It is very hard to get any idea of what is going on in Iraq through the U.S. corporate media. The “official” death count of U.S. troops is now 1297. These articles from give a different view of the continuing and expanding disaster in that tortured and illegally occupied nation......
It is very hard to get any idea of what is going on in Iraq through the U.S. corporate media. The “official” death count of U.S. troops is now 1297. These articles from give a different view of the continuing and expanding disaster in that tortured and illegally occupied nation. They are not offered as verified truth but as tools with which you and others may begin to understand reality with your own common sense and reason as thinking and feeling human beings. Please share them as widely and as quickly as you can.
It is very hard to get any idea of what is going on in Iraq through the U.S. corporate media. The “official” death count of U.S. troops is now 1297. These articles from give a different view of the continuing and expanding disaster in that tortured and illegally occupied nation. They are not offered as verified truth but as tools with which you and others may begin to understand reality with your own common sense and reason as thinking and feeling human beings. Please share them as widely and as quickly as you can.
A Message From The Iraq Resistance
By: Iraqi Resistance speech on videotape December 13 2004 on: 14.12.2004 [14:56 ] (12 reads)
(4395 bytes)
People of the world! These words come to you from those who up to the day of the invasion were struggling to survive under the sanctions imposed by the criminal regimes of the U.S. and Britain.
We are simple people who chose principles over fear.
We have suffered crimes and sanctions, which we consider the true weapons of mass destruction.
Years and years of agony and despair, while the condemned UN traded with our oil revenues in the name of world stability and peace.
Over two million innocents died waiting for a light at the end of a tunnel that only ended with the occupation of our country and the theft of our resources.
After the crimes of the administrations of the U.S and Britain in Iraq , we have chosen our future. The future of every resistance struggle ever in the history of man.
It is our duty, as well as our right, to fight back the occupying forces, which their nations will be held morally and economically responsible; for what their elected governments have destroyed and stolen from our land.
We have not crossed the oceans and seas to occupy Britain or the U.S. nor are we responsible for 9/11. These are only a few of the lies that these criminals present to cover their true plans for the control of the energy resources of the world, in face of a growing China and a strong unified Europe . It is Ironic that the Iraqi's are to bear the full face of this large and growing conflict on behalf of the rest of this sleeping world.
We thank all those, including those of Britain and the U.S. , who took to the streets in protest against this war and against Globalism. We also thank France , Germany and other states for their position, which least to say are considered wise and balanced, til now.
Today, we call on you again.
We do not require arms or fighters, for we have plenty.
We ask you to form a world wide front against war and sanctions. A front that is governed by the wise and knowing. A front that will bring reform and order. New institutions that would replace the now corrupt.
Stop using the U.S. dollar, use the Euro or a basket of currencies. Reduce or halt your consumption of British and U.S. products. Put an end to Zionism before it ends the world. Educate those in doubt of the true nature of this conflict and do not believe their media for their casualties are far higher than they admit.
We only wish we had more cameras to show the world their true defeat.
The enemy is on the run. They are in fear of a resistance movement they can not see nor predict.
We, now choose when, where, and how to strike. And as our ancestors drew the first sparks of civilization, we will redefine the word “conquest.“
Today we write a new chapter in the arts of urban warfare.
Know that by helping the Iraqi people you are helping yourselves, for tomorrow may bring the same destruction to you.
In helping the Iraqi people does not mean dealing for the Americans for a few contracts here and there. You must continue to isolate their strategy.
This conflict is no longer considered a localized war. Nor can the world remain hostage to the never-ending and regenerated fear that the American people suffer from in general.
We will pin them here in Iraq to drain their resources, manpower, and their will to fight. We will make them spend as much as they steal, if not more.
We will disrupt, then halt the flow of our stolen oil, thus, rendering their plans useless.
And the earlier a movement is born, the earlier their fall will be.
And to the American soldiers we say, you can also choose to fight tyranny with us. Lay down your weapons, and seek refuge in our mosques, churches and homes. We will protect you. And we will get you out of Iraq , as we have done with a few others before you.
Go back to your homes, families, and loved ones. This is not your war. Nor are you fighting for a true cause in Iraq .
And to George W. Bush, we say, “You have asked us to ‘Bring it on’, and so have we. Like never expected. Have you another challenge?”
- Communiqué Number 6, The media platoon of the Islamic Jihad Army. On the 27th of Shawal 1425h. 10 December 2004 (Rush transcript)
Also from the Iraqi resistance (reports of recent fighting):
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Thursday, 9 December 2004.
Violent fighting resumed for the second straight day in the city of ar-Ramadi, west of Bahdad. The battles lasted for more than one and a half hour.
Western Iraq.
