by Wendy Campbell
June 8, 2005
In the year preceding 911, seeds were planted in my mind which profoundly
changed my thinking about our nation's unique involvement in the Middle
East. One seminal event for me was a conversation between an American,
an Israeli and a Palestinian on KPFA, an alternative radio station in Berkeley, California. The candid conversation which grappled with ideas commonly denied listeners of mainstream news—caused me to actually start to think on my own about the Israel-Palestine conflict. Until then I had not really even thought about it much at all, which I believe has been part of the overall plan of mainstream media: to prevent Americans from thinking deeply, if at all, about the reality of the conflict between the Jewish state of Israel, the Palestinians and US foreign policy in the Middle East.
I began a journey of political discovery.
After much on-going reflection and analytical research, I've come to realize
that the American agenda in the Middle East is at profoundly at odds with true American ideals (contrary to what top politicians say) and laws; and further, that it is dominated by a foreign, race-based ideology called Zionism which, a century ago, declared an Arab-inhabited area (Palestine) to be the future official homeland to all persons in any country of the world born to a Jewish mother.
This declaration, which was capsulized in the infamous Balfour Declaration of 1917, remains the essential core of contemporary Jewish politics and it is the source of a half century of war in the Middle East.
Here's the REALLY bad news: the military power as well as the economic
and political clout of the world's only remaining superpower has been
harnessed to further this Zionist plan. From this ideology directly has come America's ongoing strife in the Middle East. At stake now is nothing less than American sovereignty, our nation's moral stature and global security.
Following 911, initially stunned like everyone else, I wondered what could have caused such a hateful act towards the people of the US. Was it really
just “ our way of life...and our freedoms” as President Bush claimed? I also wondered why our information media spends so much time broadcasting the Israeli perspective over all others.
Since 911, America's reputation has been diminished even more. Polling data reveals that both Israel and America are now considered to be among the most feared and disliked countries in the world. Is everybody wrong?
What has became obvious to me is the overwhelming bias favoring Israel among our political establishment, and that even many people I have spoken to, have parroted the by now familiar saying that “if the US doesn’t help Israel, the Arabs will push the Jews into the sea”.
When I took it upon myself to do some research on Israel’s history, I found that in actuality, it was the Zionist Jews who pushed Palestinians into the sea and into neighboring countries when the Jewish state of Israel was created in 1948. Many Palestinians were murdered in massacres of entire Palestinian villages by Zionist gangs. For more information on this, please read “The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict” written by Jews for Justice in the Middle East at It’s a real eye-opener. There are many other reliable books, websites and documentaries as well about this. And when you think about it, it all makes sense. Perhaps that is why Americans are never encouraged to think “too much” with regards to Israel, Palestine and Zionism. Rather, our attention is directed to the latest sensationalistic scandal such as the Michael Jackson, the Scott Peterson or the Terry Shaivo episodes.
It also started to become obvious that all 'things Jewish' have assumed
a preferred status throughout American culture and media.
Also, with the imposition of Homeland Security dictates, and beneath the banner of “fighting terror” and pledging “security for Israel” as a number one priority, our country's two major political parties have virtually merged in
their commitment to Israel as a Jewish state and to war in the Middle East.
Through indoctrination and systematic omission of alternative political options such as the 'One State' solution Israel-Palestine (a truly secular, democratic state, NOT a racist bi-national state, NOT two states aka official apartheid), mainstream media has aided and abetted this insidious evolution. At the same time, we are not supposed to express criticism of this pre-ordained, forced, arranged marriage between our country and Israel.
Before 911, I had not been consciously aware that there was any such thing as Jewish politics. This is no accident, as I have since found out that one is not supposed to put the word “Jewish ” before the words politics, influence or power. Until 911, I had not understood the full meaning of Zionism. Again, this is no accident either, because I have since found that Zionism has been a very controversial ideology and for good reason. It does not jive with American ideals of democracy. In fact, it is opposite to them. Therefore, American media has shied away from mentioning Zionism.
