For all of us non-believers and doubters on the planet Earth, here's the problem we're facing and we need your help to solve it:
We will not be able to change what has happened to our species, until we find a way around the legal issues related to the believe in a god. Trying to prove that no god exists is unproductive at this time, since the current and more pressing issue is: "Why there has to be a god." We need to focus our efforts on this issue first; and here's why.
It begins with the History of Law, more so than the Origin of Religion. Too many Atheists and Free Thinkers make the mistake that the Origin of Religion is about spirituality. The Origin of Religion is synonymous with the History of Law, which is researchable and verifiable.
Shortly after agriculture began, a very small minority of people realized that agriculture, or more accurately stated, a predictable food source, could make someone very wealthy if they came up with a way to take advantage of this new invention; especially since many cultures had begun to build permanent settlements in the area of southern Turkey and northern Iraq, while Hunter-Gatherer cultures in those areas began to decline. Kinships became the logical social tool to take advantage of this new invention.
Although armies were used to conquer a region, the people in that region far out numbered the members of the conquering army. It would have been impossible to police the entire population and keep them compliant and submissive to the new kinship without some kind of social tool. So how does one logically convince a large population that they have a Legal Right to steal their land, their foods, their water, along with all of their other land related resources, and even enslave some of them? What about using a social tool already accepted by the population, one that was in use prior to kinships, during the time of democratic assemblies? What about locally practiced religions; somewhat like an invisible police force that costs nothing, can be anywhere and everywhere, can be on the job twenty-four hours per day, and can even know your most private thoughts? This is when religion as a whole, makes its first significant change, as "Lord" gods begin to appear (one god over a group of local gods) as a social tool, using a Patriarchy Legal System.
In a Patriarchy Legal System, the Father of the family makes all the decisions and has the socially accepted right to give away property. And of course, you cannot give away something that was not yours to give in the first place. If you made something, you certainly have the Legal Right to give it away; if you so desire. You also have the Legal Right to do with it, whatever you want. According to Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Mormons, who made the Earth? If you made the Earth, it was socially acceptable for you to give some of it away, as we find in the case history of King Cyrus of Persia, according to the Jews. From Ezra Chapter 1 verses 2-4 in the Old Testament (The Douay-Rheims Bible) we find this quote:
"Thus saith Cyrus king of the Persians: The Lord the God of heaven hath given to me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he hath charged me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judea. Who is there among you of all his people? His God be with him. Let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judea, and build the house of the Lord the God of Israel: he is the God that is in Jerusalem. And let all the rest in all places wheresoever they dwell, help him every man from his place, with silver and gold, and goods, and cattle, besides that which they offer freely to the temple of God, which is in Jerusalem."
At this time in history, if you needed the Legal Authority to accomplish something without allowing the population to vote Legal Authority into your hands, it was given to you, fictitiously, by a god. This Legal Authority eventually became know as Divine Right. This hoax had to be a collaborative effort by not only by the kinship and the Ruling Class, but also by the Old Testament using religious leaders. Why do we know this was a hoax? Because King Cyrus of Persia never said what the Jews claim he had said. What King Cyrus of Persia said, was recorded on a clay cylinder called Cyrus' Cylinder and is currently stored at the British Museum in London, England. If you do not live in London, transcripts of what he said are published on the Internet. This is just one of many examples, of how the History of Law and the Origin of Religion are inseparable. If you were not already aware of this falsification, then this is your first taste of why there is a god today, or more correctly stated, "Why there has to be a god."
Our fight is not with Jews, Christians, Muslims, or Mormons. It never has been, nor should we waste our time and resources on discrediting the existence of their imaginary supernatural surrogate parent figure; what they consider to be a god. Our fight is with "the repression of historical facts" related to (1) land ownership, which includes the related ownership of important resources such as water, minerals, oil and natural gas, food resources, building materials, etc., (2) property taxes related to land ownership, (3) hereditary monarchies that evolved from kingships, and finally (4) those that have the most to lose if this ancient land-grab hoax is exposed: the Ruling Class and the Old Testament using religious leadership that continues to support them by way of perpetuating social belief in a god.
For your information, Ruling Class members, (not to be confused with the wealthiest people on the planet), have basically gone underground in the United States, where it is safer for them to exist. These are people who possess real power in that they are able to affect the economic well-being of large regions on our planet. Anyone who possesses gross and significant power, anywhere within the chain of supplying "basic needs" to our human, animal, or plant population, is a Ruling Class member; whether it be a single person, a family, a publicly-traded business, a board of directors, a CEO, or some other known or unknown combination. One example would be the conglomerate ABB Ltd. "ABB Ltd. is a global provider of power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact." Source: Reuters Abridged Business Summary. January 2005.
I believe that our efforts as non-believers and doubters will be more effective if we begin a campaign of "Why there has to be a god" instead of trying to prove that there are no gods. I would suggest the following plan for this campaign:
(A) Find and collect as much information, from the time of King Cyrus of Persia to today, that answer the question, "Why does there have to be a god in our current civilization?" This would include all historical legal information, legal rulings, legal decisions, legal procedures, legal contracts, and legal events, in which a god was in any way used to validate or legitimatize its legality.
Why? Do you really believe that 30,000 to 50,000 people over the hundred-year period of the Inquisition were tortured to death because they doubted the existence of a god? It was more likely due to business, economics, and something much more coveted, like preserving the ownership of land and all of its resources. It is more likely that they were tortured to death because their doubts could have spread and eventually collapsed the legal system and the monarchy. In fact, the same tactics were used on the Native American Indians about 512 years ago, which in Earth time, is a very short time ago.
(B) Decide on the best way to quickly organize and store this information safely, as it collected, and make it readily accessible to the public. I would recommend a searchable Red Hat Linux compatible database, connected to the Internet, with multiple mirror sites.
(C) Aggressive Marketing. University students need to be first on the list, because they are the next generation of voters. Christians know this and take extreme advantage of this marketing opportunity. Other choices might be: Radio talk shows, Secular Magazines, Independent Media publications, Slideshow advertising before the showing of a movie, Law Professors, History Professors, Cultural Anthropology Professors, and Peaceful Demonstrations, that might attract mainstream media. I am certain that many of you have addition ideas that are as good or better. We need to get as many of these repressed historical facts out into the public arena for discussion and debate. And as you already know, the media loves controversy, because it attracts viewers and advertisers.
As part of this "Why there has to be a god" campaign, I would suggest that we also, whenever possible, discredit and discourage those who continue to assign decision-making intelligence to things like tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, and volcanic eruptions, as if choice was involved at some level. Everything in nature continually moves toward homeostasis. There is nothing magical or spiritual about it, even though we are in awe of these events. By their very nature, they deserve our respect for their capacity to destroy, or in some cases, create something new.
The earth, along with its relationship to the sun, the moon, the solar system, and the rest of the galaxy, will continue to move toward homeostasis whether we are living on the planet or not. It has nothing to do with us living on the planet. Thinking that is does, is truly the height of human arrogance in action.
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