Minatec is set to be the largest centre for Nanotechnologies in Europe and is currently being built next to the site of the super-collider in Grenoble.
This action comes only a few days after protestors in the Uk disrupted a nanobusiness conference as angels and is at least the fifth nanotech action this year. Grenoble is regarded as the leading techno-town in France (home to nuclear, chemical, GM, micro-computing and now Nanotech industries). A large group of grassroots campaigners under the banner of PMO (piecesetmaindoevres) have been questioning the hi-tech industries for some time and recently held a succesful counter conference called "Objection de conScience" objecting to the takeover of their city by the military-scientific-industrial complex - of which teh building of Minatec is the latest stage.
details of previous nanotech actions inc:
1) protests in Berkely (california) against the opening of :"The molecular foundry"

2) naked protest by THONG (Topless Humans Opposed to Natural Genetics) at a nanobusiness conference in chicago. see

3) Protest at Nanobusiness conference in Leeds Royal Armoury.

4) Angels protest by THRONG (The Heavenly Righteous opposed to Nanotech Greed) at nanobusiness conference in Buckinghamshire

Full details of the Minatec occupation can be found (in french) on Grenoble Indymedia at:

do sweat the small stuff...
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