Basically people there is and has been a cure for cancer and all other diseases for quite some time now 50+ years, however it is only been in recent years that the technology that can cure so much is becoming available. Doctor Royal Rife created a machine that would send an electrical signal through the body with a specific frequency. The frequency destroys the virus or bacteria. In a nutshell this could be compared to the famous footage of the bridge that is in rough weather starts to wobble and ends up swaying violently until it rips itself apart. The same things are happening on the biological level. I am not the best person to go into detail and explain all of this, but if you simply google "Royal Rife" you will find plenty of stuff there that talks of his great gift to the world. The reason we don't see this machine in use today is clear; This machine would kill the cancer industry it would also severly damaage the money for the pharmaceuticals.
The other topic is e=mc2 and the fact that it is a sham in order to stop us from realising the truth; UFO's ARE MAN MADE AND NOT ALIEN. William Lyne is the only author i know of that has exposed this important subject. You can find his books on
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Free energy Devices and related technology will give us the upper hand in fighting the New World Order and the powerful elite.
It might sound mad that i'm saying e=mc2 is rubbish people but i am more inclined to stick with common sense, reason and fact that simply believe it because it is so engrained in our society. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT.
I am interested in forming a group in order to furthur research such free energy devices with an intention on building a demo rig to raise awareness of not only the NWO but also the great possibilities on offer through use of these technologies. I'll give a quick example. If in a different earth we had electropropulsive ships we could go anywhere anytime and it would cost us nothing. Energy is simply created out of thin air. The property market would collapse. As these things are capable of speeds around 300 miles per second you could live ANYWHERE.
I BEG YOU ALL, for the sake of spreading this critically important information read the work of Royal Rife if only just a page to give you the basic idea of its application and also the work of William Lyne a fairly unknown author who has wrote several books, the one that specifically i would recommend would be Occult Ether Physics.
Anyone who would like to know more or who is interested in helping me to form a group as outlined above please get in touch.
People we need to come together on these issues, simply sitting at home is not enough.
Kind regards to all.
I would also recommend the following site for people who are interested in free energy

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05.07.2005 16:34