INDONESIA: A 'prisoner' has allegedly told Indonesian police that OSAMA bin Laden, sent a bundle of 'Australian dollars' to fund last year's bombing of the Australian embassy in Jakarta, but OSAMA gets blamed for everything!
And would you really believe the source? Well over at the Un-Australian they would, they'd even make it front page news. Really?
A prisoner convicted of masterminding a bombing who's most likely going to get something very special for being a good stool pigeon, either that or they're twisting his arm.
Just one example of bin Laden propaganda, when it suits the machine an no doubt they'll be jumping on the bandwagon this afternoon to get all the housewives frightened at home at
NSW Prisoners linked to Bin Laden: Ten News

So I don't believe it! Of course they were Australian dollars, that's because Australia is behind the allegation, no doubt!
Yes my friends, just another way to place fear in 'some' Australians, without actually blowing something or someone up over here, where incidentally, there has never been a reported terrorist bombing!
Bin Laden The Afghanistan Ace of Spades!
This propaganda is reported time and time again to aid the build up of the Australian War Machine and the American Military Industrial Complex (AMIC) in the illegal and degrading imperialism in the Afghan region, in the hope that it will legitimise the killing of innocent civilians caught up in the war.
But we haven't heard from 'where's he bin' bin Laden for so long and now the war has started in Afghanistan it's time to retrieve the draw card again and headlines to excuse bloody war on innocent civilians and indigenous Afghans.
Yes my friends, there are bombers in our midst and the Un-Australian terror cell does exist, offering us their valuable spin to encourage us to turn a blind eye to lies, to the war and the blatant attacks on our civil liberties.
Rois, who also goes under the name of Iwan Dharmawan, allegedly told police under interrogation that a courier had delivered the cash to Malaysian master bomber Azahari bin Husin and it came directly from bin Laden.
But don't you just love it how prisoners are believed when the authorities want to believe them yet if a prisoner pleaded innocent they'd never believe them, ever, unless they were proven innocent beyond a reasonable doubt! So is this a sudden change in philosophy in the war on justice, human rights and liberty.
Allegedly, Rois said Australia had been chosen as a target for the bombing because of its support for the US in Iraq, according to a transcript of his police interview seen by the Un -Australian.
And because it was seen by the Un-Australian you got to believe it right? Wrong!
Did the Un-Australian see how the information was gathered? Before it became a transcript of an alleged interview? And what has that got to do with the initial claim that bin Laden paid in Australian dollars? The mind boggles.
Here we go now!
The Un-Australian: "As the right-hand man of Azahari and co-conspirator Noordin Mohammed Top, Rois was in charge of logistics and regularly discussed operations and planning with his two militant superiors."
GKCNN: Did he?
The Un-Australian: "His claim is 'significant' because it 'indicates' bin Laden maintained direct contact with Indonesian operatives after the 2003 arrest of Hambali, the linkman between al-Qa'ida and Indonesia's extremist Jemaah Islamiah network."
GKCNN: Notice they used all the "keywords" "bin Laden", "Hambali" the link-man, "al-Qai'ida" and "JI" even though most Indonesians don't even believe there is any extremist group called JI and they can't catch bin Laden but instead went to war on Iraq!
So if the information is false and misleading and gained from a prisoner who is likely to have been coerced then what is this story even about?
Please explain! Try showing us the Australian money!
The Un-Australian: "Rois was caught by police in West Java last November, two months after the truck bombing at the embassy killed the suicide bomber and 10 innocent people, and wounded scores of others."
"What I know, from what was said to me by Dr Azahari when we were still in the rented house in Purwakarta, the bombing cost as much as $10,000, which Dr Azahari said would convert to around 50million to 60million rupiah," Rois told police in an official interview on November 10 last year."
GKCNN: But Rois did not tell police the Un-Australian told us that Rois told police and if the Indonesian police told us that Rois told police, are they also telling us we should trust the Indonesian police and make up our mind about the rest?
Just like you'd trust an Australian policeman? Not even in the witness box giving some type of evidence on oath?
Well it wasn't really an official interview examined or given in a court of law but and official propaganda address by the official Indonesian police.
So really what does that mean? It was officially obtained by coercion or it was officially made up? Or perhaps it was official because no one else witnessed it but officials?
The Un-Australian: "According to Dr Azahari's explanation to me at the time, the funds came from Osama bin Laden, and they were sent by a courier, but he didn't say the name, or when he received it." ?
The reason for attacking Australia, Rois said, was because it was a US ally.
"The intention to bomb the Australian embassy was because the Australian Government is the American lackey most active in supporting American policies to slaughter Muslims in Iraq. It had the aim of preventing Australia again leaning on Muslims, especially in Iraq," he said.
