The Carnival for Full Enjoyment - due to burst onto Edinburgh’s streets on Monday at noon - has denounced Army Recruitment Centres as “lie centres” and alleges the army relies on low wages and unemployment to drive young people into their clutches.
A spokeswoman for the carnival, Emma Piercy, said,: “All over the UK army regiments set up glossy stalls on high streets and in jobcentres, often targeting communities which have been ravaged by unemployment and never bothering to mention bloodshed or death. With their misleading propaganda they entice people just out of school, using them as a tool for enforcing the will of politicians and bosses around the world.”
”Gordon Gentle from Pollok, Glasgow was one young unemployed man who fell victim to the disgusting lies of the Army Recruiters. They told him he would travel and learn a trade. He was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq on 28th June 2004. The Carnival for Full Enjoyment is acting in solidarity with the Justice for Gordon Gentle campaign, who have courageously exposed the reality of the Army and of the Iraq war.”
Rose Gentle, Gordon’s mother, said “When Gordon signed up they didn’t mention their war in Iraq. He was lied to just like we all were. He was 19, just starting out. Tony Blair has a lot to answer for. He has children too, but none of them will ever go to Iraq. Think of Gordon before you put your name to any paper. Think before you sign up.”
”This war is wrong, it is an illegal war and nobody should be forced to go and fight it. The troops should have a say and no soldiers should have to go there if they oppose it. And if the army try to punish them for not going, we’ll be there to support them,” promised Rose.
Earlier this year Territorial Army medic George Solomou from London refused to be posted to Iraq. In the USA over 5,500 troops have deserted since the Iraq war started. Figures reveal the number of recruits joining Scotland's six regiments fell sharply last year.
Spokeswoman Emma stated: ”The Carnival for Full Enjoyment is in full solidarity with soldiers who refuse to fight. Monday gives us all a chance to show we won’t tolerate Army slavery.”
The Carnival for Full Enjoyment will start Mon 4 July 12-12.30pm at the West End of Princes St, Edinburgh
The Carnival is acting in solidarity with the Justice for Gordon Gentle Campaign, but the Campaign is not one of the organisers of the Carnival.
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