The Labour ‘rebels’ are no rebels and they will acquiesce as fast as they can run to their coveted posts as MPs or as holders of office they wrongly think they owe to Blair rather than to the disrespected and misrepresented electorate and constituents.
The Labour ‘rebels’ are no rebels and they will acquiesce as fast as they can run to their coveted posts as MPs or as holders of office they wrongly think they owe to Blair rather than to the disrespected and misrepresented electorate and constituents.
2315 Hrs GMT
London Wednesday 2 November 2005
It is a lie to say ‘reform of the welfare state’ as David Blunkett was shown today in TV footage as saying when he took over as the UK Secretary of State for Welfare at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
The ‘relevance’ of the footage is linked with the overdue resignation of David Blunkett from office today Wednesday 2 November 2005.
But the TV news replay of that footage would not go any farther except to reinforce the lie by additional corrupting qualifying notes uttered by their fronting ‘political correspondents.
As was the case with the ex-ITV political hireling Nick Robinson who has now been installed in the BBC organisation as their ‘political editor’ replacing one of the BBC's most parasitical Blairite publicists Andrew Maar.
Robinson filed on the BBC Six O’Clock news (2 November 2005) and mouthed the double lie that reform of the welfare state MEANT dealing with such benefits as Incapacity Benefits.
There was no factual statement, there was no audit report, no actual accounts given f of what the Incapacity benefit was about, who was that benefit supposed to be for, how many people were actually on it and whether there was any legal, constitutional point concerning that benefit.
There was not a hint of the real causes and factors behind the huge ‘welfare’ Bill.
What happens on occasions when the media - led by the BBC and cynically imitated by the Daily Mail which then pretends to be itself responsible for any call to do away with the welfare state - refer to the ‘welfare state’ they add new lies or repeat old lies against the philosophical foundations on which any practice of social security has ever been allowed in the UK.
The phrase ‘reform of the welfare state’ is a lie because of the transparent INTENTION about the ‘welfare state’ that lies behind the sue of the phrase.
That intention is to demolish the ‘welfare state’.
The intention has been the same in times of “Labour’ governments as it has been in times of Conservative Governments.
The consistency of intention to demolish the ‘welfare state’ across apparently different political party lines in Britain shows up the other lie of conventional political discourse in Britain. That lie is that there are two ideologies driving the two power-holding parties.
The same ideology drives both parties when in power. And the secret is really not hard to identify although it is often concealed under the plethora of additional lies to mesmerise the majority of the ‘masses’ prone to the tactics and persistence of subliminal brainwashing by propaganda.
The secret is that those who actually control the agenda of any political administration in elected control of the UK state do so by maintaining the same hold on both parties when either is in power.
Incapacity Benefit was created by the Tories and they were created to conceal unemployment in the population.
The factors that forced the invention of the large-scale incapacity benefits have remained unaltered in the UK economy.
Without recognizing the truth about that, there is not going to be any ‘reform’ in the sense of a de facto replacement of the benefits system.
But the liars in Parliament aided and abetted by the liars in the pliant media, are not likely to admit to that.
There is the real crisis.
NOT in the front-pages of Thursday 3 November 2005
which focus on ‘Blair’s authority’ being affected by the Blunkett’s departure from the cabinet.
The so-called ‘quality’ press in the UK lack the one quality that they must show they recognise if that description is to be accepted about them. The ability and the readiness to tell the truth about society.
What happened on Wednesday 2 November 2005 in the UK Parliament - House of Commons - warranted in-depth and attractive discussion in the media.
The undemocratic, neo-fascistic bid to abolish civil liberties under the guise of the unproved threat from unidentified and unproved future alleged threats. Why don’t they show in courts what the threats are based on?
But that would be almost telling the truth.
And truth and the power-holders don't make compatible partners in the same conceptual space.
Far less in the same political or societal space.
[To be continued]
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