Hidden well within the article are the words "Representatives from the US Embassy in London will visit the exhibition at the church and report back to the White House before President Bush's state visit to Britain in February."
I also note that Bush may visit my area of the country, if he does then don't worry, there'll be many of us making our way to Chorley with our go home Bush banners!
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Tom Cox, MP for Tooting says Bush not welcome
25.11.2004 12:46
Labour MP Tom Cox has called for the US president George Bush to be barred from making another official visit to the UK.
The Tooting MP criticised the British Prime Minister, saying: "Are Tony Blair and his supposedly street-wise observers so out of touch with public opinion that they believe George Bush's presence here will have a positive impact for the Labour Government?
"What I know from the ongoing letters I receive from local people is that they are deeply concerned at the closeness of the Blair-Bush alliance."