Iraqi puppet “border guards” have prohibited the entry of cars and passengers through the Rabi‘ah crossing on the Iraqi-Syrian border. They gave no explanation for their action that resulted in traffic pileups, stranding travelers in the middle of the remote region.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US patrol in Abu Ghurayb west of Baghdad on Thursday.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded a US patrol with mortar rounds in Abu Ghurayb on Thursday. The American troops responded by opening fire indiscriminately, killing five Iraqi civilians and wounding two others.
The Iraqi Resistance organization called the Abu Bakr as-Siddiq Brigades announced that it had carried out an operation that left three US troops and one Nepali collaborator dead in the building housing the offices of the Municipal Council of Abu Ghurayb.
US forces launched a wave or house raids and mass arrests in the al-Ghazaliyah area west of Baghdad. As usual, the Americans said they were searching for individuals connected with armed Resistance activities against their invader troops.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired five mortar rounds into the headquarters of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” in the al-Waziriyah area of Baghdad on Thursday, killing three puppet troops and wounding five others.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a puppet police patrol, wounding two Iraqi puppet policemen in the ad-Dawudi area of Baghdad.
The puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” arrested Shaykh Ahmad al-‘Iqabi, a leader in the movement headed by Shi‘i religious leader Muqtada as-Sadr. Puppet forces raided the religious man’s home in the al-Husayniyah area of Baghdad, dragged him outside and severely beat him before leading him away. The move came despite announcements by the Sadr movement that it intended to participate jointly with pro-American clerics in the theatrical “election” farce to be staged by the occupation in January.
A headless body was found floating in the Euphrates River near the city of al-Hillah. It is believed that it was the remains of a member of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” who was killed by the Iraqi Resistance.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded in Mosul by a US patrol in the al-Islah az-Zira‘i area of the city. The American military admitted only that one US aggressor soldier and one Iraqi were wounded.
An Iraqi Resistance motorcycle bomb exploded by a puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” patrol in Mosul, destroying two of the puppet forces’ vehicles and wounding five of the puppet troops.
Iraqi Resistance forces assassinated three members of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” in Mosul. In addition, the bodies of 19 others, most of them acknowledged to be members of the puppet “national guard” were also found in the city.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the Mosul headquarters of the collaborationist Kurdish chauvinist Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party whose chief sits on the American-appointed puppet council. The mortar barrage on the chauvinist collaborator party headquarters in the at-Ta’mim section of the city set the building ablaze.
US forces encircled the as-Sulayman Mosque north of Mosul on Thursday, prompting Iraqi Resistance attacks on them from numerous directions. The Americans, as usual, refused to report any information regarding the number or extent of their casualties.
The puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry” dismissed Brigadier General ‘Adil ‘Abdallah, the administrative aide to the Ninwa puppet police chief. The dismissal came days after the dismissal of Major General Muhammad Khayri al-Burhawi, the former puppet police chief in the city. The dismissals followed a successful Iraqi Resistance offensive on the city in November in the course of which Resistance fighters seized control of Mosul, the third-largest city in Iraq.

Friday, 10 December 2004.
Al-Fallujah – ar-Ramadi.
US forces admitted that one of their Marines had been killed in combat. As usual, the Americans refused to provide more detailed information on the circumstances of the death, saying only that it took place in al-Anbar Province – the province in which al-Fallujah and ar-Ramadi are located.
Iraqi Resistance forces shot down an unmanned US spy plane at the Kilometer 5 location near ar-Ramadi on Friday.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US camp in al-Warrar west of ar-Ramadi on Friday, firing 14 rockets into the American base.
The puppet governor of Hit and the puppet police chief in the city announced their resignations on Friday, citing the deterioration of security in Hit as the reason for their departure.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US patrol near the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace in Baghdad – known to the invaders as the “green zone.” The blast damaged a Humvee but American sources as usual refused to disclose details regarding the extent and nature of their casualties.
Two Resistance fighters were apparently killed as they were attempting to fire a mortar barrage at the US airbase in al-Muthanna in Baghdad, when the barrel of their weapon exploded.
Frustrated at the lack of public response to the occupation call for farcical “elections” under the gun barrels of the US invaders, the puppet so-called “high commissioner” for the “elections” announced that the period for nomination and registration of parties and organizations that plan to take part in the theatrics would be extended until 15 December. The deadline for registration had bee set to expire on Friday, but due to the lack of response, the puppet regime decided to extent the period.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the city of Ba‘qubah, destroying a Humvee and wounding a number of US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a patrol of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard,” wounding three puppet troops.
Hundreds of residents of the town of Bahraz near Ba‘qubah came out to demonstrate after Friday congregational prayers, condemning the US occupation and denouncing the theatrical farce known as “elections” to be held to try to put a “legal” cover over the American seizure of the country. The demonstrators denounced the “elections” as illegal and carried placards condemning the puppet so-called “prime minister” and long-time CIA agent Iyyad ‘Allawi.
US forces carried out a campaign or raids and arrests in the area of Khan Bani Sa‘d east of Ba‘qubah. The American house invaders swept through numerous neighborhoods and villages after having first sealed off the area.
Iraqi Resistance forces blew up an oil pipeline in the al-Khaniqin area near Ba‘qubah. The pipeline serves the ad-Durah refinery south of Baghdad. The blast set the pipeline ablaze.
The puppet police chief of Mosul, ‘Adil ‘Abdallah Fatthi was forced to resign after failing to bring security back to the US occupation forces in the city following a massive Resistance offensive in November in the course of which the Resistance controlled the city for a time.
Iraqi Resistance forces mounted attacks on US forces that continued to encircle the as-Salman Mosque in Mosul, finally compelling the Americans to retreat.

Saturday, 11 December 2004.
Al-Fallujah – ar-Ramadi.
Fierce fighting in al-Fallujah; Resisitance seizes back neighborhoods.
US aircraft bombed the neighborhoods of al-‘Askari, al-Jawlan, and the industrial zone in al-Fallujah on Saturday, after Iraqi Resistance forces advanced into areas formerly held by the US invaders. American B-52 strategic bombers were used in the aerial assault on the city, dropping one-ton bombs on the city, and thousands of anti-personnel cluster bombs in container bombs. US F-16s also took part in the vicious US assault attacking the al-Jawlan neighborhood and the industrial zone. Fierce fighting was also reported throughout the night and until the first hours of dawn.
At the end of the day, Iraqi Resistance forces reported that they had recovered the industrial zone and parts of al-Jawlan neighborhood from the US occupation forces. The Resistance fighters told Quds Press that they prayed the nighttime prayer in a mosque in the Industrial Zone. Also on Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces announced that they had taken the al-‘Askari neighborhood back from the US invader forces, after battles that lasted several hours.
The Consultative Council of the Mujahideen of al-Fallujah, the political wing of the Resistance in the city, announced in a letter from Shaykh ‘Abdallah al-Jannabi that the Resistance fighters were determined to continue battling the US aggressors and that 750 more fighters had entered al-Fallujah by swimming across the Euphrates River during the night. They were joining their brothers in the battle to oust the American aggressors from the defiant city.
Resistance bombards US camp in ar-Ramadi.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired rockets into the US headquarters west of ar-Ramadi, sending clouds of smoke rising into the sky over the area.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US headquarters in Hit with violent rocket barrages on Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired rockets into the headquarters of the US forces encamped in the area of al-Qa’im on the Iraqi-Syrian border.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing rockets attacked a US column on the al-Qanat highway near the Afaq ‘Arabiyah magazine publishing house in northern Baghdad. As usual, the American aggressors refused to disclose information regarding the extent and nature of their casualties. US aircraft, meanwhile, went out to strafe and rocket the parks and gardens near the scene of the attack on the pretext that the Resistance fighters often take cover in such areas.
An Iraqi Resistance group known as the Army of Islam in the Land of the Two Rivers issued a Statement calling for a boycott of the election farce scheduled by the US occupation for the end of January 2005. The Statement described how Iran was working directly, and with local organizations close to the Tehran regime, to bring members of the Iranian “Revolutionary Guards” into the southern Iraqi cities of an-Najaf, Karbala’, and al-‘Ammarah to vote in the farcical “elections.”
Iraqi puppet policemen raided the campus of the Islamic University in Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah district. The puppet forces confiscated weapons from the University’s guards and then arrested members of the University faculty on the grounds that they had seen weapons pointed at them from within the University campus area.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a puppet police patrol near the Nida’ al-Islam Mosque in the al-Qahirah neighborhood Saturday morning. No information on the nature or extent of casualties among the puppet police was released.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a bus carrying employees of the puppet so-called “ministry of education” in Baghdad. Several persons were wounded in the attack but no deaths were reported.
Two puppet policemen, one of them a high-ranking officer, were killed in a battle with Iraqi Resistance forces in the as-Sayyidiyah area south of Baghdad. Numerous other puppet policemen were wounded in the engagement.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US military column in al-Latifiyah, destroying one US military vehicle and wounding two American crewmen.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded near a US military headquarters in Samarra’, reportedly wounding several Iraqis. As usual, the American aggressor forces refused to disclose information on the nature and extent of US casualties in the attack.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked the house of the puppet police chief of Samarra’, Brigadier General Talib Shamil. There were no reported casualties in the attack.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a patrol of Iraqi puppet police and puppet “national guards” in the town of ash-Sharqat near Samarra’. Four puppet troops were killed as was one puppet colonel.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a truck carrying supplies to the US forces in the city of Bayji. The truck was set ablaze and its foreign driver abducted.
