in france continues. it has began 10 days ago in the suburbs of paris - meantime it has spread out all over france.
fire fighters, police stations, schools, kindergardens, companies, bus depots, power plants are set on fire. last night the riots reached even the center of paris. 1300 cars burned - a new record. the night before 900 cars burned, the night before that night 600 cars...
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international solidarity against legal repression required
06.11.2005 22:11
Tomorrow morning, Monday 7 November 2005, at 2pm (14:00) Paris time (1pm UK time), a meeting at the Courtroom (TGI = Tribunal de Grande Instance) is planned to support people accused of illegal methods of fighting against capitalism.
Hundreds of people have been detained and their chances of getting fair trials and having the right to a political defence will not happen without support. Cross the channel early Monday morning and catch the metro on Ligne 5. to M° Bobigny - Pablo Picasso and you should be able to be there in person.
Or use your creativity and think of other solidarity actions and concrete human rights demands you can make from the French government. People-to-people contact is absolutely necessary - probably people from the UK who look like they are from ethnic minorities might be able to make better contact than bourgeois French "whites"...
burning thnigs is creative?
06.11.2005 23:08
06.11.2005 23:28
> “The last word must be with the law,” M Chirac said after the meeting.
> Those sowing “violence or fear” would be “arrested, judged and punished”.
Trials of uprising participants is clearly a key part of authorities' attempts to distract attention from the real issues.
Concrete solidarity actions (an appeal fund for paying lawyers? demos in front of French embassies? mass presence at Bobigny courthouse (TGI) itself?) could make a big difference...
solidarity for Useful Idiots
07.11.2005 02:13
Arthur Kennedy
07.11.2005 09:42
Oppose State Oppression
07.11.2005 10:03
LePen's stinking living corpse lingers on, and many of his divisive ideas are echoed by supposed mainstream French politician types.
All the more reason to make sure here in the UK the neo-Nazi BNP end up in jail, to oppose racial discrimination.
Just remember, the BNP's friends include Ku Klox Klan's David Duke.
The BNP's proven aims are discrimination, racial tension, and white supremacy.
Le~Pen is a war criminal, as well as being a sad bastard, Hell-bound loser......
Peace And Justice.
Oppose capitalism, racism, and Bush and Blair.
If France is neo nazi then why has it got so many foreigners?
07.11.2005 10:17
Yeah thats why it has got five million muslims!!!!!!!! Plus millions of other foreigners! The only thing wrong with France is they are too soft on these rioters who are causing havoc, chaos and destruction which will run into billions! They should send the army in to restore order!
Voice of Reason
It could happen here!
07.11.2005 13:50
07.11.2005 13:55
Glad to see you are taking the mainstream media reactionary approach to this. You arer obviously very arrogant/thick/cowardly/deluded. Multiple choice for you there...
indytroll scum
Social Meltdown...
07.11.2005 21:06
See Birmingham for details, to cite just one recent example.
As long as we insist on viewing those who look and live differently as 'The Other', instead of seeing what we all have in common, these scenarios will keep on happening.
As long as we keep on voting in reactionary, racist politicians who prefer to focus attention on the contrived threats being the 'Tides of' (delete as applicable): Travellers, Immigrants, Terrorists, Paedolphiles, Dole Fraudsters, Identity Thieves and so on, instead of focussing on genuine social problems, we will continue to be a divided society.
Meanwhile, we are told we 'need' CCTV, rape alarms and big gas guzzling cars to ferry our children 'safely' to their schools; we 'need' to be detained for up to 90 days without trial 'for our own safety'; we 'need' to also lock up people from other lands for indefinite periods of time while they wait to find out if they can live here.
As long as we allow ourselves to be divided by these wrongheaded fools with their own short-sighted and selfish agendas, instead of working together in our own communities there will be a problem.
So, yes, it is already happening here, because we believe the lies we are being told by those that prefer to keep us ignorant, divided and paranoid so they can control us.
Just because you don't see burning cars on your streets, it doesn't mean to say there isn't a problem.
Free your mind and see things as they REALLY are.
07.11.2005 23:55
Bus Lane
08.11.2005 02:38
I can't remember who called it a far-right country, but that is absolutely ridiculous. I have spent much time there. Their social model is very left of center.
and it just bit them in the ass.
not in france