The BBC discussion was on the issue of allowing G8 protests.
The BBC discussion was on the issue of allowing G8 protests.
The police doesn't have a choice but to allow our protest. As caring people we don't have a choice but to be here and protest. We don't seem to either have a choice who hijacks our represnetation in the media, whether violent protestors (mainly angry young men), or the governement with questionable policing strategies.
Additionally each group is using each other as an excuse for whatever they are doing!
Why is there so much police up here using powers created to fight terrorism? Why did they decide to focus on us, not on terrorists?
Please keep in mind that it is the policies of the G8 and it's impacts on the world politics and economy that triggers and excelerates this
dynamic of violence. The G8 are not a legitimate decision making body. They are not democratic. They are eight leaders of powerful countries, imposing themselves on every other country. Any true democrat can not accept that status quo.
We shouldn't even expect the G8 to come up with justice (not charity anyway) for Africa.
We should be talking about a democratic replacement for the G8.
If anyone does that at this time its us protestors, campaigners and our supporters.