US forces raided the campus of the University of Mosul in Iraq’s third largest city. The American invader troops occupied the buildings housing the College of Administration and Economics and demanded that students trapped inside inform on members of the Iraqi Resistance to them.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded on a roadside in Mosul, damaging several civilian cars and wounding numerous US troops. The booby-trapped car had been parked on the roadside when it exploded adjacent to American invader troops.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired rockets at the US military headquarters in Mosul.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded under a US military column on the road that links the Sannaharib Bridge with the Fourth Bridge in Mosul. The blast caused several injuries.
Diyala Province.
US forces arrested Shaykh ‘Abd al-Karim Salih at-Tatari, the Imam and preacher in the as-Siddiq Mosque in Diyala Province, and also the chairman of the Jalula’ Branch of the Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’ Scholars.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US convoy on the road between al-Khaniqin and al-Miqdadiyah, east of Ba‘qubah, disabling a US Humvee and wounding several US troops. The Americans opened fire indiscriminately in response, killing three Iraqi civilians and wounding three more.
Iraqi puppet police mounted several campaigns of raids and arrests in Ba‘qubah on Saturday, abducting 30 individuals whom they accused of firing rockets at the local puppet police station.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a puppet police patrol in al-Basrah. No information on the nature or extent of puppet casualties was disclosed.

Sunday, 12 December 2004.
Al-Fallujah – ar-Ramadi.
Violent fighting raged in al-Fallujah for the third straight day between Iraqi Resistance fighters and US aggressor troops in and around al-Fallujah.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded next to a US troop transport truck in the an-Nu‘aymiyah area south of al-Fallujah on Sunday, destroying the truck and killing several of the soldiers.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired a barrage of rockets into the US military base located west of ar-Ramadi.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a bus carrying puppet “national guards” in the city of Hit, west of ar-Ramadi, leaving 10 of them dead and two others wounded.
The US military admitted that a Marine who had been wounded on Saturday died of his wounds on Sunday. The US military, as usual, refused to provide any further details on the circumstances of the American’s death other than to say that he was wounded in combat in al-Anbar Province – where al-Fallujah and ar-Ramadi are located.
Hit – Hadithah.
Seven bodies of Africans working for the US occupation troops were found near the city of Hit.
US occupation troops have been distributing pathetic leaflets in the city of Haditha, west of ar-Ramadi, asking local residents to turn in Iraqi Resistance fighters to the invader forces.
Iraqi Resistance fighters bombarded the US camp near al-Qa’im on the Syrian border with mortar shells.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded with a violent blast under a US column in the area of Abu Ghurayb west of Baghdad.
Fierce fighting broke out Sunday morning on Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district. The battles lasted for about two hours. Three loud explosions shook the area. Eyewitnesses reported that five US special forces troops were killed in the battle, which continued intermittently for a long time. US helicopters took part in the fighting and damage was inflicted on many buildings in the neighborhood.
Iraqi Resistance fighters assassinated two high-ranking officers in the in the puppet intelligence service in central Baghdad, the puppet so-called “Iraqi ministry of the interior” admitted. The collaborator officers were killed when Resistance fighters opened fire on their cars.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a convoy of supplies and equipment headed to the US occupation troops in as-Suwayrah, south of Baghdad on Sunday, destroying one of the supply trucks.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US patrol in al-Latifiyah, south of Baghdad, destroying one Humvee.
The body of an Iraqi puppet policeman was found outside his house in the city of Ba‘qubah after he had been kidnapped and liquidated by the Iraqi Resistance.
The puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” arrested five Iraqis in the town of Habhab near Ba‘qubah on charges that they were involved with armed Resistance activity against the US occupation forces and their Iraqi stooges.
US forces announced that they had arrested 50 Iraqis in the city of Bahraz on charges of being involved in Iraqi Resistance activities.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, followed by fierce fighting between the Resistance and US invaders. The American command claimed that eight of their aggressor troops were wounded in the fighting.
US military sources admitted that an American airplane dropped a half-ton bomb on targets in the city of Mosul. As usual, the American spokesmen claimed that the bomb that struck the third-largest city in Iraq was targeted on Resistance fighters.

Eight Marines die in Anbar province
By: AP on: 13.12.2004 [04:32 ] (1819 reads)
Eight Marines die in Anbar province
BAGHDAD, Iraq Sunday was the deadliest day in more than a month for U-S Marines in Iraq.