Unfortunately, the racist ideology of Zionism far overshadows religious Judaism these days. Not all Jews are Zionists, as one of my documentaries reveals (“Neturei Karta: Jews Against Zionism”), but the bulk of collective Jewish action is overwhelmingly political and in favor of military force with regards to the Palestinians and using American military force to fight Israel’s self-made enemies, as well as preserving Israel as a Jewish supremacist state.
Exclusivist Jewish colonization in Palestine has put international Jewry and Zionized America at war with the Arab world. Incredibly, our secular, integrated, multi-cultural country, the United States of America, has become, to quote President Bush, “an indispensable partner with Israel in her war on terror” as if it is unconnected to Zionist Israel’s past, pre-emptive wars against her neighbors. American-Israelis and Israelis have appeared to succeed brilliantly in making Israel’s enemies somehow ours as well. As if that is something to be proud about! As if that is something we really want or even have a choice about.
Significantly, the so-called “terrorists” are overwhelmingly native born,
non-Jewish inhabitants of an area which was traditionally known as
Palestine, and still is to many. Today only the Jewish State is officially there in
Palestine, with sometimes a mention of The Palestinian Territories
or the Gaza strip and the West Bank, which have been covertly and continuously eaten away at by hundreds of illegal Jewish settlements, Jews-only by-pass roads, buffer zones, the Israeli Apartheid Wall and Israeli army outposts.
What remains is a patchwork of disconnected open-air prisons, completely
controlled by the menacing Israeli soldiers and Jewish settlers, some of whom also hold American citizenship. Zionist Israel’s ethnic cleansing and slow motion genocide of the non-Jewish Palestinians has launched an on-going civil war in Israel-Palestine that is now 57 years old! It has polarized the world. Has America taken the wrong side?
Incredibly, the Zionist conquest of Palestine has failed to find a political (or military) solution in over half a century. Despite the unmatched power, wealth and influence in Zionist Jewish hands, the non-Jewish Palestinians have managed to hold on through sheer emotional faith and indomitable will-power. But now, under the guise of “democracy”, surely a ‘false god’ and a terribly misused, manipulative word, the US-Israeli War Machine is raining misery down upon millions of non-Jews throughout the Middle East.
In light of all this, it is fair to surmise that our latest war in Iraq is the start of a prolonged Israeli-American campaign to subdue Arab aspirations for any self
determination, since “Israel’s security” supersedes all other political objectives for both political parties. And let’s not forget about the great wealth of natural resources in the Arab countries that resource-poor Israel would especially love to easily exploit. Do a google seach on the key words “Israel Iraq pipeline Haifa”. See what you come up with.
What lies ahead might be years of unnecessary bloodshed, persecution and dislocation of native Arab peoples unless a miracle occurs.
So for me, the tragedy of 9-11 was a dramatic and terrible wake-up call.
Shortly following it, and acting on my voluntary research into the Mid East conflict, I decided to become a full-time activist committed to revealing what I learned: that the primary “raison d'etre” for domestic Jewish politics is sustaining unconditional U.S. support for the expansionist apartheid Jewish State, no matter what the cost, financially or in terms of human lives or diplomatic alliances with the rest of the world.
The major turning point for me came when I saw a slide-show entitled “Face
of the Occupation”, presented by Jewish human rights activist Penny Rosenwasser of the Middle East Children’s Alliance, which inspired me to produce my first documentary “Truth: Exposing Israeli Apartheid”. It is my
hope that in addressing the truth about Israel's national commitment
to racial segregation, and illegal expansionist activities, that the necessary changes in U.S. foreign policy towards Israel and the rest of the Middle East will eventually follow.
For many, American law is a beacon to the world, with 'Equal protection
under the law' a central principle of American justice. But in our
Middle East policies this value is not being applied. Our government has adopted the Israeli position: Jews first, foremost and last. They are apparently the only significant ones that we should be concerned about. This is an outrage and a disgrace!
When American politicians and journalists talk about “security” for Israel, they inevitably ignore comparable needs for the Palestinians’ security as well as equal human rights. This is apparent in our government’s aid allocations, diplomatic relations, and concern about 'weapons of mass destruction' which allow Israel to be the region's only colonizer and nuclear power.
