With a General Election coming up (probably May 5) one or several mill people may be considering telling Tory leader Micheal Howard what they think of his Conservative Party policies. (other than not voting for them).
For those who may wish to tell him directly, here are his Constituency details.
Folkestone & Hythe,South East Kent.
Conservative Party Constituency Office, 4 Westcliff Gdns, Folkestone,Kent.
His Folkestone Surgeries are usually the 4th Saturday of the Month 1015 to 1250. So his next two will be Sat :Feb 26th and Sat :March 26th.
The office is in the town centre,just off the Sandgate Rd pedestarian area. It's about 10-12 mins walk from Folkestone Central rail station. and 3 mins from the Bus station.
Trains: London Charing Cross to Folkestone Central. usually 2 per hour day time 1Hr 40 mins. Walk down the station entrance,turn right under the railbridge, go across the zebracrossing,turn right then along to a bus stop by the Co-op store. Any bus goes to the bus station. (40p).
Or continue along left side of road to nexus of roads, ignore first left turn-(cut off road), take next left(Cheriton Rd) far as motorcycle shop on left, then cross onto island and over further road to car park, slight right turn and then left along Alexandra Gdns to ped' area. Westcliff gnds just opposite.
From bus station- (Coaches 5 per day from London Victoria but 1st one down leaves at 9am and takes 2 +1/2 - 3 hrs!). Look for Post Office building, keep to left side of road short way,then turn left into pedestrian area. Walk down to Westcliff Gdns -first right by the Lloyds Bank.
(He still lives in the village of Lympne, near Port Lymne Wildlife park- the bat cave presumably)
Main challengers at the G.E.
Lib Dem: Peter Carroll.
neo Lab: Maureen Tomison (ex Tory !)
Green Party: TBA.
UKIP : Alan Baker.
TV twit: Rodney Hilton-Potts.
and a Monster Raving Looney Paryty candidate.
(Whether the BNP will also stand remains to be seen-they indicated that they might- They got 735 votes locally in the Euro Election last year)
Folkestone Herald. Office directly opposite Howard's office (and rather rabidly supportive) Only open Mon-Fri so have to inform then in advance of any 'actions' etc. Email address is

Folkestone KM Express (KM Group newspapers) 93-95 Sandgate Road. Also Mon-Fri only. Email:

Television. Meridian ITV. Maidstone.

BBC south East. Tun' Wells. E:
