War ciminal Bair, puppet of the new-Liberal capitalist elite, should still Cling to Power in UK National Election. But for how long?
Is it worth getting out of bed tomorrow to vote or staying awake to get the results on late night TV, after all this is the first TV reality show election, after all; few potential voters have had their doors knocked, because the main parties no longer have enough members. A sign that the capitalist parties are collapsing. They almost exclusively rely on donations from bussiness and rich individuals to survive.
Does this elections matter anyway? Will it effect the lives of British people? Conservatives claim hospitals will be a little cleaner and a few less immigrants will be allowed into Britain under their regime; this is how the parties are claiming they will change Britain for the better!
Well, whatever party, or coalition, takes power New-Liberal universal free market policy will continue to dominate government and a big part of peoples lives, as it has done since Margaret Thatcher came to power 25 years ago. However, one positive consequence of this election is that New Labour Prime Minister Blair should soon be removed after what will almost certainly be a New Labour’s pyrrhic victory, and continuation of their government by and for the dollar. Their period in power has left Britain in a precarious position in a precarious world.
In the day before the British general election: inflation is rising (3.2%); unemployment is rising; taxes are set to rise; personal debt is at record high; the national debt is rising; the outlook for the global economy, is, at best, a slow-down in growth; public services are being run down and made more expensive by privatisation with wages being cut; wars and conflict are increasing; the world is more unstable and dangerous; the environment is being devastated; the worlds poor are getting poorer and dying in greater numbers.
This is the reality of Britain and the world, and the consequence of New-Liberal capitalist policies, of which Tony Blair is one of the leading advocates. But his party doesn’t mention this in their election campaigning. Even measured in terms of whether they are making a good job of running capitlaism, the result after 9 years in power are very bad, and will probaly lead to economic disaster.
This election campaign is like no other British election, it is like some strange TV reality show. The more Blair is mocked, vilified, accused of being a liar and made to look an idiot by his opponents and the public – the more he smiles. And, what is the most damaging contradiction and consequence of reality TV: the more likely he is to win. This election is only about three personalities, and only one can be a winner, and it’s the one who that gets the most attention, the one the electorate dislike and feel most sorry for that will win. It has nothing to do with real politics – the world in which real people live.
The fantasy world of reality TV aside, the Election polls over the last week point to New Labour remaining as the sole governing party. However, last Sunday’s observer newspaper poll gave Blair’s party only a narrow three-point lead with those who said they were certain to vote. And yet, yesterday’s Financial Times poll showed a ten point lead for Labour, however, 36% of their sample, which is much lager than in recent elections, say they may change their minds before putting pen to ballot paper.
And if the turnout is very low because of the similarities between the three dominant capitalist and their boring, negative, misleading, rhetorical campaigns, perhaps New Labour’s majority in parliament will be reduced significantly. Liberals Democrats should capitalise on the anti-Blair vote in some marginal constituencies; the Tories too who should reap dirty reward from their harder-edged racist immigration campaigning propaganda, and the return to the fold of the middle classes who dispise Blair.
So if sufficient of these don’t vote Labour, their projected wining majority could fall to 50 or 60. This makes another New Labour government vulnerable to defeat in parliament because there should be 40 or so Labour dissenters who oppose New Labour’s universal “free market” ideology. And these MP’s want Blair out; they should within a year or so.
So the election result will determine when Blair goes, and consequently, when finance minister Gordon Brown takes over, and continues, with even more enthusiasm, capitalist “free market” policy. The big lie is that Blair has pretended he is without ideology – ideology is a thing of the past New Labour, and there is no longer a leff and right in politics have been two New labour mantras. Not so!
The truth: New Labour is fully immersed in the swamp of New-Liberal ideology – an economic religious cult to which the US elite has converted Blair, and which the elite of leading capitalist countries follow, and are trying to impose on the world by stealth, war, blackmail, and any other means at their disposal, to benefit themselves and their rich friends in the corporations, banks and positions of power.
These illegitimate, self-appointed rulers of the world will meet in Scotland in July this year, to which all who can should converge to let them know their religion is devastating the planet and the lives of the majority living on it. Come to Scotland and help expose this rotten immoral greedy lot
Blair’s exit will not derail the elected dictatorship that has governed Britain since the 1980’s, but it means one of it’s proto-fascist leaders goes, even though capital has another US puppet poodle leader in the waiting to fill his boots Brown. He is another New Labour politician who was seduced by the US government, the CIA and its front organisation many years ago.
Blair is certain to go after his decline in popularity and consequent imminent fall due to his, and his hero George Bush’s, Iraq debacle. Further, this has led to revealing Blair as the liar and great misleader. What is it that the US and CIA have on him to force him to behave in his characteristic misleading and wreckless way – that suits the US, but puts Brtain in a complete mess.
Blair’s departure from the political scene would be a (minor) well-deserved political victory for those fighting and campaigning for a better world using a diversity of tactics. More importantly, this achievement should inspire activists and campaigners to more concrete victories for the world’s poor and oppressed peoples. Blair’s exist would be a victory for truth, for progress, and for edging Britain towards a genuinely democratic from of society.
Thatcher, Blair's early role model - another proto-fascist leader and poodle to the powerful - was a victim of a co-ordinated and popular campaign against the Tory’s hated poll tax which they tired to impose on the poor and precarious in 1989, to redistribute some wealth back to the rich. He should join her in the house of Lords, where they can hold hands and grow senile and rot in their guilt – well, a nice thought.
The defeat of Thatcher and the Poll-Tax helped spurn a new movement in Britain, the anti-capitalist movement, which has combined with other movements and organisations, which have a more sophisticated approach to fighting the evils of capitalism. Combined they are the major motive force in society today, as Alessio Bulgaria said at the Institute of Autonomy in London, on the eve of Mayday. Blair should be the next victim of this 21st century movement that works together to progressively make this world and its people less precarious, and make poverty history.
The promised “new dawn” of Blair’s New Labour has been a nightmare for Iraq, the Middle East and world stability. And a swamp of lies, corruption, and greed rubbed the faces of working people, and the worlds poor - delivered by a smiling and laughing Blair. He should be called to account and charged with the murder of 200,000.
And the proclaimed Cool Britain became “poodle Britannia” under Blair’s irresponsible leadership, and, as more politely and magnanimously put by George Galloway in today’s Guardian: [he was]“ the leader who lost his way”.
Britain’s elected dictatorship was inspired by new-liberal ideology from the US, and taken hand in handbag by Margaret Thatcher from Reagan’s regime. The political aping by Blair of Bush – figurehead of the de facto dictatorship in the US - and his policies, has continued this process. Noam Chomsky, more reservedly perhaps, describes this as the “Democratic deficit.
Whatever the election outcome: New Labour, Tory, Liberal Democrat victory, or coalitions, the dynamics to drive the process for change will continue across Britain and the world. In the election itself this might be reflected in a relatively large vote for Britain in progressive parties: Greens,
Respect, and Socialist. It’s certainly worth getting out of bed to vote for one of them.
So, election night might have some interest for those active in real diverse meaningful politics, action and campaigning, which occurs outside parliament and is effecting real change. Well, so Tony Benn has been saying for years – and that from one the 20th century’s most outstanding parliamentarians.
Activists and campaigners should feel some sense achievement at exposing and getting rid of Blair. hence it may be worth getting out of bed to vote against him, and staying up late tomorrow night to find out when he is likely to disappear from the national and international politics. They don’t do it for power, but for love.
[1] It is actually the UK that is having a General election on May 5, 2005. The UK is Britain a province of another country of Ireland. This is an example of British imperialism still operating in the 21st century]
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