Author of the book: “Diez Horas con la Globalización”(google,yahoo,wanadoo,foro-los retos de la globalización,,,, netbiblo…...)
The naked monkey facing the globalización. Do human beings really exist?(English/Spanish)
What is globalization?
Human beings do not exist, and neither does human society.
The naked monkey is growing hair back.
In the beginning of a new era, full of possibilities, which lots of means to eradicate the hunger in the world, the skins of a great part of that same world are masticable, and a boy dies of hunger every two seconds. We know that the people who whithin the coffins are not dead yet,, but nobody makes an effort to stop the burier who continue loosing rope. Is it reasonable a period of twenty years to make pharmaceutical companies accept the generic drug production to fight AIDS (VHAI)?. Nobody is innocent.
The massive creation of wealth in the last decaded has not being accompanied by a substantial improvement in the application of Human Rights and, what is worse, there is an evident lack of sensitivity before the systematic violation of them.
Now that the universality never seems so possible, the leaden reality tells us that more than half century has elapsed since the Human Rights Universal Act and nevertheless they are still trodden.
The revolution has not begun but already overwhelms the naked monkey. We feel more and more impotent before a future that becomes, day to day in a rushed present, hardly manageable. And this happens when we had already begun to assume the urgent necessity of anticipating the future, or not waiting the our lives and we are not able to catch it. We are offered numbers and percentages but all of them are incertain, obsolet, and they have lost their presen while us they are given to us.
On the other hand, the sequential access to the knowledge is being questioned by the flood of general information that arrives by the manifold mass media without being contrasted, and it blocks, in many cases, the appearance of scientifically correct knowledge.
To make matters worse, the death of the Earth is a future possibility. Everything seems to indicate that the space influence of the companies in the global market is going to keep increasing; the real market is still far below the potential one, and it will entail the incorporation to it of million of new obsessive-compulsive consumers I a few decades (Chinese, Indian, Southamerican, inhabitants of the old Soviet Republicas, etc...), who wil changed their particular values and behaviours of subssistence economies, by other ones of sufficiency economies mosttly perverse and absurd.
All this will suppose the extreme growth of the production and the services, with the connotations for the environment. The innumerable aggressions to natural and human means will bring on themselves the deterioration of the Earth to unsuspected limits as the present uncontrol foretells .
Definitively, we have to differentiate the obsolete Piramidal Social System, which is in crisis and responsible of a delirious egocéntrical personal isolation that restrains the inevitable process of human individualización,from the concept of Human Society or spontaneous creation of a world of relation for which biologically prepared.
The new social contract will have to allow creating the suitable conditions for facilitating individual human development. Everybody knows that we are who fill the future of content with our projets and actions. This is why we have to become attentive examiners of this new chaos which is to bring put a new order, based on values of hitorical roots and world-known; it will have to questions definitively economical values as universal values.
Perhaps it is about time to state the existence of a “Universal State” over “State-Nations” or over “Local-Nation”, and to consider that the only nation really exists is the one that constituted the individual himself, only objective of any state “protection” in an evolved society.
The globalización is perfectly compatible with the particular, the individual. A new world order will not suppose a new global social magma but a sum of significant particularities.
The sense of global citizenship is not far from the diferent and legitimed localisms or individualities; they are both simply compatible.
(*) Oscar Sanchez Fernandez de la Vega (google) is author of the book: Diez horas con la globalización(google)
El mono desnudo frente a la globalización. ¿Existen realmente los seres humanos?
Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega (google) (*)
Los seres humanos no existen, la sociedad humana y la civilización tampoco.
Al mono desnudo le vuelve a crecer el pelo.
En los inicios de una nueva era, llena de posibilidades, en la que sobran medios para erradicar el hambre en el mundo, las pieles de los habitantes de una parte importante del mismo son masticables, y un niño muere de hambre cada dos segundos. Sabemos que las personas que van dentro de los ataúdes aún no están muertas, pero nadie hace lo mínimo por detener las manos de los enterradores que continúan soltando soga. En este tema nadie es inocente.
La creación masiva de riqueza en los últimas décadas, no se ha acompañado de una mejora substancial en la aplicación de los Derechos Humanos y lo que es peor se percibe una evidente falta de sensibilidad ante la violación sistemática de los mismos.
Ahora que la universalidad parece más posible que nunca, la plomiza realidad nos dice que ha pasado más de medio siglo de la firma de la “Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos” y sin embargo se continúan pisoteando nuestros legítimos derechos a lo largo y ancho del Planeta.
La revolución aún no ha comenzado pero al mono desnudo ya le abruma. Cada vez más nos sentimos impotentes ante un futuro que se convierte, día a día, en un precipitado presente, difícilmente manejable.. Y esto ocurre cuando ya habíamos empezado a asumir la imperiosa necesidad de anticipar el futuro, o lo que es lo mismo a no esperar a que el mundo se encuentre en crisis para que intentemos cambiarlo.
Hoy el tiempo se escapa a nuestras vidas, sin que logremos alcanzarlo. Se nos ofrecen cifras y porcentajes pero todos son inciertos, son obsoletos, han perdido su actualidad mientras nos los facilitaban
Por otra parte, el acceso secuencial al conocimiento está siendo cuestionado por el diluvio de información general que nos llega por los múltiples medios de comunicación sin ser contrastada por nadie y que bloquea en muchos casos la aparición de conocimiento científicamente correcto.
Para colmo de males, la muerte del Planeta Tierra es una posibilidad de futuro. Todo parece indicar que la influencia espacial de las empresas en el mercado global va a seguir creciendo, el mercado real es aún muy inferior al mercado potencial, y ello conllevará la incorporación al mismo, en un espacio de pocas décadas, de millones de nuevos consumidores obsesivo-compulsivos (chinos, indios, sudamericanos, indios, habitantes de antiguas republicas soviéticas, etc...), que cambiaran sus particulares valores y comportamientos propios de economías de subsistencia , por otros propios de economías de suficiencia y en su mayoría perversos y absurdos.
