Yes, 20 years of the Criminal Justice Act begins to bear fruit
The kids are not going to take it any more - they tried to party and they got attacked, play music they got arrested, dance they got gassed like vermin
They said NO to war and they got sent out to kill and torture, to violate all the values that they were told were true.
We are sitting on a powder keg
The Human spirit can only be kept down for so long - there is a fine line between a riot and a party/celebration - riot happens when celebration is repressed.
This is a wake up those of you who assume authority for you to take responsibility for what you have created in your blindness and intolerance -
If you want respect you have to show respect not beat people up and punish them for being human, expecting that to teach respect
The only way to teach anything is by example.
Respect the kids, let them have their lives, their music, their wild celebrations.
The current path is spiralling into a hell that will make the mods and rockers and the Beanfield look like the magic roundabout - The kids will break out of the cultural stagnation as they did in the 60's only this time they do not have love and peace in their minds.
brian viziondanz

"there is nothing wrong with our world, we are just having a weird conversation - Reclaim the conversation - Our New World Order IS Love"


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