The round 1 compares the Holocaust of Adolph Hitler and Israeli Holocaust in Palestine. A pictorial in that round compliments the original position. Murdoch’s lieutenant Piers Ackerman called them rubbish. Naturally, I provided him with a few more evidence in support of my earlier claims in round 2, i.e.:
1. Israel is a racist and fascist state,
2. Israel is worst than Nazi Germany,
3. Successive Israeli governments were and are enemies of peace as peace is no good for them and
4. Manufactured cliché regarding Israel Palestine conflict is absolutely wrong because of propagated lies.
I also provided him with a plethora of evidences to prove that Yaser Arafat was not responsible for the collapse of Camp David talk hosted by Bill Clinton. In reality, Mad Albright, James Rubin and Yahud Barak (coincidentally, all of them are Zionists) etc. etc. were responsible for such a failure.
Surprise! Surprise!! Mr. Ackerman made another pathetic comment without any justification whatsoever. I appended more evidence in support of my stand while requested him to justify his.
In round 3 Piers went mental. He also went to a very corrupt Zionist source and presented some laughable anti-Muslim, anti-Arab slurs and slanders. Naturally, I did not bother to address them; as I knew full well that they are untrue and any serious person will dismiss them. So I was obliged to forward him with some materials he deserves! In round 4 he made a fool of himself and I responded to him. In round 5 he showed his gutless face. As a result I chased him in round 6. In round 7 bankrupt Piers was unable to reply me altogether!
In round 8 he gave me a perfect demonstration that established him as a real gutless Nazi Zionist!
Rounds 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 were a few more attempts to have a dialogue with him but he went on to hide, as his stock was totally empty.
Obviously, during these exchanges I gave him enough opportunity to defend himself while he failed miserably! Naturally, I warned him to stop publishing anymore false and derogatory materials concerning Israel Palestine conflict as he was doing for a long time in his “Daily Murdoch Trash”.
I hope he sticks to that position as a few dozens of journalists from Australia and other countries were witnesses of these episodes.
Faruque Ahmed
Free America Now!

Round 12
From: "al_faruque" al_faruque@y... Date: Tue Nov 9, 2004 3:55 pm
Subject: Re: Piers Ackerman - You Can Not Hide
You are correct again B. However, these gutless wonders somehow got the microphone and other media outlets under their thumb. Ironically, thus in a way they are polluting the airwaves for a long time. I wonder, why the hell the Environmental Protection Agencies are not acting to close them down?
From: "buggerzion" buggerzion@b... Date: Mon Nov 8, 2004 11:38 pm
Subject: Re: [freeamericanow] Piers Ackerman - You Can Not Hide
Ackerman is a false pretender when it comes to the truth. He is an intellectual coward who won't even entertain the thought that there may a racket going on with a jew! They are all sacred apparently
Round 11
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 21:24:08 +1100 (EST) From: "taxi revolution" Subject: Piers Ackerman - you can not hide
To: "pier ackerman" , ...
" ... "Chosen people", "superior people or race" etc are nothing but farcical and mythical substances ... ". If we believe him then "Protocol" does not exist and therefore many more questions will appear in the horizon. So, please be patient. However, he did not deny or refute those quotes and therefore I asked him to condemn those "materials" in the quote and believers of those good “sermons”. Would you believe, he is quiet.
I also found out from a source, “the ‘Board’ is worried about me”!
From: "buggerzion" buggerzion@b... Date: Tue Nov 2, 2004 12:58 pm
Subject: Re: Piers Ackerman - Ershad Manji – We are waiting for you
How do you know the protocols are fraudulent? They may be, but the source of those discredited them is never disclosed
Round 10
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 17:55:45 +1100 (EST)
From: "taxi revolution"
Subject: We are waiting for you
To: "phil adams" , "pier ackerman" ,...
From: "Rihab Charida"

Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 04:57:07 +1100 (EST)
Subject: RE: Do They Hate Everyone?
To: "Akerman, Piers" , "'taxi revolution'" ,....
I totally agree with you Piers that the Protocols of Zion are completely fraudulent. However, there is no denying that there are many Israelis who suffer from a severe case of superiority complex. I have been in Palestine for over two months now and I have interviewed settlers disguised as a Christian that has come here to support their "cause". Their responses were telling. If you are interested I would be more than happy to e-mail you their photos and a transcription of the interview. Your interest, or lack of, may be just as telling.
Round 9
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 03:51:12 +1100 (EST)
From: "taxi revolution"
Subject: Ershad Manji is hiding – Piers Ackerman is talking
To: "phil adams" , "pier ackerman" , "Rihab Charida" ....
From your “wise” submission, I estimate Protocol of Zion does not exist and therefore notion of “Chosen people”, “superior people or race” etc are nothing but farcical and mythical substances. Absence of any credible or valid opposition to “quotes” below suggests their accuracy and validity. Therefore, shouldn’t we have to condemn them and their believers?
Round 8
From: "Akerman, Piers"
To: "'taxi revolution'" , ...
Subject: RE: Do They Hate Everyone?
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 05:47:44 +1000
Only a complete fool would attempt to quote the utterly discredited concoction, Protocols of Zion, in an argument. You, Sir, do your cause no good whatsoever. You debase discussion.
From: "taxifixer" Date: Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:08 pm
Subject: Re: Do They Hate Everyone?
There was a graffiti on the wall of a shop in King St of the Sydney suburb of Newtown- PIER ACKERMANN A DISGRACE TO JOURNALISM- Oh I wonder what that means!
Seems like some of us really have to work and toil for our daily bread and others by cornering the market in human prejudice and stupidity come out clear winners, witness the results of the recent Australian elections- no one ever went broke telling lies and appealing to the knaves within us all.
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 21:46:02 +1000 (EST)
From: "taxi revolution"
Subject: Do They Hate Everyone?

Do They Hate Everyone?
Mr. Ackerman,
You are the wise one and I assume by your previous deliberations, probably you think you are the chosen and superior one as stated in numerous “Protocol of Zion”. Surely, you are in a position to confirm or deny this and I am eagerly waiting for such in due course.
People like you deliberately talk about “Clash Of Civilisation”, “War Of Religion” “Islamic Fundamentalism” etc. People like you again, do not mind to introduce race or religion in a debate or discussion without any justification whatsoever.
If I remember correctly, many of your spiteful deliberations will support my accusation. Therefore it becomes a must to ask you to confirm or deny the following “quotes” and ramifications thereby:
It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile." Sepher ikkarim III c 25
"Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God." --Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772
Innocent of murder if intent was to kill Christian. --Makkoth (7b):
If Jew kills a Christian he commits no sin. --Sepher Or Israel 177b
The seed [children] of Christians valued same as the seed of a beast. --Kethuboth (3b): [Market value is $621.00, apparently]
A Jew to receive a high place in heaven if he kills a Christian. -- Zohar (L, 38b, 39a):
The souls of non-Jews come from impure spirits and are called pigs." --Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b
Should you continue to write deliberate and misleading articles about Palestine, Muslims and Arabs; despite the fact that I have produced many independent and impartial evidence, I reserve the right to seek legal action against you and the paper you write.
Faruque Ahmed
Free America Now!

Round 7 - Murdoch’s Ackerman Is Hiding
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 19:15:03 +1000 (EST)
From: "taxi revolution"
Subject: Piers Ackerman - A Disgrace To Journalism
To: "phil adams" , ...
Piers Ackerman is a classic Zio-Nazi AKA Israelites of our time. He has been polluting the airwaves of Australia for a long time. What comes out of his infamous “The Daily Telegraph”, classified by many as “nitrogenous waste”. Yet, he is being paid for this!
Like all other Zio-Nazis he thinks;
1. He knows it all,
2. He is the only source of truth,
3. He is the professional victim (holocaust merchant),
4. Only he should have civil right, human-right etc and
5. Everybody should be denied of such rights!
Rounds 1, 2, and 3 of this episode will demonstrate the mental capacity of Rupert Murdoch's Ackerman. Round 4 goes beyond.
I was presenting independent facts and figures in support of my arguments. He was barking without providing an iota of evidence. Another classic style of the Israelites of our time! I never spoke about race or religion. He introduced bigotry in round 4. In the 5th round I lowered myself to match him. In round 6 he is hiding.
That does not mean he has learned any lesion(s). Still he will be manipulating the truth, hide the truth, twist the truth and promotion of prejudice and bigotry will continue. Looks like we public are helpless. We are at the mercy of these types of “hate merchants”. Under the guise of “co-regulation”, Australian Media Laws are virtually toothless and they are getting away with murder. I wonder, how, the poor public can get some protection?
Faruque Ahmed
Free America Now!