Todo ello supondrá el crecimiento desmesurado e insostenible de la producción y los servicios, el aumento del consumo de petróleo, la deforestación de los bosques, con las connotaciones negativas que ello supondrá para el medio ambiente. Las innumerables agresiones al medio natural y humano traerán consigo el deterioro del planeta hasta límites insospechados, porque el descontrol actual así lo presagia.
Definitivamente, hemos de diferenciar el caduco Sistema Social Piramidal, en crisis y responsable de un delirante aislamiento personal egocéntrico que frena el inevitable proceso de individualización humana, del concepto de “Sociedad Humana” o creación espontánea de un mundo de relación para el que estamos biológicamente preparados.
El nuevo contrato social deberá permitir crear las condiciones adecuadas que puedan facilitar el desarrollo humano individual. Todos sabemos que somos nosotros mismos, los que con nuestros proyectos y actuaciones llenamos de contenido el futuro. Por ello en lugar de dejarnos llevar por un estúpida inercia consumista, necesariamente hemos de pensar el mundo y hemos de constituirnos en atentos escrutadores de este nuevo caos del que deberá salir un nuevo orden, que se apoye en los valores con raigambre histórica, y conocidos por todos, y cuestione definitivamente a los valores económicos como únicos y universales.
Tal vez va llegando el momento de plantearnos la existencia de un “Estado Universal”, por encima de unos “Estados-Nación”, e incluso de los “Pueblos-Nación”, y de considerar que la única nación que realmente existe es la que constituye el propio individuo, único objetivo válido de cualquier “protección” estatal en una sociedad evolucionada.
La globalización es perfectamente compatible con lo particular, con lo individual. Un nuevo orden mundial no supondrá un nuevo magma social global sino una suma de particularismos significativos. El sentido de ciudadanía global no está ni por encima ni por debajo de los distintos y legítimos localismos o individualidades, son sencillamente compatibles.
(*) Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega (google) es autor del libro “Diez horas con la globalización”(google) y es vicedecano del Colegio de Economistas de Lugo.
According to the book “DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACION” (amazon, google, yahoo, netbiblo, Foro-los retos de la globalización, elcorteingles, netbiblo,
Author: Oscar Sanchez Fernandez de la Vega (google).

GLOBALIZATION: A SIMPLE DEFINITION-“Diez horas con la globalización”(google)
Basically it is the RESULT OF the CONFLUENCE OF FOUR CAUSES, which are not necessarily independent, but which must be differentiated:
Cause 1-The worldwide economy (Consequence as well of: improvement of communications, opening of borders, slope costs you transport, geographic fragmentation of the production, improves of the international trade in general, improvement of the global financing and the new strategic alliances between the technology and the companies and institutions).
Cause 2-The appearance of new and important technologies in the two last decades.
Cause 3-The planetary cover of the communications (Satellite-mobile phonesl-Internet, very recent).
Cause 4-The importance that is taking the innovation, in the economic processes
(it improves the productivity and it allows the companies to be more competitive in the global market).
As any phenomenon it has characteristics and causes consequences.
The globalization is CHARACTERIZED by:
A-It has no precedents in the last two decades (the confluence of the four causes only takes place in the two last decades and especially in the last one).
B-It’s an objective phenomenon (it does not depend on our way of thinking or feeling).
C-It’s multidimensional (it is shown in multiple aspects: economic, political, social, cultural...).
D-It’s asynchronous in its beginnings (developed aspects exist more than others and it is clear that the financial globalization more is more developed than the fight to avoid the agressions to natural and human means, or the human rights).
E- It’s Multicentric from the geographic point of view (it is not total there are zones to which Internet does not go, for example).
--The disappearance of useless intermediaries, (not only it is interesting for economy and commerce, but the democratic quality con be improved).
--The changes in the trasmision of intelligence in the organizations(we are changing from piramidales to other flater organizations and a greater power of decision in the local units).
--Death of the distance.
--New importance of geography (which it can give rise to a new apartheid, that in my book I denominate : “alineación of the knowledge”).
--Acceleration of the time. (with the consequent anguish that it causes and provoking the necessity to rescue the time, it does not stop to lose it calmly but to help to create the nuclei of assimilation of the knowledge which they allow to give to passage to one fourth wave (In Alvin Toffler sense) -“The Society of the Udeful Knowledge” and a future firth wave “The Society of the human beings” –The “human beings” exists in same us like a future possibility).
--The critical appearance of a global terrorism.
--Critical movements with the global process.
--The importance of the factor knowledge.
--A new form to make economy.
--The universalizatión is more possible that ever.
--Simultaneously it can get to allows that small things if they are not trivial and have a meaning adquire importance.
--Problems in the sequential access to the knowledge questioned by the general information spreading.
--Impossibility to monopolize the information.
--Passage to a commercial and productive system spreading from the mass consum to a more diversified one.
--Global constitutionalismo.
--The possible improvement of the democratic quality.
--A new civil society.
--The exposition of a planetary governability.
--The universalizatión of the ecological human rights and.
--Problems for old the old state-nation in Europe.
--Revival of the town-nation.
--The compatibility between the local and global.
1-Globalizatión is not equal to worldwide of the economy,it is something else (it is clear that the possibility that our children can communicate their neuroquímicos affective impulses through the network does not have anything to do with the worldwide of the economy).
2-The global phenomenon is a very recent phenomenon (one or two decades).
Author: Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la ega (GOOGLE)

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