Dear Colleagues,
We'd like to invite you to write an entry or entries for a new
Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice to be published by Sage
Publications. We need scholars with expertise in several areas, and hope
you will find a topic in an area of your expertise. We have listed the
topics below, but we are open to suggestions if you feel we have left an
important issue out.
There is a modest payment for entries, but, of course, we view this as
primarily a form of progressive scholarship in that Encyclopedia entries
are widely read and help to define social knowledge. If you write entries
totaling over 4,000 words, you will receive a free copy of the
three-volume Encyclopedia. Entries range from 500 words up to 5,000 words,
depending on the significance of the topic or person.
If you are interested in participating in this project, please email us at

write. We will then send you a formal invitation with author guidelines.
Please feel free to forward this list to other relevant scholars who may
not be on this list.
Gary L. Anderson
Kathryn Herr
Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice. (Sage Pub.)
Editors: Gary L. Anderson and Kathryn Herr
List of Entries:
Anchor essays about 5,000 words (20 double spaced pages) Long entries
about 2,500 words (10 double spaced pages) Medium entries about 2,000
words (8 double spaced pages) Short entries about 1,500 words (6 double
spaced pages) Brief entries about 500 words (2 double spaced pages)
Deadlines: First drafts due by the end of February, 2006. Drafts that
require revision will be returned to authors by May, 2006. Final drafts
are due by August 1, 2006
For an alphabetized list of entries with assigned lengths, go to, click on "login" (upper right corner). Use "guest"
for ID and Password. (We've added some topics not on the list below).
Activism and Social Justice
Social/political Activism (definition, history); Social justice (theories
of); Social movements (sociology of), Strategies, direct action, Tactical
frivolity, advocacy, coalition building, Activists and Activism: Africa;
South/Southeast Asia; Europe; North America; Latin America and West
Indies; Former Soviet Union; Australia/New Zealand (Select a region).
Literature: Literature and activism, PEN International, Beat poets, Allen
Ginsberg, Lorraine Hansberry, Arthur Miller, June Jordan, Audre Lorde,
George Orwell, Adrienne Rich, Upton, Sinclair, Henry David Thoreau, Gore
Vidal, Alice Walker, Walt Whitman, Emile Zola, Charles Dickens, Langston
Hughes, D.H. Lawrence, Toni Morrison, Wilfred Owen, Pablo Neruda, Gabriel
Garcia Marquez, Julio Cortazar, Roque Dalton, Ariel Dorfman, Ayn Rand,
Carolyn Forche, Norman Mailer, Marge Piercy, Nazim Hikmet, Salmon
Music: Music and activism and social justice, Black Freedom Songs, Hip
hop, Protest music, Nova trova, rock �n� roll, union songs, jazz,
Marion Anderson, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, woody Guthrie, John Lennon, Bob
Marley, Paul Robeson, Bessie Smith, Victor Jara,
Performing Arts: Bread and Puppet Theater, Guerilla theater, Dance,
Performance art, Theater of the oppressed, films/movies, Hollywood Black
list, Jane Fonda, Susan Sarandon, John Sayles, Ken Loach, Spike Lee,
Michael Moore, Anne Devere Smith, Bertolt Brecht, Political humorists,
Political speeches, Jackson Browne, Augusto Boal, Frederick Wiseman,
Visual Arts: Art and activism, Architecture, mural art, Guernica, AIDS
Memorial Quilt, Pablo Picasso, Kathe Kollowitz, Diego Rivera, Freida
Kahlo, Poster art, Outsider art, photography, documentaries, Graffiti Art,
Guerilla girls,
Criticism: Terry Eagleton, George Lucacs, Susan Sontag, deconstruction,
Gayatri Spivak,
Cultural Studies, Popular Culture
Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (Birmingham), Identity politics,
multiculturalism, new social movements, difference, cultural politics,
Other (the), performativity, popular culture, postmodernism, post-colonial
theory, resistance, semiotic warfare, Situationist International (Debord),
subaltern, white privilege/studies, Michel De Certeau, Paul Gilroy, Paul
Willis, Dunayevskaya, Raya, Enrique Dussel, Ignacio Ellacuria, Stuart
Hall, Lenny Bruce, moral panic
Consumer Movements:
Consumer movements, Ralph Nader, Boycotts/divestment, Fair Trade,
Anti-Walmart movenment, Anti-privatization movement
Brown v. Board of Education, Algebra Project, critical pedagogy,
disability rights movement, Highlander Center, Progressive Movement,
George Counts, John Dewey, peace education, anti-racist teaching, Lau
decision, Oceanside-Brownsville Teachers� Strike, Participatory Action
Research, Youth organizing/activism, Student activism, counter-recruiting
in schools
Environmental movement, aimal liberation, Earth Charter, Earth Day,
Earthfirst, Eco-feminism, Green Party, Greenpeace,
Counterculture/�Hippie� movement, Rainforest Action Network, Sierra
Club, Wilderness Preservation Act, Helen Caldacott, Rachel Carson, Lois
Gibbs (Love Canal), Chico Mendez, Karen Silkwood, Environmental racism,
Sustainable living/voluntary simplicity, wilderness Preservation Act,
Vegetarianism, alternative health, Earth Summit, Wangari Maathai, Francis
Moore Lappe, organic farming/agribusiness, Homeopathy Movement,
1870-present, Solar energy movement, anti-SUV activism, climate change,
Anti-colonial Movements: anti-colonial movements in Africa; anti-colonial
movements in North, Central, and South America; anti-colonial movements in
East and South Asia; anti-colonial movements in the Middle East.
