Although it is not normal for human primates to do so, human primates strive to become organized because it is a highly valued Worker-Bee trait that has been trained into them by the Ruling Class educational system. It's all about productivity; so that the optimum number of products and services can be produced and consumed. And of course, taxes paid. Nature is about balance and chaos. Chaos is a key component of nature and evolution. Without it, we would not be here today. If nature were to try and compartmentalize, systematize, classify, categorize, predict, forecast, and perform all the other highly valued Worker-Bee traits, very little would become balanced in nature. Chaos and continuous change is normal and important to our overall well being. Organization is not, except for Worker Bees (like ants and bees). As for myself, I would prefer that our primate species not evolve into insects. Expecting the blind obedience, efficiency, and organizational skills of ants and bees in primates is just not realistic or healthy. And we wonder why so many human primates have anxiety and stomach problems these days.
Everything invented by humankind, above and beyond the rest of our fellow primates, was a tool. Our tool making ability, or more accurately, our ability to use tools to make other tools (like our word-concept language tool to make gods) is what gave us our unique primate niche as an indigenous life form on our planet. The trick is to find as much information as possible about how the tool was originally used, so that if need be, we have an explanation for why it remains in use today.
It may seem cold-hearted and inhuman to expose this "illegal authority hoax" at first glance, since this hoax of a god, souls, paradise, and immortality, eases suffering and pain. In fact, this hoax is strengthened during times of grief and loss. However, once the tragedy has passed, this hoax remains along with the daily suffering, physical and financial exploitation, physiological stress, loss of authentic self, loss of planetary resources, emotional pain (from shame, guilt, and fear), and the absurd and illegal inequality under this ancient system, and are greater over time than the periodic pain and suffering of personal loss. In many cases, it is this "illegal authority hoax" system itself, which causes the suffering and pain. The ongoing damage and threat to our species, other species, and our planet (all of Earth's flora and fauna), is much more cold-hearted and inhuman.
As part of our tool-making ability, we are able to imagine what has not been built yet or what has not been seen yet. It's one of our Homo sapien skill sets. With this in mind, Homo sapiens will imagine what they want to imagine or need to imagine. That does not make what has not been built yet, or seen yet, real. There is only one reason why we have acquired this skill set, or for that matter, any of the other skill sets we have acquired; because we needed it to survive. All of these skill sets are part of our overall adaptation strategy for the continuation of our species. Nothing more and nothing less. The reality of our existence as indigenous life on this planet does not get anymore pure and uncorrupted than that.
Unless you are a Ruling Class member, and whether you realize it or not, your quality of life as an indigenous life form on this planet has been substantially reduced by this scam. You, your children, and your grandchildren will continue to live in this abnormal Homo sapien domestication system until the hoax is exposed.
The most dangerous, abusive, and cruel aspect of this hoax, is that much of our species have been domesticated to depend upon the Ruling Class for survival. Our dogs, cats, and cattle are not even domesticated to this extent.
When an environmental disaster strikes, such as the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and resulting tsunamis on December 26, 2004, many of our species will sit and wait for food, water, and shelter, and even die when it does not arrive on time. They have been falsely trained to believe that they are truly helpless, except for prayer.
These Homo sapiens (primates) have been cruelly and cold-heartedly domesticated to not take care of themselves and to be dependent instead, on a lie, a hoax, and an illegal set of rules; to keep them under the control of the Ruling Class.
They have become dependent on religion, which is exactly what the Ruling Class wants. It's called "trained helplessness." They have been told to wait and pray, instead of taking action to take care of themselves; a behavior which is absolutely normal and correct for them to do.
Due to Old Testament religions, they no longer know how to take care of themselves, or even know that they have a planetary species right as indigenous life on Earth and all the evolutionary permission they ever needed to do this. Laws of life and evolution supersede all artificial laws of civilization. Not obeying these laws first has resulted in an immense amount of suffering for all species on our planet, including the planet itself. This "trained helplessness" is truly the most tragic event and the most biological and evolutionary disaster that has ever occurred in the entire history of our species.