If Palestinians must stop the “terror” against the Israelis, it is not morally correct to press Israel to stop the “terror” against the Palestinians? Despite the headlines, the causality count between Israeli and Palestinians favors Israelis by some four to one. Yet a casual consumer of American news might
conclude the very opposite. This is no accident, as the website (

Hence, now we have (

Israel's capture of our political system is so complete that some politicians have now totally dropped all pretense of even aspiring for “political balance”, leaving the fate of the Palestinians completely at the capricious whims of the Israelis, who have shown by their actions, that their words of peace are insincere and meant for public consumption only, to appease their detractors and buy time to finish their business of expanding Israel as a Jewish supremacist state.
In a recent speech, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) gave before
the most powerful Jewish lobbying group (AIPAC, which is the American
Israeli Public Affairs Committee) typifies what other American politicians repeat in front of all Jewish organizations and reveals the magnitude of this
creepy allegiance. In the most fawning, slavish terms, the California
Congresswoman affirmed: “I am honored to be here to speak about something that can never be said enough: America's commitment
to the safety and security of the State of Israel is unwavering”. Yes, and this is repeated over and over by countless bought off politicians who only care about getting re-elected and keeping the contributions flowing.
These words were recently uttered before an enormous Wash. DC conference of political luminaries, hosted by AIPAC, despite the fact that it is presently under investigation for espionage against the U.S.! Apparently Israel can do no wrong.
It's an undeniable example of political power unmatched by any other lobby, ethnic, religious, or otherwise. This is why Jewish lobbies are typically referred to simply as “The Lobby”, besides the taboo about using the word “Jewish ” to describe anything. Meanwhile, mainstream media have barely covered AIPAC’s unfolding spy scandal.
America's enforced commitment to the separation of church and state
simply does not apply our government's “unshakable” (Al Gore's line) commitment to the Jewish state of Israel. Even though most of Israel’s leaders are secular Jews, meaning non-religious Jews, the religious Jews of Israel do play a central role in Israel’s laws. Never-the-less, religious or secular, organized Jewry’s commitment is first and foremost committed to maintaining Israel officially as a Jewish state.
Israel is really a theocracy with racist laws built into its government, and by the way, Israel has no constitution. Yet Israeli and American-Israelis commission huge billboards around the US proclaiming to Americans that Israel shares American values! Pure deception. Pure propaganda.
The welfare of the Palestinians, who have been victims for decades of American-funded Israeli ethnic cleansing and slow motion genocide, is apparently of little concern to our governing class and elitists. Occasionally, there are some weak words about hope for some kind of a Palestinian state, but Israel’s security trumps all other political considerations. On this matter, the US media walks in lockstep with US policy.
Please note that while many “progressive” American Jews make noises about a possible two-state, they almost never talk about creating a multi-religious, multi-ethnic, secular, democratic country similar to our own. However the 'One State' solution stands alone as being consistent with modern American democracy. Please visit for more information on this deliberately suppressed solution. This truly democratic alternative is simply very rarely mentioned in the media even though this is exactly the kind of resolution that was loudly and forcibly advocated (with critical Jewish help) in South Africa, where the apartheid government was finally dismantled and replaced with a truly democratic government, that has been in operation for a little over ten years now. I had dinner the other night with a couple friends from South Africa, who are white by the way, and they claim that South Africa is better than ever now.
Yet somehow, the rules against racial segregation are not applied
to Israel. In the modern mind, Israel's privileged, unique status is fortified through continuous Holocaust imagery and reference. It certainly seems fair to say that the ever-increasing tsunami of Holocaust coverage in all media is cynically aimed at drowning out the cries of the Palestinians. Through ceremonial repetition, political commemoration and endless media coverage, the Jewish experience in Europe during WWII has become the most famous example of human suffering and political injustice in world history. Ironically, without it, Israel might not exist today. It continues to be used as a tool to try to justify the existence of a racist Jewish state in Palestine.
