Plataforma Ciudadana contra la Expo 2008 (civic platform against the Expo2008),
are been threatened by Spanish Government Subdelegation with thirty fines which
could amount to more than 123.000 Euros.
Last 09/10/2004, during the city festivities opening speech, the repressed
people showed a 25meters long banner, on top of the Pilar Square porches,
opposite the city hall balcony, with the motto: EXPO = SPECULATION. In the
presence of thousands of people & the atonished look of all the pro-Expo local
authorities, the banner got to break the mediatic silence, silence bought by
the Expo sponsors & suffered by the civic critics during mounths.
The activist kept a peaceful attitude at all the times; from the moment they
went up their own ladder, while they showed the banner & when they went down
the ladder by themselves & the police identified them & let them go
immediately. In spite of the activists scrupulous peaceful attitud, the
authorities falsify the reality to incriminate them. The governmental charges
are: provocation & civic security disturbance, serious disturbances & damages
to the public property, & desobedience. Thanks to a sum of lies & a shameful
legislation (Ley de Proteccion de la Seguridad Ciudadana -civic safety
protection law- the so-called ?kick on the door law?) the police authorities,
assuming judges & public prosecutors responsibilities, threaten the ecologist
group with multimillonaire fines, without real guarantees of defence.
Everything is allow on the international race of the Expo local promoters &
their media & institutional friends to get Zaragoza choosen as venue for the
Expo2008. Even the civil liberties violation, as the freedom of speech &
thought. The huge economic interests that this event arouses & the partizan
fever to get votes at future municipal election (all the political parties on
institutional struggle:PSOE, PP, CHA, IU, PAR, support the candidacy) turn the
Expo2008 into a coveted booty which must be obtained whatever the cost. So we
have to sum the police farce & the economic coercion with barbaric fines, to
the constant campaing in favor of the Zaragoza candidacy & the masking of all
the critical voices.
We don´t see any reason to justify the cut back on social investments for our
neighborhoods, the exorbitant rise in taxes, or any sensible reason to get into
the more dangerous debt of this town history (on the beginings of this year
Zaragoza council went bankrupt) To defray the costs of Expo2008, nor to allow
the cement aggression to our lifes & to our best natural heritage (as
the ?Meandro de Ranillas?, the last riberside ecosystem survivor in Zaragoza
outskirts, ´couse in the last years its ground has been revaluated by the
construction of AVE station -AVE=express train- & the future construction of
the ?third millennium bridge?).
For these reasons, we have never been consulted, the consequences & the citizen
debate are hidden, CHA (political party which governs together with PSOE)
expels their own youth movement ´cause it´s opposed to Expo2008, & who dares to
express their thoughts on the streets is prosecuted with unjust laws. Thus is
how, what they call consensus in favor of Expo, is fabricated. They need us to
live in a constant ilusion or under threat, if we don´t, we ´d start thinking
by ourselves & acting collectively. ?The Expo´s dream? screens a nightmare full
of avarice, megalomania, concrete & authoritarism.
Once again, the persecution to the freedom of speech & thought is a fact.
Plataforma Ciudadana contra la Expo 2008
More information and support:
Tfn. 0034-619391537