Eight Marines died in fighting in Anbar province. The military says seven were killed while conducting "security and stabilization operations." It didn't give other details, saying that would put other Americans at risk.
The latest violence began when American and Iraqi forces clashed with guerrillas and ended with U-S airstrikes on suspected insurgent hideouts.
Anbar province includes the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi. Fallujah was the scene of a U-S-led offensive last month to uproot insurgents based in the city.
Sunday's deaths equaled the highest number of Marines killed in a single day since a car bomb killed eight outside Fallujah on October 30th
Only comments Article and comments Comments per page
Muhammad: The Man & The Messageby Prof of Wisdom Guest on 13.12.2004 [04:52 ]

Falluja III About to Beginby Layth Guest on 13.12.2004 [05:00 ]
Latest reports indicate mass US armor has approached to the north of Falluja in what may be a last effort to save face and show the world that they can indeed take the small city...The convoy line streches for 35 km according to eye witness reports containing tanks, armored vehiccles, Humvees, and all other heavy weaponry... Looks like Falluja III is about to begin.
Its about time the US Soldiers revoltby Guest on 13.12.2004 [06:06 ]
How much more time till they realize they're being used and abused for business. They have been brainwashed very well to be 'Patriotic'. Among them, who see the truth will be silent for the fear of not fitting in or sounding unpatriotic. If you ask me, they need some starters - some risk takers who will take these first attempts. Others will then follow. But the starters have to be absolutely selfless coz all they would get in return for this great heroic effort is dissent, humiliation and might even be court martialled or killed. I think thats the only way to save the lives of those innocent fellow soldiers who really believe they are fighting for the country
To First Guest - Here, I have compiled a listby Yoda Guest on 13.12.2004 [06:48 ]
I didnt find it as 'clear' as claimed. So I compiled the following - Interpretations by Dr. Jamal Badawi of prophet Mohammed's reference in the Bible (pbuh)

To Others Not Interestedby Yoda Guest on 13.12.2004 [06:51 ]
Sorry for so many links above. Could've shortened it. Please dont mind
security and stabilization operations in Anbar provinceby Mat Guest on 13.12.2004 [07:05 ]
That means fighting in Fallujah. After destroying much of the city the US still can't take the town. No wonder troops are demoralised.,
What a great day!by zhen Cheng Guest on 13.12.2004 [07:28 ]
All those US scums better all die. I am waiting for IRR anxiously. Long Live Iraqi Resistance and our Heroic Fallujah People!
12 killed on Sundayby Iranian Shi'ite Guest on 13.12.2004 [07:52 ]
If 8 died in al-Anbar, how many died in the rest of Aroqh? four, I believe. So the total for Sunday is 12, I estimate. Fantastic, Iraqi resistance. You are an inspiration and a hope to humanity. God bless you.
RE: Falluja III About to Beginby Guest on 13.12.2004 [08:12 ]
Layth, could you please tell us where you have read about the mass US forces streching 35 km who are trying to enter fallujah. Did you translate Iraqi resistance report for Sunday from arabic to english or you saw it somewhere else.
WHEN ZION/NAZIS SAY 8 PEOPLEby Guest on 13.12.2004 [08:15 ]
were killed you must mulitple 8 by 25 which gives one 200 soldiers have been sent to hell. Remember US is only repotering one death for every 25 that die in fallujah.........why?...because these lying scum do not want the world to know how badly their hated enemy is defeating them and they want to continue the image of invincibility around the world............, it is called propaganda to make oneself look good.
Yoda guestby Ana Guest on 13.12.2004 [08:31 ]
Thank you for the great info. I had been reading about this, but I couldn't find the precise quatations any more. I was raised as a Christian, but I am very interested in Islam. My fellow-christians do not know anything, your info is very helpfull. Keep posting, Yoda.
reports of resistanceby Ana Guest on 13.12.2004 [08:34 ]
Who can tell me: what about the iraqi resistance reports. The last one was 9 dec. Where can I find them?
Anaby Iranian Shi'ite Guest on 13.12.2004 [08:59 ]
No doubt you would also like to read literature on Islam from non-Islamic sources so that you can feel assured of objectivity. The following are a couple of essays written on Islam and Christianity from one of the Jewish perspetives that I thought was interesting from an academic perspective. I don't agree with all of it - but I thought that a Western Christian would find it an interestingly new way of looking at the religions. This is from Princeton University one Jewish perspective on Islam and Christianity College of William & Mary in Virginia misreading Islam White Muslim from NorthEastern University Is there an Islamic problem As I said, the above readings are not frm Muslim perspectives and so Muslims like myself do not fully agree with them - however, they do attempt to be fair, and they are interesting, and I imagnie a non-Muslim would prefer to read objective sources.