GKCNN: Well not many people would disagree with the statement, "because the Australian Government is the American lackey most active in supporting American policies to slaughter Muslims in Iraq", and that is why it accompanies the other lies because these reporters know what they are doing.
Allot of the truth and a big lie in between to make up for the lie so people will believe it but what I'm saying is if you take it from the start you really have to confirm the first part of the second part in order to agree with the whole part.
What is sadly lacking here is whether this information was given on oath or a true testimony and even then it would be difficult to believe without any other evidence!
In short not many people would believe the Indonesian police ever, so why is an Un-Australian Newspaper so willing along-side the Australian authorities, without ever being shown real proof, from a person that could be believed or without even hearing such evidence given in a court of law on oath?
The Un-Australian: "The police dossier on Rois provided the foundation of the prosecution's case against the militant, who is now standing trial on terrorism charges."
GKCNN: Then perhaps we should wait for the hearing?
The Un-Australian: "With transcripts of four 'official interrogations' conducted with Rois between November and February, the dossier lays out the planning for the bombing on September 9 in central Jakarta."
GKCNN: But it doesn't attest to any coercion?
Repeated for you mind-set but did he tell police? Did he give this evidence on oath? If he's a criminal then how can he be believed while still awaiting trial?
The Un-Australian: "Rois, a 30-year-old trader from West Java, told police the plan to attack the Australian embassy was the brainchild of Top, and he also revealed that Azahari and Top planned further attacks in Jakarta.
Asia's most-wanted men have successfully eluded police since the 2002 Bali bombings.
GKCNN: Including bin Laden!
The Un-Australian: "Azahari and Top had about 50kg of TNT stashed somewhere, Rois said, adding that after the bombings he was told by Top not to leave West Java. "Because, God willing, we still had other targets in Jakarta," Rois quoted Top as saying. The order followed the militants' disappointment with the embassy attack -- only 10 innocent people dead, all Indonesians and, they suspected, mostly Muslims.
Rois said the attack plan was for the suicide bomber Heri Golun to drive the truck through the embassy gates as they opened to let a vehicle out or, alternatively, to crash through them. Yet Golun, who was a novice driver, detonated the truck metres before the gates."
GKCNN: Keyword Abu Bakar Bashir?
The Un-Australian: "In late September, more than a fortnight after the embassy bombing, Top ordered two of the attack operatives, Jabir and Abdul Fatah, to an area in Java. Rois added: "I found out later they went to the Ngruki school in Solo." The order was yet another loop of evidence linking extremist cleric Abu Bakar Bashir's notorious Ngruki school to the spate of terrorist bombings that has shaken Indonesia in recent years. The alma mater of dozens of militants accused and convicted of terrorism, Ngruki has yet to be shut down by Jakarta.
A senior Australian government security expert said yesterday that it was possible that al-Qa'ida had funded the Jakarta embassy bombing but there had been no intelligence that proved the claim. "You would keep an open mind about it. It is certainly possible," he said. The expert judged it unlikely that Rois would have known if any money had been transferred directly from bin Laden to Azahari and Top."
GKCNN: Who might the senior Australian government security expert be? mick keelty? "The expert judged", so we are to be more likely to believe the 'expert' but we don't even know if he/she is credible or if he/she is part of the propaganda or if he/she is actually an expert?
So my point is before you tell us about an expert's opinion show us the money? What are the expert's credentials? Not a bad question if you're going to quote and 'expert' opinion.
The Un-Australian: "With his trial now under way in South Jakarta District Court, Rois faces stiff terrorism charges, and the prosecutors could even recommend that the three judges sentence him to death. He managed the logistics of the attack."
GKCNN: He could also recommend that he give the evidence purported by the Un-Australian today instead of hearing it third, or fourth hand?
The Un-Australian: "Expected to testify in his own defence tomorrow, Rois has denied he was a member of JI. He helped with the embassy blast because he had been inspired by the master-bombers. "I joined Noordin Top and Dr Azahari because Mr Top always motivated me about jihad," he said."
GKCNN: I'm still wondering then why the Un-Australian didn't wait until tomorrow? And who inspired Noordin Top and Dr Azahari? Wouldn't be the American Miltary Industrial Complex by any chance?
The Un-Australian: "Rois also told police his bosses, Azahari and Top, had confirmed they took part in planning the 2002 Bali blasts, which killed 202 people including 88 Australians, and the bombing at Jakarta's Marriott hotel in 2003, which killed 12."
GKCNN: Oh! Great finish only to be commended? It sounds like the Un-Australian finds him guilty before his trial and they even gave his evidence for him?
Perhaps the Un-Australian should stand trial, seems like they know more than the accused?
All the wicked witches in Pakistan?
"Everybody has a right to get knowledge," said Abdul Samad of Britain, one of about 100 foreigners enrolled in Karachi.