It’s 24 November today, and it’s the third day that people all over Ukraine stay on the streets, defending their rights. You are obviously to different extent aware of what’s going on: for the first time since its independence Ukraine appeared on the front pages of the world newspapers.
It’s not about elections anymore. Yes, - those genuine opposition supporters are trying to defend a politician whom they regard as “their”, “real” president. May be, tomorrow a lot of people will feel disappointment; even today a lot of them are aware of it, and still protesting. Because people went to the streets, on strike or to Kyiv, first of all, because they are sick and tired with organised criminal gang holding power in their country for the last decade.
They’ve being robbed of their country’s assets through illegal privatisation; of their rights – with corrupted police brutality and ordered beatings, killings of journalists and controlled biased courts; of information on what’s going on in their country – with a help of censorship introduced in national media.
During these elections authorities openly try to impose on them brutal and ignorant criminal who calls his opponents “assholes” and addresses them “f…ck off”, who’s a spiritual son of a current authoritarian ruler and is going to spread his brutal way of governing eastern Donetsk region to the whole Ukraine, using police, controlled courts, controlled media and controlled organised crime. This is done by all means possible – from violations of legislation and filtering the information to harassments, break-ins and arbitrary arrests. Seeing that, the people of Ukraine felt that at this point they’re robbed of any future hope.
Now they’re on the streets of Kyiv and other cities all over Ukraine, facing cold, tough conditions and possibility of their protest being physically suppressed by either their fooled compatriots (policemen, army or criminals) – or Russian special forces which under many (while still not proven) accounts are already moved into Ukraine disguised as Ukrainian policemen.
While controlled by authorities Central Electoral Commission announced the falsified results of the elections, giving victory to their masters, – the “ordinary” people are going to stay there until victory. Or – until horrible disaster.
Please, don’t be indifferent! Ukraine rarely appeared on your personal world political map previously – but if it will be defeated now, that defeat will mean a defeat for everybody who dares to defend his/her freedom of choice.
Please, don’t try to simplify things presenting everything what’s happening as “US-supported coup” or “internal political quarrel”. There are elements of everything there. But – again – it’s not about that. See above.
These days, this particular week, people of Ukraine need any kind of support. Try to find out if in your area there are actions organised by Ukrainians (usually – students on scholarships and labour migrants who left home to work hard and feed their families) – they’ll be very glad if you join them. You can try to find this information, as well as constantly updated news, here:

You can send an e-mail or letter to the nearest Ukrainian embassy or consulate, stating that you support people on the streets of Kyiv, Lviv, Poltava, Kharkiv and dozens of other cities; and that any attempt to suppress non-violent protests with force is unacceptable and will be observed and judged in details by the citizens of different countries. No standard form for such a letter is supplied with this text: you, for sure, will find your own words for at least couple of sentences.
Of help may be the English-language newswire mentioned above and the web-sites containing contacts of Ukrainian embassies and consulates, such as this:

or this:

You can write to your government, MP or any other figure of your choice to ask him/her to pay attention to what’s happening in Ukraine, and to do it aloud.
You can do a lot. There are no small deeds now – everything can be helpful, can prevent bloodshed and give support to the people who have only their solidarity, courage and desire to live more freely.
You can simply pass this letter along.
Please, help us to fight for the most basic and needed things – freedom from oppression and for human dignity.
They are, at the end, what unites all of us.
Help the Ukrainian people!
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