Milans fashion week looks set to be plagued by protests this week. Today, animal rights activists targeted Pradas store in Milan to highlight the cruelty of the fur industry. In the evening Prada was again targetted, this time by protesters drawing attention to the issue of chainworkers and parcarity within the fashion industry...
A swarm of protesters handed out leaflets to the people they could reach and tossed handfuls high in to the air so as to reach the people in the centre of the huddle around the entrance. From the back of the truck a banner was hung and the night was lit by the flashes of cameras as the attending press started to take an interest in what was going on.
All around; security, cops, journalists, and the various flavors of fashion groupies could all be seen reading the weighty activist texts. Another few bundles were tossed into the air above the crowd and the sound system moved off leaving a bemused crowd and the threat of further interventions against the fashions shows during the rest of the week.
Top on the list of designers likely to recieve the attentions of the gathering activists will be the young anglojapanese, Serpica Naro (

The fashion industry itself is accused of many things from encouraging unsustainable consumerism, to utilising child, bonded and sweatshop labour.
Further actions in Milan this week seem certain...
Translated quotes taken from the distributed leaflet

"We will defy the week of the fashion, its real and virtual suggestions and its stages."
"We will prevent to costoro of impossessarsi of our roads and the imaginary ones that are fruit and projection of our desires."
"The place (Milan) and the shapes (the precarieta) of this challenge have been established not by us, but we therefore reserve the right to choose the times and the ways!"
Further info sources quoted on the leaflet,

Activists from London and Barcelona also attended the Prada action in Milan, reflecting the globalisation of protest on the issue of 'fashion'. Last week saw London fashion week and it was also accompanied by protests and a counter event called 'conscious fashion week'( that was held at the rampART social centre in east london (
In September there will be mobilisations in Barcelona and also during the Paris Fashion Week.
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