(Tuesday, September 27, 2005)
SpinningStorms that HEAL:
Wording is always an issue, especially when dealing with race-relations. Racing to Peace, tribe-by-tribe. All sizes/shapes/colors. Accent must be considered. Dialect. And we haven't even gotten to the multiple languages of the globe. Yet. Meanwhile, there are 'dialects-within-dialects-wheels-within-wheels' of accents within language, spread acrossed economic differences, education-levels, and demographics, each BelovedNeighbors to us all.
I am wording this carefully because no matter how you look at it, we're all in this together. And we need each other. And we need learn to communicate with each other in meaningful ways.
When disaster strikes two regions within the same corner of the planet, we are faced with the above. Communication problems. 'Lost in translation,' issues. Therefore, economic-differences often confuse the discussion, skewing priorities unintentionally.
If one disaster-struck area, Field-B (Rita) is holding the resources necessary to uplift the other disaster-struck area, Field-A (Katrina), then which is the priority? You'd think the 'resource-wealth,' right? You'd think the nice neighborhoods, right?
It is not. It's the most protected. It's the easiest to fix, because nothing was sitting-and-spinning on it and scraping it clean, while another area was demolished and drowned.
I compared pictures of a nice guy with a nice house and trees down. He was fine and his family was fine and his house needed some products from the local Home Depot. He could make repairs himself. Hard? Sure – but he was dry and warm and safe. I also saw a picture of a van, demolished, sitting within the remains of a dwelling, swamped, with a message spray-painted on it's wreckage, saying something along the lines of, “Please don't loot – this is all we have left.” No way to get to Home Depot at all, or Lowe's or any hardware store as a result.
Economics, with the dialects and the accents confusing the issues.
Are you following along? We need each other. Had Field-B been damaged worse, there would not be the capability of fixing Field-A. And the media, unfortunately, is focused on other 'camera-angles.'
It's difficult to understand if you do not know my accent, my dialect, my languages. But the meaning here is quite clear. It's not about size/shape/color NOW. It's about the priorities. It's about the priorities of LIFE, and we need Field-A where the damage is most, uplifted first. Unless your 'priorities' are about 'stuff' and not a persons very life. So, we need both.
And we need resources. More than just from the wealthier Field-B. Some of them are in frozen reserves in a 'Field-C.' In order to extract them, we need disturb 1 out of 1,000 acres, if that. And oil and water do not mix, making cleanup both possible and practical. Those acting to protect environment, whom find it appalling, must contribute in helping the displaced within the tiny portion of 'Field-C.' Without the wise and careful extraction and use of those resources, the 'appalled' will not have any. Any 'anything.' No energy at all to nurture their argueing.
We need examine whom we are helping. In order to help ourselves, all FIELDS must unite in peace. It's the economics of life.
Mayor Nagin of New Orleans, Field-A, needs Field-B and Field-C-thru-ZZZ today. What 'camera-angle' is getting all the attention? Field-B? Why? It's about peace, cooperation, compassion, forgiveness and life, together, here, now, all on the same planet. He understands this. Do you? What are your priorities and do they promote intolerance or life? We're in it together, literally.