Globalization/Anti-Globalization: Anti-globalization movement, �Battle
of Seattle�Anti-imperialism, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
World Social Forum, National Liberation Movements, War tax resistance,
glocalization, OPEC, rebellions/uprisings, urban space (politics of),
world systems Analysis, Vandana Shiva, anti-sweatshop movement, Witness
for Peace, Roy Arundhati, immigration, urban guerrilla movements,
anti-corporate movements, debt relief movement, Global Exchange,
separatist movements,
Labor/socialism/communism/social class:
AFL-CIO, Union movements, class struggle, Communism, Communist Manifesto,
Communist Party, Democratic Socialism, International Workers of the world
(IWW), Knights of Labor, Ladies Garment Workers Union, Ludlow Massacre,
May Day, Palmer raids, United Auto Workers, United Farm Workers, United
Mine Workers, United Steel Workers, Eugene Debs, Emma Goldman, Samuel
Gompers, Michael Harrington, Tom Hayden, Alice Henry (Women�s trade
union), Mother Jones (Mary Harris), Helen Keller, John L. Lewis, Rosa
Luxemburg, William Morris, Robert Owen, E.P. Thompson, Norman Thomas,
Daniel DeLeon, PATCO strike, Hormel Strike, UPS strike, wildcat strikes,
Legal and Judicial System/Human/Civil rights:
Affirmative Action, Amnesty International, Anti-ballistic missile treaty,
Bill of Rights, Child labor, Civil Rights Act, Doctors without borders,
Draft Resistance, Human rights, Human Rights watch, International Campaign
to Ban Land Mines, Kyoto Accords, Red Cross, Save the Children, Southern
Poverty Law Center, Triangle Factory Fire, UNESCO, United Nations, World
Court, Gunnar Myrdal, Earl Warren, Oxfam, Anti-Death Penalty movement,
Taxation and activism, Universal Declaration of Human rights, Voting
rights, Thich Nhat Nanh, Jody Williams, UNICEF, conscientious objectors to
war, ACLU, War Resisters� League, Drug Laws (resistance), William
Kunstler, Physicians for Social Respnsibility
Media and Communications:
Media activism, Adbusters, Culture jammers, Indymedia (Independent Media
Center),, Pacifica Radio, Community Radio/television, polling,
think tanks, John Reed, Air America, Amy Goodman, Action for Children�s
Television, Alternative Press, dissent (magazine), electronic democracy
(Open source movemet), FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in reporting),
Hacktivism, The Nation (magazine), Marshall McLuhan, Studs Terkel,
Electronic Privacy Movement, zines, alternet, guerilla television,
appropriate technology movement,
Political and Social Movements (North America):
Abraham Lincolm Brigade, Community Organizing, ACORN, American revolution,
American Student movement, anti-nuclear movement, anti-Vietnam war
movement, Attica uprising, ballot initiatives, Central Intelligence Agency
(exposes), Chataqua, Communist Party USA, Community Action Program,
Dixiecrat movement, Eugenics movement, Federal Housing Administration
(FDA), Gangs (political potential, Young Lords, etc.), GI Bill, Great
Society, Haymarket massacre, Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), Military
Industrial Complex, New Deal, non-partisan league, Peace Corps, VISTA,
Police Brutality (resistance), Students for a Democratic Society (SDS),
