All of you knew I been in this country for four years, I had learned and changed a lot and more then that I fond many people, I account them as friends and that the best.
I knew the life is not perfect even here, but I believe, I fond the Pease, freedom, love and home.
Unfortunately the home office refused me and ready to execute me from my new life and send me back to Iraq, and with that move they well kill my hope to find safer home to my little children Shopan and Cordelia, which they mean a lot for me and I am ready to give up any thing to make them happy and safe.
I been homeless in Iraq as a person, and now the fact of homelessly fallow me as a destiny.
But I am still believe the life is beautiful, and deserve to fight for, I have got a new avidness and documents, I hope it is relevant to support my case, but my solicitor said that maybe tack months or even years, until the home office check it.
Enclosed a form to be singing from you or the friends you knew, I wish that could help to make awareness around my case.
I well be complete homeless and un excesses person in this country from 15 October 2004, and for that maybe I well change to different addresses, for now if you complete singing these forms, please send it to one of these address;
1 by contact Kath on

2 contact me on my mobile number 07830207673.
PLEASE I hope you have the time to do that as soon as possible,
And I want your advice because I am aiming to do hunger strike next month, and I do not know if that need any proportion.