Can the truth save Blunkett from seriously damaging his career in Government?
When will Blunkett realise that it would be better for him to avoid being exposed as an insidious liar by stopping mouthing lies against the poor than being brazen about the stupid slogans he mouths against people who are perfectly legally and legitimately and unavoidably on benefits?
We don’t know the answers to these.
For one thing, Blunkett has not given us the answers.
What we do know and what we can say without a shadow of a doubt here is that Blunkett’s physical disability will be shown as nothing as compared to the serious damage his untruthful utterances on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme this morning inflicted on thousands of very honest very dignified people.
In the context of the regular lies that the DWP publishes (including the words and phrases used in the current Blairite, Tebbit-ite propaganda about ’benefit fraud’) against lawful claimants, the interview with the Blair-compliant James Naughtie broadcast just before 8 AM today [Monday 10 October 2005] on the BBC radio ‘flagship’ news programme contained untruths, half-truths, innuendos and downright illegalities.
In the course of four or five minutes, David Blunkett ridiculed and m misrepresented the law that he is in post to implement.
He defamed people on their integrity, their integrity.
Blunkett has no legal right to make comments in the jumbled up false and untruthful way that he did.
The mass defamation of people in low income has become a key pillar on which the Blair regime has sought to find its support.
That David Blunkett chooses to defame people who are not invited or allowed by the BBC to answer him is one thing.
But for the BBC to then not give listeners the facts about the benefits, at least concerning those aspects of the welfare state that the
Blunkett utterances affected are a criminal negligence.
It is of the magnitude that can be measured by adding up the benefits illegally withheld from claimants - as POLICY and against the law - by the DWP in the past 8 years.
Will Blunkett publish the facts?
Today, David Blunkett perpetrated that defamation at the expense of the involuntarily poor.
That a qualifier, ‘involuntarily’ is being added to describe the poor is evidence of just how far to the fascistic Right Blunkett has moved the so-called debate about poverty in Britain with Tony Blair as the Prime Minister for the past 8 years.
BLUNKETT once bragged in the Chamber of the House of Commons when ‘Home Secretary’ that he did not give ‘a toss’ to what the judges had to say about his behaviour concerned.
So we know he is on the record as openly defiling the otherwise hallowed concept of the unwritten UK constitution.
That the independence of the judiciary was as far as David Blunkett was concerned, something to be treated with contempt.
We are going to put questions to Blunkett about the lying record of his ministerial colleagues in the successive Blair Governments starting with the then DSS maladministration under Harriet Harman.
We shall then publish questions as based on the regular illegal stoppages of benefits from claimants by his Department for Work and Pensions. These stoppages are not accidents or errors but deliberate illegal violations of the legal and the human rights of the claimants.
We shall exclusively reveal all the relevant facts and along with those disclosures put the most
appropriate questions to Blunkett.
We shall also examine the over-hyped welfare reform agenda that is spouted out by that corrupt pretender to a sort of
religious mission, Frank Field.
1306 GMT
Monday 10.10.2005
An up-to-date examination of the illegal conduct of David Blunkett MP the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions as he embarks one again on an illegal assault ion the poor people in Britain – as he did on the BBC radio 4 Today programme on Monday 10 October 2005