Laythby Red Herring Guest on 13.12.2004 [11:14 ]
Fallujah III! Face-saving! 'The world's greatest military ...' Hahahahahahahah! The best these USan weaklings can hope for is to lie, lie, lie about victory in Fallujah - because only in the realms of fiction will they ever taste such a thing.
I am convertedby Ramsis Guest on 13.12.2004 [12:25 ]
I was Christian, but after reading these quotations, I became Muslim. Now where can I enrol in your next jihad against some airplane? I am now eager to teach the infidels some lessons in some elementary schools when I can be a good muslim and kill as many children as possible.
Fantastic News from Fallujagrad!by Austrian guest Guest on 13.12.2004 [12:28 ]
Fallujah: Mujahideen Liberate Al-Askari, Industrial Districts; US Resorts To Chemicals Dec 13, 2004 By Omar Al-Faris, JUS Mujahideen continued to tighten their grip on the besieged American troops in various locations around Fallujah over the weekend. The desperate occupying force leadership resorted to chemical weapons again after Mujahideen have launched 95 rockets at American positions after liberating the Al-Askari and Industrial districts. Bloody Fighting Ends In Liberating The Al-Askari, Industrial Neighborhoods The Fallujah Mujahideen Council has issued a military communiqué Saturday morning announcing the complete liberation of Al-Askari neighborhood which is now under total control of Mujahideen. The industrial neighborhood has also fallen to the Mujahideen. According to the communiqué, 32 American soldiers were killed, 28 others were wounded, and 2 American soldiers were captured. The two captured soldiers will be treated as prisoners of war according to Islamic rules of engagement. The Iraqi flag bearing the words "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) was erected on top of Al-Hussain Mosque. All Mujahideen have performed prayers to thank Allah for this great victory. In addition to human casualties, the Mujahideen have also destroyed 11 Abrams tanks, shot down an Apache, and hit an F-16. The fighting was intense and lasted from 21:15 Friday night until Saturday. Twenty eight Mujahideen were martyred, including a 14 years old boy who was fighting along side of his father who also was martyred. The communiqué stressed that Mujahideen now exert total control over these neighborhood and that this control can be termed as true liberation. Occupiers Fill Fallujah Skies With Poison Gases But Allah Send In Winds And Rain In a Divine victory which is not the first one, Allah has come to the aid of Fallujah residents. American occupying force bombarded Fallujah with not one but three poison gases for the first time on Sunday afternoon. According to eye witnesses, Fallujah skies were filled with a red gas, a yellow gas, and a white gas, all at the same time. But Allah has sent in gusty winds from the south, in the direction of the American troops. The gusty winds were followed by a period of heavy rain lasting for 45 minutes. With this Divine intervention, citizens of Fallujah used wet pieces of cloth to cover their noses for protection from the poison gases. The use of three gases at the same time is a clear indication of the state of desperation of the American troops. Americans have not found a way to break the will of the Mujahideen nor have they found a way to break the siege and stop daily, heavy losses. 95 Rockets Hit Occupation Forces; Fierce Fighting Erupts In Surrounding Areas Mujahideen are executing a plan called “The Killer Pocket”, in which they drag American troops to what appears to be open space, then they encircle them, and finally bombard them with rockets from areas outside and with mortar rounds from inside Fallujah. Death is usually imminent because the American troops have no way to escape alive and they have not been able to break the carefully positioned siege. American casualties are thought to be very high as rockets continued to fall on their positions from early morning Sunday. Mujahideen Level The Biggest Mosque In Fallujah To The Ground A group of Mujahideen have shelled the Al-Hadhra Mosque with heavy artilleries until it was leveled to the ground. This action was taken after the occupying Americans have converted some of its rooms to bars and others to whorehouse houses. According to Mafkarat al-Islam, several cranes are still working on removing concrete blocks and rubbles to retrieve the Americans trapped underneath the rubble. Causalities are reported however specific numbers are not available at this time.(JUS)
HELP---------IF YOU SPEAK ARABIC AND CAN TRANSLATEby Guest on 13.12.2004 [12:29 ]
could one of you arab speaking readers go to the following website where iraqi resistance report originates from and translate the iraqi resistance report from arabic to english. Not all the parts of it, just the parts about fallujah FOR sunday, sat., friday and thursday . we have not had a translation by free arab voice dot com since last wednesday

Another good news from Iraqby Austrian guest Guest on 13.12.2004 [12:35 ]

In desperation, mistakes are madeby TerraHertz Guest on 13.12.2004 [13:01 ]
"The convoy line stretches for 35 km..." Presumably, the intention of this convoy is to try and rescue the US troops under seige in the Fallujah area. Sounds like the IR is indeed attempting to take as many US captives as possible. The US command, of course, will be desperate to prevent that. Pictures on the net, of large numbers of US troops taken captive in Fallujah - that would be a PR disaster. So they will throw everything they can scrape together into the fight. And in so doing, make lots of stupid mistakes. Like concentrating their forces into a 35Km long missile target. Remember the 'highway of death' out of Kuwait? I wouldn't be surprised if the American commanders attempt to kill off trapped groups of US soldiers (perhaps by gassing them, with three different kinds of gas at once?) rather than allow them to surrender. 'Oh dear! It was an accident that the wind blew it towards our troops, honest!' What happened to the english IR reports? Nothing since last Wednesday, which makes them 4 days overdue. When the GRU reports ceased last year, it was due to exceptional events in Iraq (the US using a neutron bomb at Baghdad airport.) Has something equally significant happened again? To do with Fallujah, or perhaps the Iranian military 'exercises'?
