Only a few weeks left and the fifth edition of the Intercontinental Youth Camp will find its realisation in Porto Alegre, Brasil from 24th to 31st of January. While the organizational process has been going on for many months, these days the first campers are already arriving in Parque Harmonia, on the shore of Lake Guaíba in the heart of the city of Porto Alegre, to join in with the construction of the camp. Having surged during the first World Social Forum in January 2001, the camp rapidly developed its own dynamics and concepts and grew quickly counting over 25.000 participants in Porto Alegre in 2003 and more than 4.000 in Mumbai, India in 2004. It joins political discourse and action with practical approaches of convivencia (living together) in a huge laboratory.
Political process and structure
The political process can be characterized by ideas such as self-management, horizontality, diversity and creative resistance, experimenting and proposing alternatives that oppose capitalist and neoliberal hegemony. The term Youth in the camps title refers to its new approaches to political practice rather than to a group of a defined age and so all people from diverse social, political and cultural backgrounds will find a place to live, participate and interact in the camp during the last week of January.
The organizational process is based on a horizontal-hierarchical hybrid structure with ten commissions and the COA (Organizing Committee of the Camp) as the main organs of articulation and collective decision making. All decisions are made by consensus and the commissions have a high degree of autonomy in order to decentralize the process as much as possible. The participants of the process are individuals as well as representatives of groups, organizations and social movements, most of them Brazilian, yet without leaving aside the focus on international issues.
Everyone is welcome to participate
Activities for the camp week can be registered by anyone, independent of being of an organized entity or not, – a big difference from the World Social Forum, where being organized is the basic condition to offer activities. Thus, expecting more than 300 activities from participants of many different countries from all the continents, the camp will be a huge space of exchange, networking, debate and convergence of the most diverse forms of social, political and cultural activism while at the same time functioning as a laboratory for reflection and reinvention of political relations and social life in general. Bio-construction, solidarity economy, free knowledge are some of the many concepts making the IYC an impressive laboratory of alternatives.
There will be seven centres of action (capacity up to 500 people,) besides various other smaller spaces to host the activities, spread out over all of the camp area. The centres represent different main topics and struggles (Cultural Resistance, Health and Culture, Communication and Free Knowledge, Social and Student Movements, Human Rights and Sexual Diversity, Environment, Global Struggle and Direct Action), yet as all the other spaces are open to other kinds of themes as well. Pre-Registration for activities and individuals (Fees of 12 R/30 R$ for people from the “geopolitical” global south/north) will be possible until the 15th of January, after that upon arrival on the camp site. There will also be three spaces of free occupation (ELOs) without a fix program for spontaneous activities.
Self-managed camp life
Beyond this the poli-centric spatial set-up of the camp-territory in opposition to the centralist logics of most of the cities in the world will create many spaces of spontaneous and free encounter of the camps inhabitants. Sixty small neighbourhood centres (barrios) will be the main unit for the campers to self-manage co-existence in the camp. The building of the camps structures is realised based on the contribution and knowledge of different social movements.
Financially the camp is dependant on the World Social Forum, which does not impede a high degree of political autonomy and will not undermine its critical position in relation to the forum, which will be spread out just north and south of the camp area – a great difference from 2003, when the forum was located far more distant in other city areas.
After the all resistances-camp in Quito, Ecuador during the first Social Forum of the Americas the fifth Intercontinental Youth Camp will be another important landmark bringing together and strengthening the diverse forms of global resistance struggle. Once more over 20.000 people will opt to live together in the camp, creatively and powerfully showing face to the dominant powers of our neoliberal world.
More information:

Program Committee:

To participate as a volunteer:

