indymedia censoring Newswire

By Mark McCarron

In the first article, I set out a 'hypothesis' and progressed through the Microsoft Windows XP Operating System demonstrating it to be a bugging device. Since, then, all types of accusations have appeared about my motivations, from 'propaganda' to 'delusions'. I think what people were really asking, was rather than providing a vague overview, could I provide a technical, point-by-point, breakdown of the OS, that is both clear, concise and accurate that demonstates it function as a 'bugging device'.
No problem. Well, I could not be expected to put up with that now, could I? After all, a chance to kick the big guy, square in the digitals, would be a sin to waste. The hacker, Cracker and Open Source community would never forgive me.
This time, there is no hypothesis, nor anywhere to hide...
...and it's not 'exactly' a bugging device, its 'a whole lot more'.
Hello, Hello, Hello...What Do We Have Here Then?
As we demonstrated throughout the hypothesis of the previous article, Windows XP can clearly be 'interpreted', as having been designed for espionage, specifically, as a remote 'bugging device'. This gives us good grounds from which to launch an examination of the physical evidence. If the hypothesis had not given 'grave cause for concern', nor demonstrated, that the Microsoft Windows XP could be designed for that purpose, such an examination, in public, would have been unfair to Microsoft.
We are going to view the various forms of supporting evidence, available across the Internet, and build a clear overview of what I see in Windows XP. I will maintain the same structure as the first article throughout, with slight alterations, and provide both references and commentary from a forensics point of view.
Please Note:
Anything that appears in this document, is the sole responsibility of its author and not, necessarily, a view shared by the distributers of this information (i.e. websites, etc). It is provided as a source of information, only. All legal liability belongs to the author.
Microsoft Windows XP - The Supporting Evidence & End-User Tests
Conducted: September 2004
Conducted by: The GIEIS Project
Department: Forensic & Cyber-Psycho Warfare
Note: You must be online for any form of remote connection.
Connection attempts can be tested by end-user. Install a firewall, such as Sygate's Personal Firewall (FreeWare V5.5 2525) and leave it to ask for each connection.
You will need full ownership and 'special priviledge' rights to examine this in detail.
General Features
1. Start -> Search :)
a. Click Start->Search and Select 'For Files and Folders...'
b. Notice the connection attempt to Microsoft captured in your Firewall.
c. Notice how this transmits your IP address, in the packet structure of the IP protocol, directly to Microsoft.
d. Notice how the ARP/RARP cache can be used to obtain the MAC address of the remote machine.
e. Notice how this gives both traceable (MAC ID Resolution) and unique identification to each node.
f. Notice that no information about this event is provided to the end-user.
g. Notice that this is a 'phone home'.
h: Notice this statement:
WinXP Search Assistant Silently Downloads