And so, I've come to oppose what is now considered 'mainstream' Jewish
politics, which is also known as Zionism. For this, The Jerusalem
Post has branded me and my websites as “neo-nazi”. How NOT surprising. I invite you to visit them for yourselves and see what you think. They are and
I have also endured the familiar and over-used murky hate epithet “anti-Semite” that's hurled regularly by defenders of a Jewish supremacist Israel and Jewish politics at their critics. Free speech, not to mention informed political discourse, is now under siege.
Why can't we agree to disagree? Just as some people are definitely “anti-Republican” or “anti-corporate” or “anti-Christian fundamentalist” or even “anti-God”, I am definitely “anti-Jewish politics”. That doesn’t mean that I advocate anything sinister at all. I simply advocate the apparently “radical” idea that the U.S. should not in any way be unconditionally supporting a racist, apartheid state such as Israel is.
However only Jews and their recruited, often unwittingly brainwashed
allies demand that those who are “anti-Jewish politics” must be silenced. Apparently this crowd thinks it’s open-minded, liberal and progressive until you disagree with them, in which case they then become downright fascistic censors, with many tools at their disposal to intimidate you, such as name-calling, boycotts, and using their ample access to the media and politicians to back up their malicious highly organized campaigns to silence their political foes. They don’t, however, have truthfulness on their side.
Does anyone care about the truth anymore? Obviously not the US media. Note how there was such a big deal made about how Clinton lied about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but the lies of huge magnitude and importance, ones that the Bush administration put forth to try to justify his driving this country into an unjust war have all been under-reported by the US media. Therefore many Americans seem rather apathetic about it all. I’m talking about the lies about Iraq’s WMD and Saddam Hussein’s alleged ties to bin Laden, to name just a couple of the glaring lies. Fortunately, many Americans are anything but apathetic about this, and hopefully, many more will demand truth and justice, rather than going along blindly in unconditionally supporting Israel as a Jewish supremacist state.
However this is why Holocaust lore is so revered by organized political Jewry. It is apparently essential to maintaining supreme Jewish privilege. It has been enshrined as a strange form of worship in and of itself. While nothing else in this world seems to be sacred and above analyzing or questioning, only The Holocaust remains untouchable and taboo.
Americans have learned their lesson, perhaps too well. We've sub-consciously assumed a sense of shame--of 'Nazi guilt'--even though many Americans died on the battlefield defeating Hitler. Nevertheless, there's been
created a current climate of subliminal fear that manipulatively links legitimate criticism of Jewish politics to committing genocide against Jews. Criticism of Jewish politics gets labeled as “neo-Nazism”. This is amounts to an illegitimate form of intimidation. Yet fear of being called names does seem manage to somehow keep the lid on much anti-Zionist dissent amongst many.
Honorable voices must boldly test this taboo. To achieve our goal of justice for all, violence is not necessary. At this desperate moment, the war and destruction of Iraq and Palestine are Zionist tools of the Zionist mission. However, remember, the Arab world has sought no war with us. We, as supporters of Israel, have been the initial aggressors, not them. It obviously preceeds 911, which, by the way, many believe was an “inside job” engineered to achieve political and financial goals for the elite that are in
the process of being realized today. There are many calling for more investigation into 911, including those whose website is
Only a clear, unyielding and steady collective voice of the American people is needed to spread this message: Zionist conquest, Zionist dominance and Zionist violence is anti-American and we reject it.
“Zionist violence?” you ask. Yes. Unless America changes course of unconditional support for Israel, be prepared for more 'pre-emptive' aggression against Israel’s self-made, self-perpetuating enemies, including Syria and Iran, and it won’t stop there.
It is time for Americans to reject mainstream U.S. media sources and
find uncensored avenues for political information. We recommend,, and There are countless others, including the British papers The Guardian and The Independent, as well as the Israeli paper the Ha’aretz, which are more honest than the mainstream US media. We also urge you to restrict personal exposure to the NY--Hollywood--Washington Axis of processed news, as these outlets produce zombie-like patterns of conformity.
It’s also time for new leadership amongst Jewish people to break away from the now firmly established Jewish politics, otherwise known as Zionism. Jewish writer and human rights activist Paul Eisen is one of the new leaders. He actively “opposes organized Jewry's support of Zionism, with their emphasis on Jewish victimhood and "chosen-ness. His article “Jewish Power” which is featured on He is the London director of the worldwide organization Deir Yessin Remembered.
