This was confirmed later by 2 further contacts - one from Germany and another from the USA.
Remember when the US invaded Iraq, it came to light that they were already bombing strategic targets for quite a while before the official invasion, so it’s highly likely that a similar thing could be happening again.
However, it is widely believed that there will have to be another False Flag atrocity in the US to gain the backing of the general public for a war on Iran or Syria.
Similarly in the UK, after the now proven Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction lies, another False Flag atrocity, would have to take place, to allow Blair to have any chance of leading us into supporting the US against Syria or Iran.
Another 7/7 - My contact at the MOD says from information that he has gleamed that the most likely date will be on Saturday the 5th November, 2005 (5+1+1=7) and (2+0+0+5=7), which he says seems to fit into the criteria that the international bankers, the financial elite, who control our governments require. If anything really drastic did happen on that date, the London stock Exchange is closed until the following Monday morning, thus minimising the effects that a major atrociry would have so soon after London 7/7.
I have no information regarding when the false flag atrocity is going to happen in the US, but 5th November could be for both.
With the proven lies of Bush and Blair, many many people are now wakening up to the fact that their supposed trustworthy Government leaders, are anything but honest. It’s an interesting and exciting time to be alive. We just need to waken them up a bit quicker.
I previously sent letters to over 600 UK national media journalists a week prior to 22/7 giving them advance warning of the Masonic/Illuminati signatures about that date and that it was highly likely that an atrocity would take place that day - Egypt bomb at 22.07 GMT on 22/7 and Chicago underground bomb stopped. The papers never warned anyone nor did they print anything after the event. I also sent them letters 7 days after the atrocity and did not receive any replies apart from a postcard acknowledgement from a BBC department.
concerning 5th Nov-05.
Any other info regarding the above would be greatly appreciated ASAP.
James Stewart
Blackpool 911 and
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A serious reply to issues that some may feel inclined to dismiss
27.10.2005 23:38
However, it goes beyond this. 911 (America's 999), and the 'eleven' silhouette of the 'twin towers', was not a function of numerology, but straightforward advertising technique. A EVENT that needed a clear name, and a clear association. The original designers of Blair/Cheney's FALSE FLAG assumed that afterwards, 911 would tend towards a logo where the '1's would be pictures of the burning towers. In reality, this was considered too tacky and disrespectful, but the simple MEME of 911, with its dual meaning, proved effective beyond their wildest dreams.
Blair WILL seek out 'auspicious' dates for his 'events', but do not be fooled into thinking that *HE* is a numerology nutcase. Instead, consider the various 'nutcases' that he needs to work with, especially the 'crazies' of Washington.
The NEW false-flag atrocities are a different issue. Be thankful that they are not that easy or safe for Blair to pull off. Putin/Blair's false-flag apartment bombings in Moscow SHOULD have come unstuck, since Putin's men were caught red-handed planting the final bomb. Sadly, politics in Russia are so screwed up that Putin was not fatally harmed by this. The 911 false flag was WAY too complicated to expect perfection, so Blair/Cheney were pragmatic from the beginning, and fully expected the observant to know that the official story was a pack of lies. However, they relied on the vary complication of the operation to obscure the exact power structure behind it. In other words, they banked on the mechanism of NO SPECIFIC BLAME = NO DANGEROUS BLAME.
The London Underground Bombings false flag started unwinding rapidly from the very first moment. The ludicrous phoney bomb op that followed was an extreme panic response to glue down as many flapping loose ends as possible. Ironically, the "what the hell was all that crap about" puzzlement in the general public showed that even when SOME operations go very wrong, in some strange way they may be going right after all. Truth be told, the intellect of anti-government folks in the UK averages the lowest in the world, whereas in the States it probably is near the highest.
For all those that may feel insulted by this, compare internet debate here with the US. The highest form of intellectual argument here tends to be dribble along the lines of "don't forget to take your pills, mate". If you write a post in the UK that runs to more than 4 lines, people feel intimidated, and accuse you of trying to rule the board. In the US, debate is ACTUALLY taught in school to those willing to explore the art of using language to promote an idea.
Anyway, back to future false flags. Given their perceived high risk (a risk that, to the perpertrators, seems to increase with each use), the rewards returned must be significant and immediate. For Blair, this means BIG atrocities, but for those that plan/carry out the operations, this means extreme risks. Remember, the plausibility of Moscow/911/London Underground false flags was almost ZERO. By this, I mean there was NO pattern association with those that Blair wished to carry the blame in the minds of most of the public.
This plausibility factor is key when one considers nuclear false flags. The science behind a nuclear explosion goes way beyond most people's understanding, but allows a forensic investigation at a level that would make forgery VERY risky indeed. To explain, 911 had another component, the 'anthrax letters' but regardless of how much lies the BBC or The Guardian initially printed about the ability of muslims to make bio-weapons, the Anthrax traced back to the Chemical/Biological warfare units of the US in short order. The TRUE 'conspiracy nuts' claim that US military science is 'magic' science that can be used with little chance of detection. Real life is not like that, and 'science' is a VERY dangerous tool for Blair to use in a false flag op.
In reality, a nuclear false flag REQUIRES a real bomb made by real muslims with a real history, that can be stolen without trace, detonated by Blair in the West, and the creation of a false trail THAT WOULD NOT FALL APART that leads back to the location of REAL origin of the bomb. If you think that is in any sense easy, you have been watching too much Hollywood crap. No operation anywhere near this complicated has EVER been successful.
HOWEVER, the whole series of crap about the "father" of the Pakistan bomb, and his 'contact' with various muslim governments was clearly laying down the ground for such an operation. Blair's people thought they could build something around this. I don't think they got too far, because as I said earlier, the significance of nuclear engineering goes way beyond sad tabloid black propaganda. The Anthrax operation was a million times easier than this nuclear one, and that crashed and burnt on the science, NOT the propaganda.
Then, of course, there is the lesson of history. When all is said and done, usually that lesson is K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid). If you have power, just use it, and damn the consequences. Worked for Hitler, the moment he stopped mithering about the outcome of his plans (that he ended up overstretching himself was really because he was between a rock and a hard place with the USSR, a state that was becoming powerful at a greater rate than Nazi Germany).
Blair's interest in false flags starts and stops with "what it takes to get it done". At this moment in history, with Blair's storming success at promoting his NEW REICH fascism through most of the West, he no doubt feels that he has more than matched the momentum that made Hitler's WW2 inevitable after a certain stage. Still, I would be the last person to claim to read the mind of a monster as evil and depraved as Blair. I simple go on what I see, read, and hear about the present, and about our past. However, I say with absolute confidence that things are going to get insanely worse for all of us.
28.10.2005 12:50
number 9