Tennessee Valley Authority, Third Party politics, Veterans for Peace,
Weather Underground, Welfare State, Saul Alinsky, John Brown, William
Jennings Bryant, Jimmie Carter, Ramsey Clark, Jacob Coxey, Benjamin
Franklin, Henry George, Abbie Hoffman, Miles Horton, Lyndon Johnson,
Thomas Jefferson, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, George
McGovern, Robert LaFollette, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Paine, Franklin
Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Sacco and Vanzetti, Mario Savio, Benjamin
Spock, George Washington, Howard Zinn, Catsonville nine, Sanctuary
movement, Vietnam War Opposition, talk radio, men�s movement
(masculinities), High School student movements, Common Cause, Grey
Panthers, Gun politics, Living Wage Movement, National Rifle Association,
Professional Activist Organizations (Physicians, educators, lawyers,
etc.), Reclaim the Streets, Triangle Factory Fire, Jane Fonda, United for
a Fair Economy, Public citizen, Prison-Industrial Complex, Agrarian
Socialist movement, (1890s-1920s), anti-ROTC movement, New Harmony
Movement, Dave Dellinger,
Abolitionist movement, Black Nationalism, Black Panther Party, Black
Power, Civil Rights Movement, Critical Race Theory, desegregation,
Montgomery bus boycott, Emancipation Proclamation, Kwanza, NAACP, Student
non-violent coordinating committee, Southern Christian Leadership Council,
Urban League, White Flight, Hank Aaron, Ralph Abernathy, Mumia Abu Jamal,
Mohammad Ali, Ella Baker, James Baldwin, Amiri Baraka, Julian Bond, H. Rap
Brown, Stokely Carmichael, Shirley Chisolm, Angela Davis, Frederick
Douglass, W.E.B.
Dubois, Medgar Evers, Marcus Garvey, Bell Hooks, Barbara Jordan, Coretta
Scott King, Martin Luther King, George McGovern, Robert Moses, Thurgood
Marshall, Huey Newton, Rosa Parks, Phillip Randolph, Hiram Revels (first
Black senator, 1870), Jackie Robinson, Bobby Seale, Sojourner Truth,
Harriett Tubman, Nat Turner, Fannie Lou Hamer, Freedom rides, 1961, Cornel
West, Roy Wilkins, Carter Woodson, Malcolm X, Million Man March, Al
Sharpton, Reparations, Underground Railroad, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse
Jackson, anti lynching movement, Brotherhood of sleeping car Porters,
Ozzie Davis, Jean-Miche Basquait, Ronald Dellums,
AAUW, Abortion (anti and pro abortion movements), anti-pornography
campaign, Equal Rights Amendment, National Organization of Women, Roe V.
Wade, Women�s Christian Temperance Movement, Women�s International
League for Peace and Freedom, Suffrage Movement, Susan B. Anthony, Mary
Follett Parker, Betty Friedan, Matilda Joslyn Gage, Carrie Nation,
Jeanette Rankin, Margaret Sanger, Gloria Steinham, Andrea Dworkin, Myra
and David Sadker Feminist Majority, Socialist Feminism, Take Back the
Night, Judith Butler, Nancy Fraser, Bella Abzug, Women Strike for Peace,
Women�s Cooperative Housekeeping Movement
LGBT movement, Act Up, Gay liberation front, National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force (NGLTF), Stonewall Rebellion, Harvey Milk, PFLAG, Queer Theory,
American Indian:
Alcatraz, American Indian Movement, Trail of Tears, Wounded Knee,
Geronimo, Leonard Peltier, Dennis Banks, Indian mascot protests,
Indigenous people and environmentalism.
