The World Day Against the Death Penalty provides an opportunity to speak-out against the use of capital punishment around the world. People from many countries will be involved in various events via campaigns, demonstrations, petitions,concerts and debates.
ACADP is calling on Australian political leaders, the media,and elite opinion leaders not to support the use of this brutal, cruel, degrading and inhuman punishment in every case and under any circumstance. Savagery begets on savagery.
The focus of the World Day Against the Death Penalty on October 10, is on Africa as a continent on the road to abolition. Despite the numerous human rights problems that beset the region, recent developments show a growing trend towards abolition among African countries. Thirteen of the continent's 53 states have permanently abolished the death penalty and another 20 countries no longer carry out executions. Thus, a majority of African countries have abandoned the use of state-sanctioned killing as a form of punishment.
A petition signed by people around the world will be presented to Heads of State in Africa by the World Coalition Against Death Penalty.
Inc.Australian Students Against Capital Punishment

The Premier Australian Internet
Resource on Capital Punishment
Exporting the death penalty - Bali 9
Did the AFP believe the Bali 9 would get an 'on the spot' fine or something? Comment DIMC ('mindboggled') - The Australian Federal Police (AFP) who set the Bali 9 up ("tip-off")...