Imagine a general ordering a war crime. He has his 'universal soldiers' lay waste to whole villages of undesirables. Raping, pillaging, bayoneting babies the good old fashioned way; but this time with a difference. We can erase your memories. No longer will you be tormented by the ghosts of the past. In fact maybe we can reuse you over and over again. YES, and this time, we will have no witnesses able to testify to any 'crimes against humanity'. Even if they do recover some memory, we can say it was false because of the effects of the drug. BRILLIANT!
Of course why limit it to troops. PTSD is going to be the wave of the future with all these terrorist attacks. Surviving witness like Mr. Lait can be eliminated chemically so that they won't remember fine details like there was no bomber and no bag where the explosion occurred on the Aldgate train. Never mind remembering that nasty hole in the floor that showed the force coming from underneath the carriage. The 'hole' goes down the 'memory hole'.
Of course in Tony Blair's world resistance will be futile because in the new Mental Health Act treatment will be mandatory. Of course anyone who disagrees with the government must be MAD right. Remember when you gave up your right to bear arms? You may live to regret what your ancestors thought was self evident.
Beta-blockers 'blot out memories'

Scientists solve mystery of long-term memory formation

Using a three-dimensional virtual world to cure patient's fears

(Or reprogram their minds?)
Heart Drugs Could Ease Trauma Memories

Press Release
Royal College of Psychiatrists disappointed at Government's response to the Joint Committee report on the draft Mental Health Bill
Dr Tony Zigmond, vice-president, said, "It is sad that Government still fails to understand that it is unethical to force treatment on people who are well enough to make their treatment decisions. It is a bad law when it requires doctors and nurses to detain people in hospital, even if the patient cannot be treated."


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