September 6, 2005
My Opinion:
The streets are filled and the homes and contents flooded.
The rescue personnel ducking bullets while rescueing the drowned.
The pets have been holocausted against and the ANSWER?
Blame someone? Ya' think? Who EXACTLY?
Well, that's a very long list, dontchya' think?
Meanwhile, there are still homeless.
Meanwhile, there are still cops doing battle with hooligans which used to be your 'beloved neighbors.'
Meanwhile, there are still hate-groups formulating vigils to shame YOU for merely BREATHING.
Feel good?
So what's the point? Endless blame?
And what's the priority? More blame? Maybe dozens of billion-dollar studies?
How much money is all that BLAME GOING TO COST?!
More than UpliftingOrleans, that's a PROMISE.
So, left's fix it together, eh?
Focus our ENERGY on something of higher priority than incessent argueing?
Ya' think?
Maybe --
Maybe we could finish rebuilding New Orleans by the time the 'final-draft' of the 'preliminary-findings' in the 'investigative-studies' of BLAME are finished? Maybe?
Well, I think we should focus ECONOMICS where the priorities are, don't you?
Personally, I'd like to see New Orleans UPLIFTED, and built BETTER than EVER. So, HOW?
Hmmmm ... any ideas? Well, I've got some I'd like to share:
1) - DEFUSSION: weird word, but I just made it up. I want things DE-FUSED!
2) - ECONOMICS: this may sound complicated (previous info applies) but it's not. I want the assets seized -- BY THE USA -- of ALL hate-groups involved in creating the CrossOfShameTerrorGroups (even yours). Loans against the assets will MORE than pay for UpliftingOrleans.
3) - PumpFactory: I want HUGE PUMPS under the city. Really expensive ones. Maybe a SeaWall or some type of BETTER PROTECTION. So, literally a PumpFactory involved. Very Expensive. I want it paid for by importing GOD-Medicine (Marijuana Cigarettes) from all over the world AND TAXED, thus creating a NEW INDUSTRIAL TAX-BASE to build the PUMP FACTORY, protecting BOTH COPS AND CITIZENS with the PROPER EQUIPMENT, while feeding 10-million-mouths on the globe TODAY.
What's YOUR pitiful-blaming REAL answer? See, the above could be done TODAY, while YOU are knitpicking over BlameGames, hammering people to your CrossesOfShame, while REAL PEOPLE SUFFER.
That's YOUR priorities.
NOT IN MY NAME! I nurture while you hammer away on your CrossOfShame, one person after another, then go 'pray' about it. That's the definition of TERRORISM. And I have charged your religion with CrimesAgainstHumanity. Are you aware of that? You may want to get better informed.
MEANWHILE, there's a drowning city. And a drowning ECONOMY -- and you are doing WHAT EXACTLY?
Uh-huh. Just what I figured: NOTHING BUT 'TOO GOOD TO HATE.'
OnTime - RU?
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