Sorry for sudden e-mail, but we have a problem with a giant company in Japan and we wish you to make some comment for us. we are frequent user of the biggest BBS site in Japan named 2-channel. (

From this BBS, various kinds of emoticons called "ASCII Art" had developed. In these days, one music company called AVEX (

ASCII Art have been developed originally in General Internet users. Then, of course, it is naturally as all internet user's property.
The problem is, the company project will blaspheme the rights and infringe a copyright of general users in internet society. If it became a bad precedent, this terrible idea would be spread wide and conquer the market.
We really want you to join this project, if it is not too heavy for you. Help us and protest against AVEX related projects or give us some message to support, hopefully.
We are not like arguing any copyrights on this e-mail, anyway. Problem is compnay's threat. If you may agree with us, please take these message and/or tips for your Blog or any other purposes for pubulic viewing and so on. We desperately need your help!
If it would be possible, receiving your reply could be proud and highly appreciated.
Mainichi News

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