call for activities
Desde el mundo hasta Porto Alegre y desde Porto Alegre hasta el Mundo
Llamada para acciones [24 a 31 de enero.2005]
Es una llamada de actividades en distinctas partes del mundo durante el
5º Campamento Intercontinental de Juventud, enero de 2005.
A partir de la decada de 90 nuevas formas de luchas internacionales
estan ocurriendo. Grandes encuentros y protestas cómo contrapuntos a
acuerdos económicos de los paises dominates mostraram uma nueva cara
para esos nuevos rumos del movimiento alterglobalista. Adentro de esse
processo diversos campamentos ocurrieron para dar espacio a encuentros,
articulaciones y vinculaciones, y a lo mismo tiempo experimentar otras
formas de convivio.
Venimos de un processo de contestación mundial contra los efechos
negativos del neoliberalismo, tenendo cómo uma de las formas de acción
creación de ´campamentos de juventud´ por el mundo, mucho adelante de
dos Foros Sociales Mundiales de porto Alegre y Mumbai. Exemplos de eso
son las acciones realizadas en Quebèc, Tübingen, Londres, Zimbabwe, Rio
de Janeiro, Paris, São Paulo, Quito, Evian, los campamentos de
los foros regionales y tematicos de Argentina, Uruguay, Quito, y tantos
otros. Este encenario tiene un tiempo de vida bastante nuevo, y podemos
currer el riesgo de decir que esta moviminetacion de campamentos em
contexto tem ocurrido desde 2001. Desta manera existe hoy, claramente,
una larga red de activistas sociales, organizados em las mas distintas
maneras, y com dimension de acción mundial, sim fronteras. La
convergencia ocurre em el espectro de la acción propositiva, em el
empeño de transformar las realidades través de las practicas del
cotidiano, em níveles tanto micro como macropolíticos.
El Campamento Intercontinental de Juventude (AIJ –

seer mas uno momiento de cristalización de mucho de eso. Cómo el evento
em si en Porto Alegre no deve seer restricto a los que tengan
possibilidad de viajar hasta la em enero, proponemos aqui actividades
diluídas por el mundo durante la ultima semaña de enero (desde 24 hasta
31), cuando estará ocurriendo el AIJ en Porto Alegre. Desde seminários
informativos, fiestas, acciones directas, hasta manifestaciones, todo
puede ser y es possble. Una idea es de divulgar mas las perspectivas y
los conceptos de esse “movimiento alterglobalista” y sus distintas
formas de articulación y acción.
Para conectar y articular los “quienes, cómo y dónde” va seer utilizada
la lista de e-mail de la RRG (Red de Restências Global), que nasció em
el 3º AIJ en 2003. Ex uma red sin dueño, abierta y horizontal. Para
inserir-se em la lista accesse

Esta lista existe para dar una continuidad a los processos de luchas
globales y campamentos por el mundo, tanto para la trueca de
informaciones, conocimientos y experiências cómo para la organización
acciones y luchas internacionales. 2005 va a seer mas un año
mostrando cara a los poderes del mundo. Esta es uma invitación para
empezar este año com gritos diversos e altos, por el mundo, sea donde
for. Vamos concretizar los contactos y las redes. Vamos articularnos,
ativarnos. Atuaremos.
Timo – Tübingen, Alemanha Julia – Porto Alegre, Brasil

>From Porto Alegre to the world and from the world to Porto Alegre
Call for action [24th to 31st of January, 2005]
This is a call for activities in different places of the world during
the 5th Intercontinental Youth Camp, January 2005.
Since the nineties new forms of international activism and struggle
surged. Great meetings and protests opposing to the economic meetings
and agreements of the dominant countries gave body to these new forms
alterglobalist movement. Within this process different camps took place
to offer space for meeting, exchange, articulation and convergence and,
at the same time, experiment new and different forms of convivencia
(living together/coexistence).
A process of global upraise in opposition to the negative effects of
neoliberalism can be observed with the “Intercontinental Youth Camps”
one form of action and creation. Beyond these camps, which so have
place three times in Brazil and one time in India, many other camps and
meetings with similar ideas and goals and of different dimensions have
taken place in different parts of the world such as Zimbabwe, Quebec,
London, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Quito, Evian, Florence,
Tübingen. These camps, which are nourished by experiences from many
other camps and activities that have taken place before or in other
contexts, have become part of the international agenda of activism
the beginning of this millennium and many people from different
countries and backgrounds have thus been able to get in contact and
exchange experiences, views and knowledge as well as plan and realise
activities together. Different networks, loose or organized, can be
as one result of these dynamics – networks of activists of diverse
organizational social and political background widening the dimensions
of struggle beyond cultural or social differences and national
boundaries. One of the convergences is the spectrum of positive and
creative dimension of action, spanning the range of strive for change
from day-to-day reality to the questioning of and struggling against
micro- to macropolitical contexts.
The Intercontinental Youth Camp (IYC –