Round 6
From: "Akerman, Piers"
To: "'condemned Zionist Criminal'"
Subject: RE: Murdoch's Ackerman
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 11:06:07 +1000
Your garbage is deleted unread.
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 04:31:11 +0100 (BST)
From: "condemned Zionist Criminal"
Subject: Disgusting Piers Ackerman
To: "H Delehanty" , "Eddie Evans" , "gerald henderson" , "peer ackerman"
Mr. Ackerman
I do apologise for using the world acclaimed Mediawatch and little as reference points. In future I’ll make an attempt to use “Zio-Nazi Weekly, Daily” etc to satisfy your lust and greed. In the mean time, before you use your “Fridge Magnet” or seeking an “Aerial Strike” from your beloved Arial Sharon; please tell me, “why do they call your paper Smelly-graph”? Is it because, “this paper supposed to be used only to wrap fish and chips and not to be read at all”?
Round 5
From: "Akerman, Piers"
To: "'condemned Zionist Criminal'"
Subject: RE: Piers Ackerman is a disgrace to journalism
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 08:17:37 +1000
What a sad bunch you are. Taking Crikey or Mediawatch as a reference point gives you no credibility at all. Best wishes
From: condemned Zionist Criminal [mailto:

Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 6:18 PM
To: peer ackerman
Subject: Murdoch's Ackerman
Rounds 1, 2, and 3 will demonstrate the mental capacity of Rupert Murdoch's Ackerman. Round 4 goes beyond.
I was presenting independent facts and figures in support of my arguments. He was barking without providing an iota of evidence. I never spoke about race or religion. He introduced bigotry in round 4.
His piece of bigotry came from a corrupted zionazi source and will be discredited by any serious thinking person and therefore I do not even would like to make any valid attempt to discredit it. However, that gives me the right to ask him the following question and ask him to confirm or deny the validity of the quotes thereby. I do this for the purpose of research and analysis.
Question: Judaism appeared before Islam and Christianity. Yet, why 99.9999% people of this universe reject it? Is it because of inbuilt racism and fascism within that religion or later injected to that religion confirming Muslim and Christian claims of corruption of Judaism?

Quotes About Jews by Jews
"The Jews have a disproportionate number of mental defectives, idiots, and imbeciles." - Dr. Maurice Fishburg, Eugenic Factors in Jewish Life.
"We Jews are going to bring war on Germany." - David Brown, President of American Hebrew, in 1934, quoted in Edmonson's I Testify, page 188.
"The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism." - The Chicago Jewish Sentinel, October 8, 1942.
"The modern Jew is the product of the Talmud." - Michael Rodkinson in preface of Babylonian Talmud, page XI.
"The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart's blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs, or ceremonies we observe-whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, or merely spasmodic sentimentalists-we follow the Talmud. It is our common law." C Herman Wouk, This is My God.
"What is the basis of Judaism? A practical passion and greed for profit. To what can we reduce his (the Jew's) religious worship? To extortion¡..What is his real God? Cash!" - Karl Marx, founder of Communism, quoted in the British Guardian, July-August, 1924.
"Jewish history has been tragic to the Jews and no less tragic to the neighboring nations who have suffered them. Our major vice of old as of today is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and good fortune of the rest of the world." - Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live, page 18.
"The world revolution which we will experience will be exclusively our affair and will rest in our hands. This revolution will tighten the Jewish domination over all other people." - Le Peuple Juif, February 8,1919.
"The governments of the peoples included in this world republic, with the aid of the victorious proletariat, all will fall without difficulty into Jewish hands. Private property will then be strangled by the Jewish directors, who will administer the state patrimony everywhere. Thus the promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled, that is, the promise that the Jews, at the arrival of the Messiah, will possess the key to the wealth of all the peoples of the earth." - Baruch Levy, in a letter to Karl Marx, published in the Rothschild controlled La Revue de Paris, June 1, 1928.
"Nations will gather together to bring their homage to the people of God; the whole fortune of nations will pass into the hands of the Jewish people, they will march behind the Jewish people, in chains as captives, and will prostrate before it." - Isador Loeb, Le Probleme Juif.
"In everything, we are destroyers--even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief...We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands." - Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, pages 152, 155, and 147.
"There is much in the fact of Bolshevism (Communism) itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism." - The Jewish Chronicle, April 4, 1919.
"Jew and Gentile are two worlds, between you Gentiles and us Jews there lies an unbridgeable gulf...There are two life forces in the world: Jewish and Gentile...I do not believe that this primal difference between Gentile and Jew is reconcilable..." – Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, page 9.
"You cannot be English Jews. We are a race, and only as a race can we perpetuate. Our mentality is of a Hebraic character, and differs from that of an Englishman. Enough subterfuges! Let us assert openly that we are International Jews." - Gerald Soman, Chairman of the World Jewry Fellowship, in its official manifesto, January 1, 1935.
"Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race and we are a race." - Rabbi Stephen Wise, N.Y. Herald-Tribune, June 13, 1938.
"Let us recognize that we Jews are a distinct nationality of which every Jew, whatever his country, his station, or shade of belief, is necessarily a member." - Louis Brandeis, U.S. Supreme Ct. Justice, Zionism, page 113.
"The English (or French or American, etc.) patriotism of the Jew is only a fancy-dress which he puts on to please the people of the country." - The Jewish World, December 8, 1911.
"The Jew is an inborn Communist." - Otto Weininger, Sex and Character, page 311.
"The Roosevelt Administration has selected more Jews to fill influential positions than any previous administration." – Brooklyn Jewish Examiner, October 20, 1933.
"We Jews have spoiled the blood of all the races of Europe. Taken as a whole, everything is Jewdified. Our ideas animate everything. Our spirit reigns over the world. We are the Lords." - Dr. Kurt Munzer, The Way to Zion.
"Give me the power to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes the laws." - Anselm Rothschild.
"I have never discerned what there is about incest which is really repulsive. I merely note that it is natural and frequent for sister and brother to be lovers." - Leon Blum, Prime Minister of France, Du Mariage.
"You are not Whites--either symbolically or literally--as anyone knows who goes to Israel." - Professor Leonard Fein at speech at 27th biennial congress of the Jewish Board of Deputies in Johannesburg, May 15, 1972.

