MANILA, Intramuros- Workers from the garment factory, Gelmart Industries, alongside with Solidarity of Socialist Filipino Workers (BMP) forcibly occupied the pro-capitalist Labor Department in Intramuros Manila . Workers condemned the anti-worker "Assumption of Jurisdiction" that Secretary Patricia Sto. Tomas had recently declared to ease out the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) deadlock between the union and management.
"The deadlock between the labor union and the Gelmart management was over the amount of wage increase, signing bonus, retirement trust fund and the retroactivity of the benefits in the concluded CBA." said BMP in a press statement. Last July 22, Sec. Sto. Tomas granted a P12 and P14 wage hike for years 2005 and 2006 respectively. The union and the management, meanwhile, wanted a yearly increase of P32.50 and P6 correspondingly. The Labor Department also ordered a P200 signing bonus while the union negotiated for P3,000.
"Assumption of Jurisdiction" powers of the Secretary of Labor infringes the workers' right to strike and has been the immediate cause of violence at the picket lines such as the massacre in Hacienda Luisita .
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Pictures from the DOLE rally (siege)