"When you search the Internet using the Search Companion, the following information is collected regarding your use of the service: your IP address, the text of your Internet search query, grammatical information about the query, the list of tasks which the Search Companion Web service recommends, and any tasks you select from the recommendation list."
i. Notice the IP address is stored by Microsoft (during beta testing).
j. Notice Microsoft, therefore, has a list of developers.
k. Notice grammatical information's primary use is in psychological profiling.
l. Notice there is no other reasonable explanation to store grammer, as the text is already stored. Grammer is of no use in 'keyword' text searches, as it is a literal search.
m. Notice how it is all related against marketing information.
n. Notice this is by design.
o. Notice this is intentional.
You are therefore a number, not a citizen. :)
2. Help System, F1
a. Press F1 to bring up help, in any Microsoft application.
b. Notice the connection attempt made randomly (keep trying!) to Microsoft captured in your Firewall.
c. Notice how this transmits your IP address, in the packet structure of the IP protocol, directly to Microsoft.
d. Notice how the ARP/RARP cache can be used to obtain the MAC address of the remote machine.
e. Notice how this gives both traceable (MAC ID Resolution) and unique identification to each node.
f. Notice that no information about this event is provided to the end-user.
g. Notice that this is a 'phone home'.
h. Notice this is by design.
i. Notice this is intentional.
You are therefore a number, not a citizen. :)
3. Microsoft Backup
a. Change the ownership of a second drive, then use backup to copy the files.
b. Notice this provides rapid disk access.
c. Notice this was designed by 'security experts'.
d. Notice this is by design
e. Notice this is intentional.
4. Process Viewer (Task Manager)
a. Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to get to the task manager,
b. Now select the 'Processes'tab.
c. Examine how there is no 'useable' information from which a file process can related to real file information.
d. Use another process viewer and compare the output. Notice that Windows was designed to restrict this output to the end-user.
e. Notice that applications have the 'option', to appear on this list. f. Notice that this would require the 'creation' of another product, to perform this task.
g. Notice this is by design.
h. Notice this is intentional.
5. Dr Watson
a. Examine previous implementations of Dr Watson on earlier versions of Windows, in relation to XP implementation, type 'drwatson' in the run box.
b. Notice the lack of output of vital information required to locate keyloggers, etc.
c. Notice the output has been replaced by a simple message box.
d. Notice that this required deliberate modifcations to the earlier implementations.
e. Notice this is by design
f. Notice this is intentional.
6. The Windows Registry
a. Run the registry editor by typing 'regedit'
b. Progress through every entry
c. Notice each entry with personal information.
d. Notice that the windows activation code, is actually a form of combined report and MD5-type identifier that uniquely identifies the end user's machine and the end users hardware.
e. Notice that the registry is divided into clear sections, separting human and machine generated material.
f. Notice how this provides consistant psycho-analytical information in the appropriate format.
g. Notice how information is scattered throughout the drive.
h. Notice this is by design.
i. Notice this is intentional.
7. Temporary Files
a. Check under C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp and for any user name you may have.
b. Notice the extensive amount of files retained in this folder that are required.
c. Notice the 'various contents' of those files.
d. Notice this was designed by 'experts'.
e. Notice this is by design.
f. Notice this is intentional.
8. Recycle Bin
a. Disable the recycle bin,
b. Clear a new parition,
c. Make sure all files can be seen and you have full owership rights throughout all containers and sub-containers.
d. Now create a text file and delete it.
e. Notice the creation of the 'RECYCLER' folder.
f. Notice this step is redundant,
g. Notice it creates a copy of your file.
h. Notice it waste cycles because it must delete the copy & the origonal.
i. Notice that this is deliberate coding.
j. Notice this is by design.
k. Notice this is intentional.
9. Recent Files
a. Check under C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Recent and for any user name you may have.
b. Notice the extensive amount of files retained in this folder that are not contained under the Start button's 'My Document's'.
c. Notice that additonal screens have been introduce to obscure the 'Clear' button.
d. Notice the clear button only remove 'certain' links.
e. Notice each new file, is more information hidden in alternate datastreams, throughout the drive.
f. Notice there is no reason for this.
g. Notice that this is recording your activities
h. Notice the pattern of behavior.
i. Notice this is by design.
j. Notice this is intentional.
10. NotePad
a. Create a text document and write a document.
b. Now save it, watch how the screen jumps to the position of the cursor.
c. Notice that this requires 'specific' coding.
d. Notice how RTF documents do not line-space copy and pasted text.
e. Notice how this would push you towards Microsoft Office.
f. Notice this is by design.
g. Notice this is intentional.
11. Swap Space/Virtual Memory/Page File
a. Notice that it cannot be disabled.
b. Notice that this would require the 'creation' of another product, to erase sensitive information.
c. Notice this is not a design requirement, but, an 'extra addition' to the code.
d. Notice this is by design.
e. Notice this is intentional.
12. Firewall
a. Notice that Messenger (Not MSN Messenger) bypasses the incoming firewall.
The issue is described here:

b. Notice that this allows the transmission of any form of data into your PC, with the 'proper exploit' (backdoor access code).
c. Notice it is incoming only
d. Notice this allows information to leave your PC unrestricted.
e. Notice that this was designed by 'security experts'.
f. Notice this is by design.
g. Notice this is intentional.
13. Memory Usage
a. Notice that memory leaks are associated with pointers and references.
b. Notice that pointers and references generated at runtime, are normally variables.
c. Notice that a variables would normally contain, so form, of end-user inputted information.
d. Notice how these 'memory leaks' are written to disk by the swap system, that cannot be disabled.
e. Notice how this creates highly specific MFM recoverable reminants of sensitive information.
f. Notice how this procedure is by human design and not a natural, expected progession of the code.
g. Notice how this degrades the performance of your PC during usage.
h. Notice how this forces upgrades to new Operating Systems and Hardware.
i. Notice how this is equivilent to 'sabotage through design' of end-users machines.
j. Notice how this generates new capital through new 'updated' versions of products.
i. Notice that this is highly illegal and breaches monopoly commision rules.
j. Notice this is by design.
k. Notice this is intentional.
14. Automatic Updates
(See Services)
15. Raw Sockets
a. Windows sockets embed your IP address into the packet header.
b. Notice this is a US DoD/DARPA design implementation.
c. Notice that this design allows for MAC resolution through ARP/RARP cache.
d. Notice Windows prevents creation of new protocols.
f. Notice this is by design.
g. Notice this is intentional.
16. Remote Access Bugs
a. Notice how the latest 'update' allows all security to be breached remotely and swiftly.
Security Watch Special: Windows XP SP2 Security Center Spoofing Threat

b. Notice how there is no real security
WinXP SP2 = security placebo?

