I had a chance to catch the Sunday talk shows and it just solidified my fears. The fanatical Israelis who run the media will be playing up the evil brown man fear on an hourly basis. Add in Fox News and their Israeli terrorism experts instilling more fear and we will be undergoing a microscope for some time to come.
Charles Krautheimmer(Rabid ISraeli who run the Neocon agenda) was given the last word on Fox News Sunday with Brit Hume. The liar got on TV and said this terror attack had nothing to do with Iraq. Then Jewish AMericans wonder why people think they are manipulating liars. If this terror attack was about Israel or Iraq, it would force a review of Israel and the Iraq war that Jewish Americans promoted and they dont want Americans to start asking that question. So they get on TV and manipulate everyone.
The Israel firsters who run Washington and the media have absolutely no intention of leaving Iraq. It would leave Israel in worse shape than when Saddam was in power and since one of the reasons for going to IRaq was to secure ISrael, the chances of leaving Iraq is Nil at this point. So the longer this war goes on, the more terror attacks there will be and the more Hindus and anyone that can pass for Muslim will be completely alienated from America. Get on a train as a Hindu carrying a bag and see who everyone is looking at, they aint looking at the black muslim, that white muslim.....they are looking at YOU.
Like most of you, I try and not travel outside for a few weeks after one of these attacks. I dont even engage in photography anymore which used to be a favorite hobby for fear I will get some FBI agent called on me and then lose my temper and end up in some jailcell. I do what I can to avoid any attention. I got rid of a convertible because of people yelling "Osama" at me. Had no idea Osama was a Hindu.
We are the collateral damage for Jewish Americans and their media/Washington control. When it comes to Israel or Americans, they will side with Israel. That is why the Sunday morning shows did their best NOT to mention that perhaps this terror attack was due to the Iraq war that Jewish AMericans pushed or Israel's actions towards the Palestinians.
They avoided that topic completely. It is my belief that the London attack was done because England backed a bogus war against Iraq that was formulated by Jewish Americans via their Washington and Media control. That is why it happened. Yet not a single media outlet has the courage or honesty to even put that on the table.
Instead what they presented was that the Brown skinned middle eastern looking male has a genetically incoded predisposition to engage in terror.
If you watch the Jewish media you would think that the so-called coalition hasnt killed a single innocent person in Iraq. Whether they are purposely targeted or not is irrelevent. I dont think that father who lost his baby in a bombing run gives a shit whether that f-16 hurling a bomb into his neighborhood was targeting his son or not. That is the biggest crime of American Jews. The same American Jews who provide daily holocaust coverage on the Discovery Channel. The hiding and double standard to keep up this evil agenda of engaging America into what may turn into 4 wars in the middle east is the real problem.
Therein lies the problem. THe Arab press isnt filtering the news like we are filtered. They are telling their citizens, in a biased manner of course, who promoted this war, they are showing the pictures, they are showing the human cost in Iraq. Something Shapiro, Fineman and the other Jews who run our media are unwilling to do.
The coverage of London compared to Iraq is astounding. It is as if tens of thousands killed in Iraq, even the children are worthless. This, keep in mind is the Jewish media that supposedly is so humanistic due to their holocaust experience.
Maybe someone out there who isnt affiliated with Jews, should conduct a poll of muslims and see what the fucking problem is. I know where it would lead and unfortunately that is why polls arent done on them OR published for Americans to read. Instead the Jewish media rolls out the Daniel Pipes(Jew) and David Horowitzs to tell America why Muslims will kill.
Its time to end this Iraq War and cutoff aid to ISrael before this shit gets out of hand. These Jews in Washington are trying to disarm Iran while they themselves have nukes. One of many double standards. Double standards that are concrete. Maybe that contributes to terrorism? Maybe when governments in the West, namely paid off politicians do the work of Israel results in terrorism? Someone in the media should bravely ask these questions.
Brace yourself Hindus, when Al Quiada attacks America again and they will, we will undergo another round of mistaken identity and get killed for it and there won't be any Jews with cameras in the media telling America to stop, they will egg it on because it is what they truly want. If a few Hindus are attacked, its all fine with them, they don't give a shit as long as Muslims are getting attacked.
I for one dont really give a shit about muslims and frankly, there are other ways of proving a point besides bombing civilians, But that is the stupidity of the muslim religion. The Israeli extremist runs AMerica and the West via their media control and lobbying and the Muslim extremist runs their own media. The rest of us are caught in the middle of this fucking stupidty because of it.
If the FBI wants to start clearing out the fanatical rabid Jews and Muslims in AMerica threatening to destroy this country with their fucking fanatical agendas, they should hire Hindus.....no one is more furious about these two groups than us. We are the biggest collateral damage in the war between these two groups and their fucking sick agendas that are killing innocents both in Iraq and the West.