From: "hengist"
For more: For The Purpose Of Research And Analysis

Round 4
From: "Akerman, Piers" akermanp@d...
To: "'condemned Zionist Criminal'"
Subject: RE: Disgrace to journalism - peer ackerman
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 09:17:51 +1000

The Decline And Fall Of Islam
October 16, 2003
by Alan Caruba,
Islam is dying. In its death throes, it has turned not just on its perceived enemies, the modern world, but upon itself, killing with seeming indifference both Muslim and non-Muslim as it thrashes about, filling each day with new corpses, the last of which will be its own.
It took hundreds of years for the Roman Empire to be built and to come to an end. During that long period in the early history of Western civilization, the populations under its control throughout the Mediterranean and up into England were largely permitted to worship any of the many gods in local areas, although they were expected to also honor the state gods of Rome.
By 312 AD, the emperor Constantine began his ascendancy, attributing it to the God of the Christians and, in 325 AD, he called the Council of Nicaea, the first council of bishops to formalize a Christian creed. After that, Christianity, one of many faiths in the vast empire began its path toward becoming, not just the religion of the empire, but one that now numbers more than two billion people worldwide.
In 610 AD, Mohammed began to create Islam to gain control over the desert tribes of Arabia. He built his religion on the wealth acquired through raids on caravans and attacks on cities such as Medina and Mecca. Islam's text, the Koran, was said to supercede both the Old and New Testaments, disputing the laws of Judaism and
the divinity of Jesus.
Following Mohammed's death in 632 AD, the religion, a warrior cult built around adoration of Mohammed, quickly spread throughout North Africa and into Spain. Today, Islam is estimated to have more than 1.2 billion adherents around the world, although most are largely located in the Middle East and Africa. There are some 31 million in Europe, more than 845 million throughout Asia, and 323 million in Africa. A little over a million are in South America and approximately 2.9 million in North America. It remains a distinctly "Arab" religion.
Islam has literally been at war with all other religions since its inception. It looks at the world as being divided between Islam and the world of the infidel, the unbeliever. The central prayer of Islam, the Kalima, spoken daily, states "There is no God by Allah and Mohammed is His Prophet." A militant religion. Mohammed said, "The sword is the key to Heaven and Hell." By contrast, six hundred years earlier, Jesus said, "He who lives by the sword shall perish by the sword."
A Muslim's first allegiance is to Islam. One's nationality and other allegiances are secondary. In the latter half of the last century, Middle Eastern Arabs strove to establish a national identity and it proved a failure from its inception. In late October, 35 heads of state will gather for a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in an effort to achieve a unified voice for Islam and to try to offset perceptions that Islam is linked to the violence being perpetrated worldwide. Observers, however, note that the OIC is unified only in its support for the Palestinian attacks on Israel.
With considerable irony, Libyan rule, Col. Muammar Al-Qaddafi, speaking in early October, said, "Today, you cannot speak of Arab unity and pan-Arab nationalism," adding "The Arabs have become the joke of the world because they do not think of their future." But the Arab leaders of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Palestine, and other Muslim nations who have funded and unleashed the Islamic Jihad are thinking of the future; the future of Islam.
Since the birth of the Islamic revolution, begun by the late Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, Islam has been attempting to conquer the modern world by the sword. Despite the schism between the Sunni and Shiite branches of Islam, both are united in this quest. Jihad or holy war, in the words of Paul Fregosi, an expert on Islam, is "essentially a permanent state of hostility that Islam maintains against the rest of the world."
Islam is losing its war on the world. We are witnessing the earliest stages of its decline, although historians would probably mark that from the end of the Ottoman Empire after World War I when the Western allies divided the Middle East into new nations and areas of economic imperialism.
Islam, however, is the primary reason that the Middle East has long been a cesspool of ignorance, poverty, and oppression. Even Islamic scholars are beginning to openly warn that the path on which it has set itself can only lead to its predictable decline and end.
