What we desire besides spreading general awareness about our movement, is contacts in other nations, in NGOs, activist groups, solidarity networks, and media to put immediate pressure on the Mexican government in case of an
imminent human rights crises. So tell a friend, write a song, call your MP, please help us build a support network for this very important movement.
We would like to have you on our list of contacts to keep you informed of any developments and to have as an emergency contact for urgent information.
Luke Woodyard (

CIPO - RFM (English corespondent)
Who we are and why we fight:
The Consejo IndÌgena Popular de Oaxaca ìRicardo Flores MagÛnî CIPO-RFM is the
house of the poor fighting against injustice. We are an organization of
communities that use non-violent resistance. Our strength lies in helping each
other, and in our independence from all political parties, legal or secret, and
from all the institutions and organizations of the government. The activities
of CIPO-RFM are the outcome of agreements achieved in meetings, thus we all
share the successes and failures. CIPO currently represents 24 communities of
Chatin, Mixtec, Chinantec, Cuicatec, Zapotec, Mixe, Triqui, black or half-caste
In Mexico and particularly in Oaxaca, the Consejo Indigena Popular de Oaxaca
"Ricardo Flores Magon" (CIPO-RFN) is one of the most repressed organizations by
the police and paramilitary. Until today the numbers are this: 517 detentions
and tortured people, 103 police and paramilitary incursions on our communities,
81 orders for prison, 229 penal, civil and commercial processes, 263 people
assaulted, 37 death threats, 27 murders, was one of our members Raul Gatica,
lives in hiding with international observers after several attempts on his
The government is violent towards us because they are afraid of what we stand
for. Peaceful coexisting autonomous self sufficient communities. Our mission is
the free association of our people exercising autonomous and direct action,
like the Magonist way, in order to
(1) Help the people and workers of the world organize themselves freely even
though they may not be a member of CIPO - RFM.
(2) To promote publicize, capacitate, and defend the territorial, economic,
social, political and cultural rights of communities and individuals
(3) To advise and accompany communities, organizations and individuals whether
indigenous or not, who solicit our support in their struggles.
(4) Implement sustainable projects (productions, commercial etc) that allow the
integral development of (indigenous) communities, minding ecosystems and
respecting the people therein
(5) Investigate, document, analyze and publicize the movements of indigenous
(6) Compromise with the conservation of the land, and care for nature in order
to revalue the vision of our peoples.
(7) Develop alternative media/communications via radio, TV, and the Internet
(8) Put in to practice concrete actions to win back the respect for women,
minors, and minorities.
We chose to use the name of Ricardo Flores Magon because he was indigenous,
fought for freedom, and all though he was from Oaxaca, his heart, thoughts and
work was for the liberations of all people of the world. Adopting Magon¥s
principles represents that we fight without searching for material riches or
personal benefit but rather to banish arrogance, authoritarianism, and lies. It
also represents we aren¥t seeking power over others, nor imposing ourselves on
anyone. Using mutual support as our base, solidarity, direct action, and
autonomy as our path to liberation.
Today our demands of the government are:
(1) Peace with justice and dignity
(2) Respect for the autonomy of our communities in CIPO RFM
(3) The end of paramilitary activities of the CROCUT and the punishment of
leaders Ceasar Tomil and Jacobo Chavez, that on the 16th of October 2003 killed
Bartolome Sales and shot 9 other men and women, punishment of Antorcha
Campensina who on the 11th of August 2002 murdered two children and hurt 34
women, and justice for those killed on the 13th of March and 12th of July 2004
in Sta Lucia Monterverde where two other persons were murdered.
(4) The end of oppression against the continuities and members of CIPO RFM, and
to follow the recommendations (CNDH/29/99), (CEDDH/15/2002), and
(CEDH/13/2004) to respect our human rights.
(5) Freedom for our brothers and sisters: Dolores Villalobos Cuamatzin, Miguel
Cruz Moreno, Leonor LÛpez Alavez (aged 15), Reynaldo Feria Hern·ndez, Gumaro
LÛpez Alavez, Carmen LÛpez PÈrez, Kalid PÈrez GÛmez (aged 17), Margarita GarcÌa
GarcÌa, Habacuc Cruz Cruz, Gildardo PÈrez GÛmez (aged 17), Hipolito RodrÌguez
Soriano, JosÈ Cruz Cruz, Abel RamÌrez RamÌrez, Guadalupe GarcÌa GarcÌa and
Mauro GarcÌa GarcÌa, members of the Organizing Committe of the grassroots
Countil of the CIPO-RFM, democratic workers of the ìtres poderesî syndicate.
(6) A solution multilateral solution to the agricultural problems of San Isidro
Aloapam, Sta Catarina Yosonotu, Guadalupe Chindua and Cacalotepec.
(7) Garenties for the life of Raul Gatica.
(8) General meeting, democratic elections and respect for the social givings
that have been suspended for two years to the workers of STSPEIDEO
(9)Municipal participation plus schools, doctors, water, food, electricity, and
care for old and disabled.
(10) The right to live and sell on the Huatulco beaches.
(11) Respect to the Radia "Guestza" and the concession for the transport of
suburban in Tlaxiaco.
Assaults and deaths have been the consequences recently of peaceful protests:
July 10 2004 in Sta Elta, Edgar Torija was mortally wounded, July 11th 2004 in
Sta Cruz Huatulco people of the PRI directed by Demetrio Villalobos hurt 8
people, among them the children Carolina and Sandra Diaz Hernandez and Brenda
Torres. On the 13th of July 2004 Paramilitaries Murdered Pedro Cruz Salazar of
Sta Lucia Monteverde, on July 16 2004 in the dance square in Oaxaca, special
forces, and police directed by Jose M Vera Satinas and Manuel Moreno Rivas,
using gas and electric batons hospitalized Elizabeth Perez, Adelfa Perez,
Simon Yilescas, Fluvia Dominguez, Gloria Ramos, Milisa Flores and Rolando
The government believes if they attack and intimidate us we will stop fighting.
But these events have only strengthened our determination and will to continue
to struggle.
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