Although hierarchies exist in nature, no ongoing distain or humiliation exists to the incongruous degree that it exists today in the current Ruling Class - Worker Bee model, developed and supported by Old Testament using religions (those that include the Old Testament -- Tanakh -- in their holy books such as in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Mormonism). As one of many examples, what other species do you know of that mutilates the genitals of both its male and female members, other than Homo sapiens? Mutilation of the genitals, an Old Testament required, supported, and capitulation behavior, is more commonly known today as both FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) and Male Circumcision. This behavior it is not related to health or personal hygiene and was even outlawed by the Roman Empire as being obscene, abnormal, primitive, and cruel.
The Old Testament Patriarchal system, (one father-figure male god with autocratic authority who governs his children and decides what is best for them), was developed to reflect and support the Patriarchal system being used by the ancient Jews, (one male head of an extended family exercising autocratic authority). This religious hoax was a way to help insure the continuance and acceptance of this type of primitive legal system (the Patriarchal system), which included a father-figure giving property to his children (made by him in his image). The Old Testament Patriarchal system had very little to do with religion as a comfort tool in situations of feeling helpless and facing the unknown (exploration of the unknown, such as sea voyages and death) and more to do with land grabbing and taxes (the creation of wealth) along with the development and maintenance of the Ruling Class - Worker Bee model. The reward for Worker Bees who believed the hoax, and toiled their whole life for the sake of the system, was life everlasting (immortality in a place of beauty where one would be reunited with dead loved ones). Islam still uses this system in the Middle East and in other parts of the world. Judaism, Christianity and Mormonism also use this same system (because they include the Old Testament in their holy books); however, the original cruelties of this system are somewhat buffered in counties that have a democratic form of government. "Submit to this form of governing system and financially support it," is the hidden message and agenda in all Old Testament using religions. It has nothing to do with building a better society or maintaining morality.
A Secular Humanist (a non-theist) does not seek to control the soul of another by telling them that they have a soul, and then finding fault with it. This unconditional acceptance of another is truly remarkable and very healing. An Old Testament user, however, seeks the control of another by telling them that they have a soul, and then infers that this soul has fault which must be corrected in order to be saved. This is NOT by any stretch of the imagination, unconditional acceptance. That is also why there has to be a soul, like there has to be a god. Because, without the hoax of a soul, there would be no legal method for controlling the behavior of another without physically harming or threatening them, which after 1950, is illegal in most places. Are you starting to catch on?
Of the two behaviors above, I choose my friends to be Secular Humanists, based on their behavior of unconditional acceptance.
For the sake of our planet and our species, we need to phase out this primitive and ancient social tool invention of ghosts, gods, spooks, and spirits, along with a life everlasting (immortality). Just like any other tool, used past its original intent and usefulness, it is not healthy for our species or for our planet to try and perpetuate the use of this primitive and ancient social tool or remain dependent upon it. And as a result of this primitive and ancient social tool, the wrongs that were done in the past by kingships, hereditary monarchies, and other governing systems, with regard to the ownership of land and its resources on our planet, need to be corrected; that includes the retirement of the Ruling Class - Worker Bee model. The Ruling Class has benefited from this hoax long enough.
2005: Let's make some noise this year!
Humanists, Atheists Look to Higher Global Profile (Reuters)
Religions Battle for Souls on Sumatra (Associated Press)
In the midst of desperate need, theses vendors of religion compete to sell their product and services. Like a Florida land sales company who gives a free weekend vacation away in exchange for the opportunity to give a sales pitch, they too will give freely for the opportunity to give a sales pitch on the Quran or the Bible.
(sometimes the long URLs above wrap, making the link wrong. Copy and paste the whole address into your browser if this happens)
Get your free poster and handout at the bottom of this page, and let's make some noise this year! Especially on university campuses.
If you have access to email lists, newsletters, Blogs, please consider forwarding these articles on to those resources; and let's make some noise this year!
Clint Clark
Secular Humanist
For Our Planet and Our Species
Revised Definition of Old Testament Religion: An early form of government and judicial system based on the Patriarchal system, which included legal concerns such as the authority for land-property ownership and social concerns such as education, oral tradition as a community knowledgebase, public health (more commonly called sin), sanitation, medicine (pre-1543 Vesalius the Humanist), science (pre-1623 Sir Francis Bacon and Galileo Galilei), and revenue generation to support these activities.