A recent study by the London-based Transparency International found that Middle Eastern and North African nations form the world's most corrupt region. Twelve nations out of a rating of 133 come from that region. Among them were Libya, Iraq under Saddam Hussein, the Sudan, and Algeria. The study defined corruption as the abuse of public office for private gain, ranging from misuse of public power for private benefit to bribery; not exactly the kind of nations that attract foreign investment. Only the invasion of Iraq to rid it of Saddam has opened opportunities to restructure it into a modern nation.
Most Westerners are unaware that Islam is unable to adapt, to change, and to evolve. These attributes have been the hallmarks of the world's oldest monotheistic religion, Judaism, and of Christianity which experienced its own Reformation. Instead, Islam is locked into the dictates of the Koran and of the Hadith, a collection of observations based on the life of Mohammed whose rules dictate the most minute aspects of a Muslim's life. The death of Islam was written into its birth.
The daily reports of acts of Islamic terrorism seem to defy a rational explanation, but there is a pattern emerging. First is the hatred focused on Israel, a nation based on the belief that Jews, like other ethnic or religious groups, have a right to their own country. Following the Holocaust of World War II, the survivors and those who had subscribed to Zionism, a movement to re-establish Israel, wrested a tiny piece of Palestine, a British protectorate. They declared their sovereignty in 1948 and the attacks on Israel by Muslims before and since then have never ceased.
Nothing frightens Muslims more than the very existence of Jews, a people whom the Koran repeatedly identifies as the primary enemy of Islam; a people seen to be allied with their other enemy, Christianity.
If Muslims fail to destroy Israel and its long history as the birthplace of Jesus and Christianity, that means Allah has failed. If Allah fails, Islam fails with him for Allah is neither the Jewish, nor Christian God.
Another part of the pattern that has emerged is the Islamic attack on America along with Western civilization and its institutions. The West with its tradition of tolerance, of secular government, of a capitalist economy, is seen as a threat to Islamic law as applied throughout the Middle East Carefully selected for destruction, the World Trade Center in New York was targeted first in 1993 and again in 2001 as the ultimate symbol of the West.
The war on the West now becomes clearer as Muslims attack its institutions, chief among which is the United Nations. The attacks on diplomats are yet another sign of the indifference to ancient traditions protecting those entrusted to do the work of international resolution of conflicts. When you kill take diplomats hostage or kill them, you threaten the very sinews of civilization. Even the timid conglomeration called the European Union is reluctantly concluding they must protect themselves against Islam's jihad though, typically, they would prefer accommodation than self-defense. When the UN failed to deal with the Islamic uprising in the former Yugoslavia, NATO was used to suppress it.
A further sign of Islam's decline can be seen in the way Muslim nations that align themselves with the West also find themselves under attack to bring them into line with Islam's ultimate objective of world domination. These attacks are acts of desperation and come not from nations, but from the core of Islamic fundamentalists.
The perfect metaphor of Islam is the suicide-bomber, killing himself as he kills others. When enough Muslims conclude Allah cannot protect them, they will conclude in the decades and centuries to come that the God of Judaism and Christianity has triumphed.
In 1990, Alan Caruba, a veteran science and business writer, created The National Anxiety Center as a clearinghouse for information about "scare campaigns" designed to influence public opinion and policy. He writes a weekly column, "Warning Signs," and is widely excerpted. An unabashed conservative, Caruba draws on four decades as a book reviewer, to bring to bear a wide knowledge of history, theology, science, and other interests when writing on diverse topics. He maintains Bookviews.Com, a monthly report on the latest in new fiction and non-fiction.
A former fulltime journalist, Caruba is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the National Association of Science Writers, and the National Book Critics Circle. Caruba is also a well known public relations counselor, advising both profit and non-profit organizations. (Caruba.Com) He serves on the board of trustees for the American Policy Foundation, the educational arm of the American Policy Center.
Send the author an Email at Caruba@C...
To read more, visit Alan Caruba's article archives
Visit Alan Caruba's web site at
Round 3
Double Insurance: Piers Ackerman is a real disgrace.

