This video shows the reality and horror of war and should only be viewed by a mature audience.
From Information Clearing House.
Killing can never be the way forward.
However the people of the UK must be told the truth of the "war on terror" conducted in their name by their goverment.
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Gripping piece of video
04.08.2005 22:20
Rufus McTaggert
05.08.2005 18:45
Thought Police
some mothers son
06.08.2005 20:53
Only me has the right to be proud of you my son him he keeps me safe and lives and dies
face down in the sand beneath a rising sun
friendly fire, battle dropped, suicide bomber with tape at his waist,
kid with rifle each mother feels the pride in their son
face down in the sand beneath a midday sun
die from the unseen enemy, in tanks, in planes, in buildings , in tents
each mother feel the pride in their son
face down in the sand beneath the setting sun
what cause is worth dying for my son for what would I have you lay down your life
To protect your child
I surely would and so you beg in a queue for food.
To save your soil from invasion of others who are not us
I surely would to give life to country could be good,
To make the world better
I surely would have you lay down your life to die for a cause could be noble
To remain a free man
I surely would don’t die on your knees but where you stood
to die for saddam, or bush or blair,
that is something I do not even dare
To think about, they play they games in each others minds
and act like the rest of the world is blind to their crimes
and their sins and the blood on their hands for their childish behaviour
sons lie in the sand face down in the dark of night
For what did you die child of mine face down in the sand
is the world richer to the extent that I am poorer
or has your life been in vain part of a new world order that I fail to understand
a power struggle between man and man
is it for oil or profit or pride
did you die saving comrades
did your passing leave a space to equal the dead space in my heart
you know where we will met again my child
from our culture and our life
till that time I send you love
and keep your memory alight