It would also be better for chances of forming an European army (for wars like in Iraq?).
It would also be better for chances of forming an European army.
So, vote Blair: not for any social democracy, no matter how much watered down. But for militarism. For a new colonial army which would sort out "restless natives" by maybe killing 100.000 or more of them, like in Iraq.
In alliance or in rivalry with George W. Bush's USA.
Some might not be that surprised by Count de Marchant et d'Ansembourg's views.
After all, they'll say, the de Marchant et d'Ansembourg family is used to living in castles: military buildings, which might influence views.
After all, they'll say, Count Jan is related to Count Max de Marchant et d'Ansembourg, an important Dutch nazi leader; foreign affairs department boss of the Nationaal Socialistische Beweging of the 1930s and 40s.
That count, of course, already favoured an European army: under Hitler's leadership.
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