Spread the word. Be a leader. It’s OK to strongly oppose Jewish politics. You have the right. Even the duty: To oppose endless, exploitive, unnecessary wars.
P.S. Note the complete hypocrisy of Zionized NY Senator Hillary Clinton who began her tribute to AIPAC by stating, “I want to start by
focusing on our deep and lasting bond between the United States and
Israel. Now, these are bonds that are more than shared interests. These are bonds forged in a common struggle for human rights, for democracy, for freedom; they are rooted in fundamental beliefs and values about the dignity and rights of men and women to live in freedom, free from fear, free from oppression”. Sure, sure. Tell that to the Iraqis, the Palestinians and the whole Arab world for that matter. Better yet, tell it to Israel— “the only democracy in the Middle East”! Ha! Talk about a crock of you-know-what! Or as the enlightened French say, “Merde!”
Wendy Campbell is a documentary film-maker and writer of articles predominantly regarding Palestine, Israel, and US foreign policy in the Middle East. For more information, please visit
Hide the following 6 comments
It's ok to be anti-Jewish?????
14.06.2005 15:19
The USA's support for Israel is NOT "Jewish" politics - it's realpolitik. Israel is an important outpost for the American empire.
Most American Jews are opposed to Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.
Why should we be anti-Jewish??
Bollocks to that.
Are you blind Ozymandias ?
14.06.2005 19:38
She very carefully said "anti jewish POLITICS". The whole article than explains what she means. Nothing whatever to do with her being racially or religiously prejudiced. She is discussing the BEHAVIOUR of a nations government, and her reaction to it.
All the difference in the world. Never mind - you just keep on plugging away, trying to blur the issues to prevent people looking at what is happening straight-on.
Everything she says, I heartily endorse. Its taken me 5 years of careful reading and internet research to come to this position, but there is no longer any doubt left in my mind. Zionism and its american support is a cancer on the world. Doing exactly what we prevented South Africa from doing, but worse, much worse. Religious extremism in Israel and the US is endangering the safety of the children of the world.
Quick Comment
14.06.2005 20:10
Before I read the rest of your article, let me just comment on this:
It appears to me that the overal plan of mainstream American media is to prevent Americans from thinking too deeply about anything! The Israel v Palestine conflict is just the tip of the iceberg. There are some scary statistics floating around indicating how little US school students know about the world beyond their immediate borders.
Put it to the test, Wendy
14.06.2005 23:06
a) A 5% population compnent would translate to about a 7-8% voter component as this segment of the US population votes at a much higher percentage than the general population.
b) The Jewish population is not uniformly distributed. They are an insignificant percentage of the population in about a quarter of the states, make up a small percentage (but enough to sometimes matter in about half), and are very significant in about a quarter.
c) Part of their apparently disporoportionate influence is a LONG memory and absence of any other issues held in common. That means that a politicain they feel has gone against them has made a "career decision" and there is NO other isseu with whch he or she can ever win back their votes.
d) Margins of vitcory in US elections are usually relatively close. Our parties are "local", not controlled by the national in the sense usual with parliamentary systems and so tend to adjust on the local level to make the races competitive. Thus a Democratic candidate in a conservative state might be more conservative that a Republican candidate in a liberal state and vice versa.
So Wendy, for your budding political career I suggest you try places like North Dakota. But if you REALLY believe your words (which I doubt), really think you could convince Jews to vote for you, try it in New York or my own Massachusetts and see how far you get.
Wendy Campbell already discredited
15.06.2005 16:00
"Marwen Media
I have now had a chance to take a closer look at this site and consult Jewish friends on their views of it. There was nothing anti-semitic on the home page, which was all I was linking to; but buried in other pages on this site is some pretty nasty stuff which borders on Holocaust denial and further nasty stuff which crosses the border from anti-Zionism into anti-semitism. I'm happy to pull the plug on it."
But somehow this nasty little piece slips through the Indymedia net.
17.06.2005 13:29