From Merritt Clifton’s email
(regarding Belgrade Zoo story)
I would point out that the message
of a campaign about the zoo could either be,
"Don't visit the zoo because it is cruel to
Animals," or
"Come see what we need to fix at
the Zoo, and help us do it. The Animals are
counting on your help."
Belgrade Zoo was made in year 1936. and it’s the one of the oldest Zoos in Europe, its located on 6 hectares of rocky fortress. This Zoo has approximately 2.000 animals with about 200 species. (more than 7 bears, 2-3 tigers, 2-3 lions, 2 jaguars… elephants, many monkeys, more than 10 wolfs…reptiles…lots of birds… lots of big animals in very small cages…) Animals in this Zoo look so distressed, they do not have enough space, they also show signs of ‘stereotypic behavior’, abnormal behavior that has resulted from years of deprivation (Pacing, Head-bobbing, Neck-twisting, Bar-biting / sucking, Tongue-playing, Coprophagia, Over-grooming, Self-mutilation or abuse – tail biting, leg chewing, head bashing, Circling etc…)
Serbian authorities and some Serbs have nothing but praise for the “Director” of the zoo because he has restored the park. However he has done nothing for the animals and is known to have a strong connection with the “Serbian Hunting Lobby”
For more information, please click the link below

Please sign the petition below. Just click the link below

Please feel free to send a note to Serbian authorities
Office of Prime Minister VOJISLAV KOSTUNICA

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

Serbian Minister of Science and Environmental Protection

Embassy of Serbia and Montenegro
UK London
Ambassador - Dr Dragiša Burzan

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