Bilingual education, Chicano movement, Dolores Huerta, Treaty of
Guadalupe, farmworkers movement. LULAC, MALDEF, Martin Sheen, grape
boycotts, Tijerina Reies,
Japanese Internment Camps,
Political and Social Movements (Latin America):
EZLN (Zapatista Movement), Landless Peasant Movement (Brazil), Mexican
Revolution, Partido dos Trabalhadores (Brazilian Workers Party), Salvador
Allende, Simon Bolivar, Albizu Campos, Lazaro Cardenas, Fidel Castro, Hugo
Chavez, Camilo Cienfuegos, Paulo Freire, Che Guevara, Benito Juarez,
Orlando Letelier, Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva, Jose Marti, Comandante
Marcos, Oscar Romero, Emiliano Zapata, San Martin, Pancho Villa, Adolfo
Perez Esquivel, Dom Helder Camara, Haiti, fall of Duvalier, 1985-1986,
testimonio (political autobiography), Las Madres de La Plaza de Mayo,
Mexican Student Movement (1968), Tupac Amaru, Jacobo Arbenz, Rigoberta
Menchu, Manuel Rodriguez, Augosto Sandino, Camilo Torres, Oscar Arias,
Mercedes Sosa, Trova Cubana, Violeta Parra, Sor Juana (Inez de la cruz),
Michael Manley, Toussaint L�Ouverture, La Moncada,
Political and Social Movements (Europe):
Anarchism, Elizabethan Poor Law, ETA (Basque Separatist Movement), Fabian
Socialism, French Revolution, Irish Republican Army (IRA), May Revolution,
France (1968), Nobel Peace prize, Popular Front, Holocaust (resistance),
Warsaw Jewish Uprising, Joan of Arc, Charles Darwin, Milovan Djilas, Anne
Frank, Berlin Wall Destruction, Lech Walesa, Alexander Dubcek, Vaclav
Havel, Solidarity (Poland), Nazism, civilian resistance, 1939-1945,
Serbian action to end the rule of Milosovic, 2000, Miguel Hernandez
(Spanish poet), Bernadette Devlin, Bobby Sands
Political and Social Movements (Africa):
Anti-Apartheid movement, Stephen Biko, Franz Fanon, Nelson Mandela, Ken
Saro-Wiwa, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Soweto Uprising, 1976, Dennis Brutus,
African National Congress
Political and Social Movements (Asia/South Asia/Australia/New Zealand):
Kmer Rouge, Maoism, Mohatma Ghandi, Dalai Lama, Ho Chi Minh, MaoTse Tung,
Corazon Aquino, Jawaharlal Nehru, East Timor, resistance to Indonesian
occupation, Philippines People power revolution, 1988, Tiananmen Square,
Chinese Pro-Democracy movement, Beijing, Maori Movement, 1870-1900,
Narmada Dam Movement (India), Medha Patkar, Aung San Suu Kyi, Tibet
Resistance, Untouchables movement,
Political and Social Movements (Former Soviet Union):
Bolsheviks, Russian Revolution, Soviet dissidents, Trotskyism, Mikhail
Gorbachev, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Czech resistance to Soviet invasion,
1968, Afganistan resistance to Soviet invasion
Political and Social Movements (Middle East):
Hamas, OPEC, Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Palestine National
Council, Yassir Arafat, Israeli Peace Movement, Armenian genocide, Jihad,
Intifada, Palestinian Uprising 1987-1990, Golan Heights Druze resistance,
1981-1982, Iranian Revolution of 1979. Shirin Ebadi, Yitzhak Rabin, Rachel
Political Philosophy/ethics:
Civil disobedience, democracy, false consciousness, Frankfort School of
Critical theory, Ideology, Independence/anti-colonial movements, Income
inequality, liberalism, lobbyism, Marxist theory, Neoconservatism,
neo-liberalism, New Left, non-violence, Old Left, populism, private
property, privatization, psychoanalysis, Socialism, Social Justice,
theories of, social movements, sociology of, Social Democracy, Utopian
Communities, Violence (theories of), Hannah Arendt, Perre Bourdieu, Noam
Chomsky, Friedrich Engels, Michel Foucault, Antonio Gramsci, John Keynes,
Herbert Marcuse, John Stuart Mill, C.Wright Mills, John Rawls, Wilhelm
Reich, Jean-Jacque Rousseau, Edward Said, Jean-Paul Sartre, Adam Smith,
Socrates, Plato, Max Weber, Libertarians, citizenship, civil society,
communitarianism, Just War Theory, Power (theories of), Praxis, Public
Sphere, Ernesto Laclau, Chantel Mouffe, Alain Locke, Plato,
Religious Movements
Religious Activism, Kibutzim, Protestantism, Rastafarians, Zionism,
Berrigan Brothers, Jesus Christ, William Sloane Coffin, Father Charles
Coughlin, Dorothy Day, Father Devine, Martin Luther, Mohammad, Thomas
Merton, Jim Wallis, Spirituality and peacemaking, liberation theology,
Black Theology, anti-cult movements, Father Boyes (gangs),
Right wing/conservative movements:
anti-busing movement, anti-immigrant politics, John Birch Society,
McCarthyism, George Wallace,
Social Work/Welfare rights:
Food Stamp Act, Job Core, low-income housing, poor people�s campaign,
Jane Addams, Barbara Ehrenreich, Welfare Rights Movement, Bertha Capen
Reynolds, Mobilization for Youth, Children�s Defense Fund, Marion Wright
Edelman, Hull House, Cloward (Richard) and Piven (Frances Fox), Henry
Street Settlement House, Lillian Wald, Homeless activism, Legal services
Gary L. Anderson
Department of Admin, Leadership, and Tech.
The Steinhardt School of Education
New York University
East Bulding, Suite 300
239 Greene Street
New York, NY 10003-6674

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