c. Notice that since my first article Microsoft updates to SP2 are 80% lower than than expected.
Microsoft misses XP SP2 target by 80 million
September 22 2004
by Paul Festa
Only one-fifth of target PCs updated since launch…

d. Notice that it had a major impact on business decisions.
Corporate users snub Windows XP SP2
Published on: Wednesday, 22 September 2004, 09:37 GMT

Firms aim to tighten Linux security
Published on: Friday, 24 September 2004, 16:30 GMT
7 million EURO investment

e. Notice that Microsoft 'loses' code:
"Back in February federal judge Ron Boyce requested Microsoft to turn over some DOS, Windows 3.X and Windows 95 source code to Caldera's lawyers and expert witnesses. Microsoft refused, so last month the judge gave them five days to hand it over or face fines. Caldera CEO Bryan Sparks says that Microsoft gave them most of it within the five days, but they "didn't deliver all the source code. They said they couldn't find some of the Windows 95 and DOS source code we requested." Sparks said that Caldera will file a formal complaint to force Microsoft to, um, "find" the missing code. This is a sure sign of desperation."
f. Notice how absurd this is.
h. Notice that exploits for code are available almost immediatly available upon release.
i. Notice highly sophisticated applications and code are available to exploit the code, almost immediatly.
j. Notice the consistant lack of development time.
k. Notice a remote access bug is no different than a 'backdoor access code'.
l. Notice a free Operating system, OpenBSB, can achieve this without much funding.
m. Notice Microsoft has 'nearly' all the money in the world.
l. Notice the consistant pattern of behavior.
m. Notice this is by design.
n. Notice this is intentional.
17. Music Tasks
a. Notice how you are not told Microsoft is advertising.
b. Notice how this is 'subtly' introduced and located.
c. Notice how this transmits your IP address, in the packet structure of the IP protocol, directly to 'a consortium of US businesses'.
d. Notice how the ARP/RARP cache can be used to obtain the MAC address of the remote machine.
e. Notice how this gives both traceable (MAC ID Resolution) and unique identification to each node.
f. Notice that no information about this event is provided to the end-user.
g. Notice that this is a 'phone home'.
h. Notice how you, your machine and your 'personal habits' are uniquely connected to each session.
h. Notice this is by design.
i. Notice this is intentional.
18. Windows Media Player
a. Notice that updates cannot be disabled.
b. Notice that this application can be modified at will.
c. Notice your computer and user account is uniquely identified by default.
d. Notice remote access to your music library is granted by default.
e. Notice this allows any radio station to examine the contents of people's collections.
f. Notice this identifies end users uniquely that have extensive media collections.
g. Notice that Windows Media Player, searches for every media file throughout your drive.
h. Notice how subtle these 'features' are.
i. Notice that this is a 'phone home' to the 'US based consortium'.
j. Notice how you, your machine and your 'personal habits' are uniquely connected to each session.
k. Notice this is by design.
l. Notice this is intentional.
19. Alternate Data Streams
a. Notice there is no facility to examine the alternate data stream.
b. Notice that Microsoft did not inform people that thumbnails were cached in this area.
c. Notice for years, US security products did not clean this area of the drive.
d. Notice there is still not great support for cleaning these areas.
e. Notice how obscure the setting is to disable this 'feature' is.
f. Notice how subtly it is placed in the middle of options, such as not to draw attention.
g. Notice that the 'What's this?' option does not mention any of these facts.
h. Notice that you are warned folders may take longer to open if it is disabled.
i. Notice that this 'cache' was never required before.
j. Notice that it should not any longer, than a millisecond, to open a non-cached folder than a cached folder.
k. Notice, this is not the case.
l. Notice this is by design.
m. Notice this is intentional.
20. Stability
a. Notice how memory leaks would prevent longterm application execution, due to memory corruption and fragmentation.
b. Notice the random memory 'Access Violations', that terminate an application's execution on a randon basis.
c. Notice how this could have resulted in a major air disaster.
Microsoft software implicated in air traffic shutdown

d. Notice how money is placed before human life.
e. Notice Microsoft's complete disregard for health and safety practices of mission-critical systems.
f. Notice how Microsoft does not mention the source of the problem.
g. Notice this is by design.
h. Notice this is intentional.
21. Web-Cams and Microphones
a. Notice that these devices can be activated remotely
b. Notice that this can be done in 'stealth'
c. Notice that this is by design
d. Notice the current deployment of worm
Meet the Peeping Tom worm