taking place for the fifth time from 24th to 31st of January will be
another phase of crystallisation of the described dynamics. As an event
itself it should not be and is not restricted to the locality of Parque
Harmonia in Porto Alegre, where it will take place, but yes its
activities and participants reach out to other places in the world.
is why we propose decentralized activities in different places of the
world in the last week of January in 2005, when the camp will take
place. From informative seminaries, parties, direct actions to
manifestations, anything can be and is possible. One of the motives is
to spread further and reflect more deeply the ideas and concepts of the
alterglobalist movement with its diverse forms of struggle,
and action.
To get in contact and coordinate the “who, where and how” will be used
the email list RRG (Rede de Resistencis Globais – Global Resistance
Network), which was initiated during the third IYC. It is a network
without owners and bosses, open and horizontal. To make part of this
list just go to this site:

This list exists to give continuity to the processes of the global
struggles and camps of different parts of the world. From exchange of
information, knowledge and experiences to the organization and
articulation of international action and struggle – it is just what the
participants make of it. 2005 will be another important year, to oppose
to the powers of this world. This is an invitation to start this year
with loud and diverse shouts wherever it and you may be on the globe.
Let´s concretize and activate our contacts and networks. Let´s
articulate. Let´s take action.
Timo – Tübingen, Alemanha Julia – Porto Alegre, Brasil

Do mundo a Porto Alegre e de Porto Alegre ao mundo
Chamada para ações [24 a 31 de janeiro. 2005]
Se trata de uma chamada de atividades em diferentes partes do mundo
durante o 5º Acampamento Intercontinental da Juventude, janeiro de
A partir da década de 90 novas formas de lutas internacionais têm
acontecido. Grandes encontros e protestos como contrapontos aos acordos
econômicos dos países dominadores deram cara para esses novos rumos do
movimento altermundista. Dentro desse processo diversos acampamentos
aconteceram para dar espaço a encontros, articulações e ativações, e ao
mesmo tempo fomentar um convívio auto-gestionário.
Viemos de um processo de contestação mundial contra os efeitos
do neoliberalismo, tendo como uma das formas de ação a criação de
acampamentos da juventude pelo mundo, bastante além dos Fóruns Sociais
Mundiais de Porto Alegre e Mumbai. Exemplo disso são as ações
em Quebèc, Tübingen, Londres, Zimbabwe, Rio de Janeiro, Paris, São
Paulo, Quito, Evian, os acampamentos de fronteira, os fóruns regionais
temáticos da Argentina, Uruguay, Quito, e tantos outros. Este cenário
tem um tempo de vida bastante novo, e podemos arriscar dizer que esta
movimentação de acampamentos nesse contexto tem ocorrido desde 2001.
Desta forma existe hoje, claramente, uma grande rede de ativistas
sociais, organizados das mais diversas formas, e com dimensão de ação
mundial, sem fronteiras. Nossa convergência se dá no espectro da ação
propositiva, no empenho em transformar as realidades através das
práticas do cotidiano, em níveis tanto micro como macropolíticos.
O Acampamento Intercontinental da Juventude (AIJ –

mais um momento de cristalização de muito disso. Como o evento em si no
local de Porto Alegre não deve ser restrito para quem tenha a
possibilidade de ir para lá em janeiro. Propomos aqui atividades
espalhadas pelo mundo durante a última semana de janeiro (de 24 a 31),
quando acontecerá o AIJ em Porto Alegre. De seminários informativos,
festas, ações diretas, até manifestações, tudo pode ser e é possível.
Uma idéia é de divulgar mais as perspectivas e os conceitos desse
“movimento alterglobalista” e as suas diversas formas de articulação e
Para conectar e articular o “quem, como e onde” será utilizada a lista
de e-mail da RRG (Rede de Resistência Global), que nasceu no 3º AIJ em
2003. É uma rede sem dono, aberta e horizontal. Para se inserir na
entre em

Esta lista existe para dar uma continuidade aos processos de lutas
globais e acampamentos pelo mundo, tanto para a troca de informações,
conhecimentos e experiências como para a organização de ações e lutas
internacionais. 2005 será mais um ano importante, mostrando cara aos
poderes do mundo. Este é um convite para começar este ano com gritos
diversos e altos, pelo mundo, seja onde for. Vamos concretizar os
contatos e as redes. Vamos nos articular, nos ativar. Atuaremos.
Timo – Tübingen, Alemanha Julia – Porto Alegre, Brasil

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