Piers Ackerman is a disgrace to journalism


He have been biting legs of poor, defenceless, absentees like legendary Arundhati Roy, ….., by manipulating the truth, distorting the truth or even inventing the truth some time (

Beside Piers Ackerman’s absolute rudeness, sheer arrogance and glaring ignorance demonstrated in this episode, it becomes a must to report local Lunatic Asylum to pick him up for his own good and community good; any sharp object like pen or pencils should also have to be kept out of his possession.
From: "Akerman, Piers"
To: "'condemned Zionist Criminal'"
Subject: RE: Disgrace to journalism - peer ackerman
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 09:16:18 +1000
This is rubbish. The product of a demented brain.
Round 2
From: condemned Zionist Criminal [mailto:mamubhi@y...]
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 2:51 PM
To: peer ackerman; Almitic; Bearak; Bob; Curie
Subject: Disgrace to journalism - peer ackerman
Yes sir, " ... the Middle East is stuffed."; because of the existence of people like you!
Peoples like you think you can say whatever you like without any justification whatsoever. I wonder how did you gain this right? To assist you again, I am appending some links and tools. I hope my little effort will be good enough to bring you in the real world.
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 11:12:23 -0400 Subject: Re: Israel vs Palestine
From: "Irshad Manji"
To: "taxi revolution"
Thanks for your message. I'm currently traveling and won't be able to reply for a bit. Please be patient with me – I eventually read every email I get.
Ms. Ershad Manji irshad@m... irshad@m...

You are an ardent lover and frequent visitor of Israel. You said, "Israel is the democratic country ..." which I disagree and in support of my argument I am appending herewith some evidence.
Waiting for your considered reply.
Faruque Ahmed
Free America Now!

Who is Terrorist?
Who is Terrorist? Israel? Zionised and successive USA Administration? Or a wheel chair bound clergy? Which one is the most dangerous country? Iran! Iraq! Israel! USA! Who is adding accelerant in the fire? Zionised media or Zionist slaves around the world!?
You are the judge. Please examine links below and opine away. Nazi Israeli Holocaust in Palestine

Camp David hoax! Zionised media failed to inform you before and even now!

Ehud Barak's offer make Hitler the Grand Rabbi of Jerusalem

This supposed to be Bloody Palestine

Faruque vs Lucy Re: Israel Palestine Conflict
Israel is a racist and fascist state worst than Hitler's. It's constitution, bureaucracy, judiciary and the whole soci-religio-political systems are totally inconsistent with any civilised and democratic society; even a dictatorial state. For more details Please examine: Israeli Holocaust In Palestine:

Israeli Holocaust:

Racist and Fascist State:

Israel depends on war and hate. Peace is no good for Israel. Zio-Nazi media, ignorant and opportunist Israelites inside and outside Israel, are the real enemies of peace and stability. Sydney Lord Mayor Lucy Turnbul has proven that she is one of the opportunist Israelites of our time.
Oslo: A little European country brokered the Oslo Peace Accords. Both people inside and outside Israel and Palestine were happy and relieved as both Israel and Palestine recognised each other and it appeared that they were seriously looking for peace. Then came the bad news. A Jewish militant massacred 39 kneeling worshipers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque while Israeli soldiers watched it smiling. Yithzak Rabin was murdered by a Jewish extremist- followed by Arial Sharon's calculated visit to provoke Palestinians- while escorted by a few thousands police and army personal.
Camp David: The talk went on at Camp David hosted by the US President Bill Clinton. During those talks Ehud Barak offered nothing to Yasser Arafat- as he was lacking of gumption enough to offer anything substantial, because he was afraid that any substantial compromise could lead his murder by extremists like the Rabin execution. So, Yaser Arafath had nothing to accept or reject and talks collapsed.
Professor I J Bickerton of University of NSW and many other experts have used Israeli documents to prove that Israel offered nothing in that talk. A series of seminars concerning Israel Palestine conflict were hosted by the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies of the Sydney University. Surprisingly, the Zio-Nazi media of Australia did not report about it.

