well they finally attacked london...the timing is alsmost too perfect it almost seems surreal...attempting to wipe the smile off the smug war criminal political liar blair's face...just one day after london got the olympics...its as if the IOC decision and now this terror attack will take the minds of the G8 leaders focus away from africa and climate change(or give them an excuse to).i for one did not want london to get the olympics...these events only end up being a burden to ordinary tax payers for years to come.they wasted money billions on the "dome" now they will do the same on an even bigger scale with the 2012 olympics...and one day afer the IOC granted the games to the capital city they show they cannot prevent a major terror attack...and would id cards have stopped this....NO.these terror attacks are as sensless as they are despicable...but once again we will see our political leaders use them to control us and restrict our freedom.
it really is a mad fcked up world.i don't have any answers only to say that while ever there are glaring injustices left unattended to people in those oppressed parts of the world will carry out desperate acts of the nature we see in london today.
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When will they learn...
07.07.2005 11:19
It's time that we got a voice and they made this life worth living.
In solidarity, we will never surrender, we will always fight.
London 'Terror' attacks
07.07.2005 11:28
The real cynic would say that Bush & his cronies staged it to take focus away from G8 issues & to tighten their reign over ordinary citizens.
I'm not that cynical however, not yet...
These attacks are terrible - I can't condone any action that causes loss of life, be they terrorists, or the actions of multinationals causing harm to people, other human beings..
Maybe the 'West' need to learn how to treat people, to stop ruthless people acting from desparation, or manipulating others to carry out terrorist attacks.. Why would anyone want to bomb a country that helps them & trades fairly.. if there were no 'issues' for these people to latch onto, there would be no terrorism.
I live for hope that we can all learn to just 'live' with each other, whatever our skin, religion, belief etc.
I feel sorrow for those injured & those families who have lost loved ones.
Dave Atkins
Such a perfect democracy...
07.07.2005 11:55