A demo led by Queer Youth Alliance against Kent County Council's ongoing homophobic policies (Retaining part of the old anti gay Section 28) and the Tory homophobia underpinning it. MAIDSTONE 13 NOV from 1pm RALLY- COUNTY HALL.
THis is the first major demo against homophobia since the murder of Admiral Duncan
nailbomb victim David Morley just two weeks ago. There have been two further serious
attacks in London since then. Please come along in support if you can.
Maidstone East railStation is right next to County Hall (trains from London Victoria)
Or via M20 motorway (if you really must drive).
We hope to get some initial photos out tomorrow evening or Sunday.
Copies of TWO Press releases this week.
News Release 1.
From The Queer Youth Alliance

Anti-Gay Council faces Protest
“Section 28 Lives on in Kent”
It’s now been a year since the government repealed Section 28 in national law.
Immediately after this landmark decision, Kent County Council chose to implement similar policies that prohibit the "promotion of homosexuality" causing widespread outrage and disappointment.
Outraged Young People have themselves called a day of action scheduled for Saturday 13th November 2004. A loud, proud rally will take place outside County Hall in Maidstone from 1pm and will include a variety of speakers, colorful banners, placards, costumed street theater and petitioning demanding for the policy to be scrapped once and for all.
Contravention of Basic Human Rights
The Queer Youth Alliance has accused the council of contravening Article 17 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which clearly states that "children and young people have the right to information especially those aimed at the promotion of his or her social, spiritual and moral well-being and physical and mental health”.
David Henry, President of The Queer Youth Alliance commented: “Kent have tried to duck and hide at every turn, pretending that covert homophobia in the twenty first century is acceptable”. He continued “The hostile mentality that Kent County Council continues to hold towards the gay community perpetuates hatred across the board – and contributes to the sort of homophobia attack we have seen David Morley fall victim to last Weekend in Central London to the every day onslaught of homophonic bullying in our schools”. Henry echoed the demands of the Green Party who earlier this week called for Kent to “lead the promotion and establishment of gay run venues, businesses, services and gay pride events across Kent” - including Youth Groups.
No LGBT Youth Groups in Sight
Kent County Council remains one of the only Local Authorities in Britain which refuses to provide services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered within it’s youth service framework despite being England’s largest local authority.
Brave Youth Council Gagged
Despite voting in a motion to support the campaign against the homophobic policy, council workers have attempted to veto Kent Youth Council’s involvement in the campaign. “They told us we can’t go to the rally even in our own time, we’ve been told that we can’t discuss the issue in meetings and that we can’t speak up against council policy as the county council support the youth council! What is the point if there is no democracy? We hardly feel supported.” A significant number of Kent Youth Council members have vowed to attend and even speak at the event on November 13th regardless of attempts to silence them. Amy Russell and Madeline Ford from Kent Youth Council have been confirmed speakers at the event, and will talk about their experience of homophobia in Kent’s Schools.
About the Rally:
Saturday 13 November 2004 Time: 1pm – 4pm Location: County Hall, Maidstone, Kent (in the public square) Supporters are encouraged to attend, bring posters, banners, whistles, banners, costumes, fancy dress, and opt-in speakers will be welcomed on the day. Speakers: Amy Russel and Maddy Ford (Members of Kent Youth Council), Sue Sanders (Chair, Schools Out!), David Henry (President, Queer Youth Alliance), Tom Oldfield (Amnesty International, LGBT Group), Brett Lock (OutRage!), Ray Duff (Local Activist), Chris Lomax (President, Liberal Democrats Youth and Students), Dr Hazel Dawe, Campaigns Officer, Kent Green Party.
Notes for Editors:
1. The rally comes exactly a year after groups from all over Britain launched a surprise unplanned protest outside County Hall to the surprise of local news media and the council themselves.
2. The Queer Youth Alliance is the National Organisation representing and supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Young People. Details can be found on our website

Gay Groups to protest against Kent County Council’s anti gay policy.
Protestors are putting the final touches to a demonstration due to be held in Kent next weekend, in light of the County Council's refusal to drop guidelines similar to the much loathed Section 28.
Organised by the Queer Youth Alliance, the demonstration will take place outside the County hall in Maidstone next Saturday(13 Nov), and is intended to draw more attention to the council and its ongoing commitment to what has been dubbed "Son of Section 28".
Despite the government finally repealing Section 28, which banned the "promotion of homosexuality", last year, the Conservative run Kent County Council implemented its own take on the policy.
The decision angered gay rights groups, both locally and nationally, and has led to condemnation of the council's leader Sir Sandy Bruce-Lockheart.
The QYA says the council is in breach of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, arguing that Article 17 of the document states that "children and young people have the right to information especially those aimed at the promotion of his or her social, spiritual and moral well-being and physical and mental health”.
“Kent have tried to duck and hide at every turn, pretending that covert homophobia in the twenty first century is acceptable,” QYA president David Henry said today.
The group is calling for the policy to be scrapped, and for the council to encourage more gay friendly initiatives.
At present, it is thought to be one of the few local Authorities in the UK that offers no support network for its LGBT youth, something local gay groups say needs to be rectified.
“The hostile mentality that Kent County Council continues to hold towards the gay community perpetuates hatred across the board – and contributes to the sort of homophobia attack we have seen David Morley fall victim to last weekend in Central London to the every day onslaught of homophonic bullying in our schools,” Henry said today.
.There is also a petition and letter ,organised by local activist Ray Duff from Folkestone, which further calls on KCC and its councillors to completely change their attitude to gay issues in the County. He said “ Homophobia is rife in this county, especially among young people. With verbal abuse common place and with more serious physical assaults increasing, we need a Council that will take this issue seriously and take clear and public action against it”. “A recent survey of police forces further indicates that there has been a 23% rise in homophobic attacks in the UK over the last year. This is a very worrying trend and must be tackled head on”. “Our campaign also wants KCC to be far more supportive in helping to get more gay venues, businesses, services and Pride events in Kent”.
Supporters are now being encouraged to attend the event, so as to help push the council into action on these issues.
Speakers already confirmed include representatives of gay rights groups Outrage and Schools Out, members of the Liberal Democrats and Green Party, a representative of Amnesty International, Kent Youth Council, THT, Pride in Canterbury,
The protest will take place on Saturday 13th November, between 1pm-4pm at County Hall, Maidstone, Kent.