Now, the reality is Israelis have taken away 78% of the Palestinian land since 1967 gradually sliced up the Occupied Palestine into 70 pieces connecting to ring roads excluding Palestinians from their homes, farms, work, etc. These 20 000 settlers unlawfully grabbed the Palestinian land, turned Palestine into the longest running concentration camp of this universe with a stamp of infinity.
Penultimately, what is the solution? Remove those illegal settlers and hand over the tiny 22% land to the Palestinian or collect them all, transport them to Auschwitchz and restart Hitler's Gas chambers to finish them all instead of murdering them every day. Remember -Yaser Arafat, Marwan Bargouti, Hannan Ashrawi or any other Palestinian kids are not the enemy of peace but successive Israeli governments are! Because, peace is not good for them!!
Further reading might assist to understand the conflict and vicious politics behind the scene.
Even Zio-Nazi says, "Israel is doing immoral things"

Mike Carlton and Zio-Nazi crimes

Alan Ramsey of SMH on Dr. Ashrawi

Philip Adam the respected Radio Man

Lovely Margo / Zio-Nazis want to stop free speech!

Peace hopes held hostage

Dr. Hannan Ashrawi in ABC TV

Zio-Nazi cowards

Alan Ramsey exposes Zio-Nazi Forces in Australia
Good People

From: "Akerman, Piers"
akermanp@d... To: "'condemned Zionist Criminal'"
Subject: RE: Based on what evidence
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 14:00:22 +1000
What a joke. Little wonder the Middle East is stuffed.
Round 1
From: condemned Zionist Criminal [mailto:mamubhi@y...]
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 1:47 PM
To: akermanp@d...
Subject: Based on what evidence
"This is rubbish" based on what evidence? The pictorial link and other legitimate factors clearly prove the case beyond reasonable doubt unless some one is blinded by something else!
From: "Akerman, Piers"
Subject: RE: Holocaust does not exist! Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004
17:40:17 +1000
This is rubbish
From: condemned Zionist Criminal [mailto:mamubhi@y...]
Sent: Thursday, 21 October 2004 5:34 PM
To: peer ackerman; Subject: Holocaust does not exist!
This is called the longest running concentration camp of this universe. This concentration camp got a stamp of infinity and blessed by GOD. Just click it tell me what do you think.