liesby angel from catalonia Guest on 13.12.2004 [13:25 ]
"Sunday'sdeaths equaled the highest number of Marines killed in a single day since a car bomb killed eight outside Fallujah on October 30th " more than eight a day last month (source "irq coalition casualties") 08-Nov-2004 12 | US: 11 | UK: 1 09-No -2004 14 | US: 14 10-Nov-2004 9 | US: 9 11-Nov-2004 8 | US: 8 12-Nov-2004 11 | US: 11 13-Nov-2004 10 | US: 10 15-Nov-2004 12 | US: 12
Deciding Battles Being Fought in Fallujaby Layth Guest on 13.12.2004 [13:44 ]
Extremely HEAVY fighting has taken place in Falluja today in which the US forces seem to have thrown their weight into the battle for Faluja II. A column consisting of 56 Abram tanks, as well as Bradly tanks was seen entering Falluja from the western section. The IFF are reporting that Falluja is seeing some of the heaviest battles since the US began ints attck over 5 weeks ago. Tens of IFF fighters have been martyred in the fighting.
IRR Reportsby Blue Agua Guest on 13.12.2004 [14:00 ]
To the person who keeps asking on here about the reports yes they are late 4 or 5 days now. Here are a few articles it is from JUS (I dont Know how accurate or Truthful the reports or the website is,take a read and judge for yourself)

:IRR reportby Guest on 13.12.2004 [14:04 ]
thank you blue agua
CNN website already buried news of dead Marinesby Guest on 13.12.2004 [15:00 ]
amazing how quickly they take off headlines involving US casualties.
let's exchange some marinesby Guest on 13.12.2004 [15:07 ]
fot the swine. It would be a nice way to get rid of the sswine!
IRR reportsby Ramsis Guest on 13.12.2004 [16:15 ]
To those eager to see the IRR reports, here are the facts: The basement in which that computer issuing those reports in some Western European country got infected recentlky with a virus and it was not possible to fix it that fast because the Islamic Computer Expert was jailed recently in Pakistan during one of his trips there. So the Islamists are waiting for some expertise to clean that computer from that virus. Have patience. The report will come later with at least 30 F15 Downed, 60 Tanks destroyed, 1000 Soldiers dead, 30000 Injured, etc... Be glad, use the strong bag.
Ramsis - HOw long until you will post just the opposite?by Guest on 13.12.2004 [16:25 ]
You have a mental illness. This site is littered with conflicting opinions by you.
Guest on 13.12.2004 [16:25 ]by Ramsis Guest on 13.12.2004 [16:36 ]
Some people use my name to post. Is that clear?
35 KM Convoy reminds me of Black Hawk Down Evacuation jamie Guest on 13.12.2004 [17:12 ]
I think they are going to do mass evacuation this time around.
let me tell you about ramsisby mr fortune 500 aka picard Guest on 13.12.2004 [17:43 ]
ramsis = looterisafag = mr america = vince from downtown philly
No one uses Ramsis's name but himby Truth Seeker Guest on 13.12.2004 [17:46 ]
Don't read him he is just payed to take the piss. If he had a real problem with nick hijacking, he would sort it out with registering it with the site.
KILL the American occupying scumby SERBIA Guest on 13.12.2004 [17:51 ]
Just what I like to see. Send the fucking Americans to hell where they belong
Reply to the FAKE Ramsis Guestby urdunman Guest on 13.12.2004 [18:05 ]
'Now where can I enrol in your next jihad against some airplane? I am now eager to teach the infidels some lessons in some elementary schools when I can be a good muslim and kill as many children as possible.' Ah, typical hypocrite opportunist American scumbag at work. Clean the indoctrinated shit out of your head before flapping those fucking lips of yours and spewing uneducated nonsense. Hijack airplanes? WHy hijack when you can shoot one down just like you did in Iran in 1980s, killing hundreds. Killing children? You killed enough in Vietnam for all of us, buddy. Back then you didnt hesitate to blow away villages full of good, modest, respectful Vietnamese children. But oh wait, I forgot. Killing is ok as long as you are the ones doing it, right? Be a good Muslim? You seem to be being a good Christian alright. Spouting ridiculous, unfounded nonsense and preaching your hatred for anyone who is NOT Christian. Youve got black people to lynch in your own country, protestants to blow up in Ireland and Jews to torture in Spain. Sorry for keeping you busy, get to work little murderer.
amazing how quickly they take off headlines involving US casualtiesby eurohippie Guest on 13.12.2004 [18:18 ]
that's exactly what I was thinking as I was looking at Yahoo news page. top AP title at the moment: "Suicide Car Bombing Kills 13 in Baghdad" (you have to read until the end of the first paragraph to know about the death of 7 marines) top Reuters title: "Bomb Kills 7 Iraqis, Year After Saddam's Capture" (the 7 marines KIA are only mentioned in paragraph 3) strange how suddenly Iraqi deaths became more newsworthy than Usans'…
Baghdad: Iraqi insurgents attack US supply convoyby Guest on 13.12.2004 [18:37 ]

casualties? what casualties?by verve Guest on 13.12.2004 [18:43 ]
I think the geeks at CentBomb call it "perception managment". viva la resistance
Bit More News Out of Iraq Todayby Blue Agua Guest on 13.12.2004 [20:14 ]
9 Vehicle Convoy attacked drivers missing.

to ramsisby littlewords on 13.12.2004 [20:44 ]
dear ramsis if you log on (with your username and password) on top left. then the status (Guest) will not appear and that would solve what you are claiming that people are using your name, and we would know your posts from the fake ones.
The Iranian planeby Ykk Guest on 13.12.2004 [21:05 ]
Some one claimed that the US shut down an iranian airliner in the 80s ad did not pay for compensations. this is not true. Iran was offered $5000 per victim, and it refused.
littlewords on 13.12.2004 [20:44 ]by Ramsis Guest on 13.12.2004 [22:12 ]
I just tried to register Ramsis. I didn;t know I had to give the correct address, and therefore, I am unable now to register the name with the correct email.
ISRAEL CALLS ON NATIONALS TO LEAVE IRAQby Guest on 13.12.2004 [23:39 ]

ramsisby anon Guest on 13.12.2004 [23:49 ]
I feel so bad for Ramsisby Guest on 13.12.2004 [23:53 ]
his trailer is parked in a swamp, he has no address, he has multiple personalities, no heart and a partridge in a pear tree.
Ramsis' Cattack on 14.12.2004 [00:42 ]
Yes, his republican sewer mother took a shit and there was Ramsis.. at the bottom of the turd pile.
just remember folksby Cattack on 14.12.2004 [00:47 ]
When Centcom says "3 US soldiers confirmed dead" you have to translate their pig latin. In reality, since they are republicans they don't speak English. So you have to translate the language of pigs into the English language. The aforementioned quote would read in English "12 US soldiers confirmed dead and we have to lie to you so that we continue gettin paid fat checks at the end of the month for a job well done."
2 Marines killedby Guest on 14.12.2004 [05:23 ]
Two US marines killed in Iraq From correspondents in Baghdad December 14, 2004 TWO US Marines were killed in Iraq's Baghdad province, the marines said in a statement which gave no further details. link
Something is going big in Iraqby Toyota Tank Killer Guest on 14.12.2004 [06:38 ]
I was reading Riverbend's blog and she said it was a gas shortage in all Bagdad. I think the americans are taking all the gas available for a big move in Iraq........or maybe Iran.
Toyota Tank Killerby picard (the real one) Guest on 14.12.2004 [07:01 ]
beside the reason you cited the resistance have been successful of late at blowing up pipelines, oil wells & supply convoys adding to the shortage. your average Iraqi has to wait on line for hours to get a few gallons at the rationing price.
Fuel Consumptionby Blue Agua Guest on 14.12.2004 [11:19 ]
A few details for us to work on here.Those Fuel tankers that we see on the road can carry anywhere from between 20,000 litres to 60,000 ltrs. Quite a lot.From what i can tell the majority of tankers are the 20,000 ltr transport capacity.Heres a link take a look for yourself.

US battalion condemned to isolation in Ramadiby Mr Squidwerd & approved by the Iraqi minister of the interior Guest on 14.12.2004 [11:23 ]