From: "al_faruque" al_faruque@y... Date: Wed Oct 20, 2004 5:12 pm
Subject: Who can deny these facts?
Who can deny these facts?
From: "sofiesmart2006" sofiesmart2006@y... Date: Mon Oct 18, 2004
The similarities between holocaust-I and holocaust-II are grouped by topic.
Government Control
holocaust-I: The Government of Germany passed laws and adopted policies that drove the tyranny against the Jews, Gypsies, and others. A person's religion or ethnic background was a factor in deciding his/her status. The tyranny of seizing private property was primarily driven by the government. Those who resisted the government's tyranny were imprisoned or assassinated.
holocaust-II: The Government of Israel passed laws and adopted policies that drove the tyranny against Christian, Muslims, and others. A person's religion or ethnic background was a factor in deciding his/her status. The tyranny of seizing private property and suppressing the economy of Palestine is driven primarily by the government. Those who resist the government's tyranny are wounded, imprisoned, or assassinated.
Individuals Carry Out Abuse holocaust-I: Individual Germans took it upon themselves to attack or kill Jews just because they were Jews. In 2000, Polish Jan Tomasz Gross authored a book detailing a massacre of Jews in the village of Jedwabne. The Polish villagers reportedly killed as many as 1,600 Jews in the massacre.
holocaust-II: Scattered news reports tell of Israeli Arabs being attacked or killed by civilian Jews.
Individuals Give Aid
holocaust-I: Many individual Christians risked arrest or worse by taking it upon themselves to help Jews to escape government tyranny by either leaving the Nazi controlled areas or by hiding them in private homes etc. Many such acts of bravery are described in the book The Righteous Gentiles. [Ref.13] [X] Over 13,000 of these Gentiles have been recognized by Yad Vashem, the Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Israel.
holocaust-II: In Israel and in the U.S., individual Jews are taking it upon themselves to be "peace activists". A variety of individual Jews and Jewish groups join with non-Jews to resist Government of Israel tyranny and individual attacks against non-Jews. A multi-religious group in the U.S. is Search for Justice and Equality in Palestine/Israel. Its web site is [X] One of the Jewish groups in Israel is Rabbis for Human Rights at [X] A related article, "U.S. and Israeli Jews Join in 'Olive Trees for Peace", may be found in the Washington Report. [May/June 2001, Page 96, Ref. 12] [X] In April 2001, 700 Israeli reservists protested their call-ups. [5/1/01, Forum column by Holger Jensen, "No light at the end of Israel's tunnel", Ref. 3] [X] They said that the army should be used to defend Israel not to repress Palestinians.
Biased Press
holocaust-I: During Word War II, the main-line press in both Germany and the U.S. did not drive home the full extent of the extensive persecution taking place in Germany. After World War II, however, the full extend of the abuse and killing became well known.
holocaust-II: Today, the mainline U.S. press routinely minimizes the extent of the injustices directed toward the non-Jewish Palestinians. For example, readers of newspapers and viewers of television almost never see a map showing the Jewish settlements in North Palestine (the West bank) and South Palestine (the Gaza Strip). There are some 240 Jewish settlement scattered from top to bottom of the Gaza and West bank areas of 1,800 square miles. Beyond this, land is still being confiscated at the rate of three (3) square miles per month to build settlements, connecting roads, and check points etc. None of these basic details are being regularly reported in the mainline U.S. press. A more detailed discussion of media bias is located on web page THE CONFLICT at PRO-ISRAEL LOBBY [X]. Desperate Uprising By Powerless Victims
holocaust-I: The Jewish ghettos in Europe during WW-II were sealed areas with very high population densities. Food was short and disease was plentiful. The 1943 Warsaw Jewish ghetto uprising was a valiant effort, but the final outcome was never in doubt. The German army won. In general, Jews suffering under the tyranny offered only feeble resistance. They were powerless to modify the laws and policies of the German Government.
holocaust-II: While the superior military power of the Israeli Government is unquestioned, the remaining Christian and Muslim residents of Palestine started an uprising in September 2000. As of June 1, 2001, over 14,000 Palestinians have been wounded and hundreds killed. However, the ethnic cleansing of non-Jews out of Gaza and the West Bank is continuing. The Christians and Muslims suffering under the tyranny of Israeli occupation of Palestine can offer only feeble resistance. And, they, are powerless to modify the laws and policies of the Government of Israel.
Citizenship Status
holocaust-I: Nazi Germany restricted Jews to a second-class citizenship. Jews could not hold government jobs, had their educational opportunities limited, were restricted in private sector employment opportunities, and were required to carry special identity cards.
holocaust-II: Non-Jewish Israelis have a different citizenship status than do the Jewish Israelis. They can not join the Army and can not own a firearm to defend themselves. Christians and Muslims living in North Palestine (the West Bank) and South Palestine
(Gaza) do not have any Israeli citizenship status. The per capita Gross Domestic Product of Israeli and Palestinians is $17,500 and $1,600 respectively.
Basic Prejudices
holocaust-I: Some leaders of Nazi Germany considered themselves superior to the out-of-favor members of the population. This perception provided an excuse for the abuse of out-of-favor people.
holocaust-II: Some Jewish Zionists justify the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Muslims out of Palestine with reasoning like, "Jews are God's chosen people" and "God gave Palestine to the Jews and not to anyone else."
Following are some differences between holocaust-I and holocaust-II.
Magnitude and Time holocaust-I: Millions Jews, Gypsies, and other perished under the Germany Government implemented tyranny. The tragedy occurred during the first half of the 20th century and lasted 12 years, from 1933-1945.
holocaust-II: Thousands of Christians and Muslims have been killed and over a million have been driven from their homes. The tragedy continued during all the second half of the 20th century and is still unfolding today.
The U.S. Taxpayers holocaust-I: U.S taxpayers funded a military effort against Nazi Germany during World War II. Needless to say, Nazis did not receive financial support or rewards for their tyranny against the Jews, Gypsies, and others from the U.S. taxpayers.
holocaust-II: The U.S taxpayers are now giving the Government of Israel $3 billion per year for its ethnic cleansing of non-Jews out of Palestine.
Right of Return and Repayment
holocaust-I: Jews who fled from Europe had the Right of Return after WW-II. Many Jews who suffered under German tyranny have been reimbursed by the German Government (and some private businesses) for their stolen property or their forced labor. ["Germany starts to pay Nazis' slave labor", Columbus Dispatch, Front Page, 5/31/01, Ref. 3] [X]
holocaust-II: Non-Jews driven out of former Palestine region are being prevented by the Government of Israel form returning to their homes and communities. The Jewish State is not reimbursing the Palestinian refugees for their seized property.
Victims Expected to Negotiate
holocaust-I: No one expected the out-of-favor people in Germany to negotiate with the Nazi Government for a fair resolution of injustices.
holocaust-II: The Jewish Zionists' goal is to ethnic cleans all non-Jews out of Palestine. The Christian and Muslim Palestinians want to live in their homeland. The U.S. Government expects the powerless Palestinians to negotiate with the Government of Israel in order to work out their differences.
History and Current Events
holocaust-I: Holocaust-I is now history. It cannot be stopped. It can only be corrected for holocaust-II: Part of holocaust-II is history. However, the current tyranny can be stopped. The American voters, as a group, have the power to do so. But, do they have the will to speak up?
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