e. Notice how independent actions can exploit sophisticated breaches almost upon release.
f. Notice that this absurd without sufficient development time.
g. Notice this is another 'scam'.
h. Notice this is by design.
i. Notice this is intentional.
22. Control Panel
a. Notice how the control panel has been replaced by a simple menu by default.
b. Notice that the majority of end-users would not know how to revert to the old one.
c. Notice how this cuts of access to event messages and numerous vital monitoring services throughout Windows.
d. Notice how Windows policy, is to make end user, more and more, technically retarded, rather than encouraging the user to expand their knowledge.
e. Notice how it is designed to look like a childs toy.
f. Notice how this affects human behavior by making the end user feel comfortable, relaxed and 'unthreatened'.
g. Notice how this encourages people to 'open up', rather like a psychiatrist and a comfortable chair.
h. Notice how subtle these modifications are.
i. Notice it is all by design.
j. Notice the consistant 'psychological aspect' embedded into Windows.
k. Notice this is by design.
l. Notice this is intentional.
23. Automatic Error Reports
a. Notice how all system information is transmitted to Microsoft.
b. Notice how that includes 3rd party applications.
c. Notice this is 'automatic'.
d. Notice there is no clear way to disable the function.
e. Notice the extensive amount of information, both traceable, profilable and user related.
f. Notice how this transmits your IP address, in the packet structure of the IP protocol, directly to 'a consortium of US businesses'.
g. Notice how the ARP/RARP cache can be used to obtain the MAC address of the remote machine.
h. Notice how this gives both traceable (MAC ID Resolution) and unique identification to each node.
i. Notice that no information about this event is provided to the end-user.
j. Notice that this is a 'phone home'.
k. Notice the pattern of behavior.
k. Notice this is by design.
l. Notice this is intentional.
Internet Explorer 'Features'
1. Temporary Internet Files
a. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files (or your username).
b. Notice that this is not the real files.
c. Change the ownership rights of the drive.
d. Give yourself full permissions.
e. Notice you do not have full permissions as default.
f. Notice that to obtain full permissions requires extensive training in Windows.
g. Notice 95% of end-users would not have such training.
h. Notice that 95% of end-users are unable to view the contents of the files and folders.
i. Notice that Windows is a domestic platform
j. Notice that this is not consistant with end-user requirements.
k. Notice how awkward Windows makes everything.
l. Notice this is by design.
m. Notice this is intentional.
2. Index.dat
a. Notice this file is invisible to 95% of end users.
b. Notice this file cannot be accessed by 95% of end users
c. Notice that this file associated personal logons, with internet activity.
d. Notice it records even deleted material.
e. Notice it has date and time stamps located throughout.
f. Notice the focus on recording images viewed.
g. Notice how your web activities are monitored.
h. Notice how this is completely redundant
i. Notice this is by design.
j. Notice this is intentional.
3. Cookies
a. Notice usernames and encrypted password are stored in these files.
b. Notice these files are access by US market research.
c. Notice that information is gathered as you progress.
d. Notice that this is providing a 'continuously' updated profile.
e. Notice there is no requirement for cookies.
f. Notice that major US sites refuse to function without having access to read/write functions on your drive or scripts/ActiveX, etc.
g. Notice how obscure the clear function is located and 'titled'
h. Notice how obscurely located the folder is.
i. Notice this is by design.
j. Notice this is intentional.
4. Auto-Complete
a. Notice that this is enabled by default.
b. Notice the wide range of user inputted information it retains.
c. Notice that this is stored in a quick access area.
d. Notice how when disabled, it keeps prompting for reactivation.
e. Notice how that prompt cannot be disabled.
f. Notice how annoying that becomes.
g. Notice that this would encourage reactivation.
h. Notice this is by design.
i. Notice this is intentional.
5. MSN Messenger
a. Notice how MSN Messenger behaves like a trojan
Windows Messenger Trojan Update

b. Notice how it is activated upon hotmail activation.
c. Notice that no clear explanation is given to why.
d. Notice that Microsoft has proved it has control of your PC remotely.
e. Notice how by default it loads at startup
f. Notice that this loads it 'trojan' capabilities into memory.
g. Notice MSN Messenger, technically, intercepts keystrokes by design.
h. Notice how updates are forced upon the end-user, even if they do not have the product.
i. Notice how it cannot be uninstalled.
j. Notice that Microsoft is recording your deleted contacts
k. Notice this is part of a highly consistant policy.
l. Notice this is by design.
m. Notice this is intentional.
Microsoft Windows XP Services
1. Application Layer Gateway Service
Download Sygate's Personal Firewall (Freeware) and leave it on training mode.
a. Create a LAN with ICS
b. Connect to the Internet
c. Notice the various connection attempts
d. Notice the connection attempt to ARIN captured in your Firewall.
e. Notice that none of these connection are required.
b. Notice the connection attempt to Microsoft captured in your Firewall.
c. Notice how this transmits your IP address, in the packet structure of the IP protocol, directly to Microsoft.
d. Notice how the ARP/RARP cache can be used to obtain the MAC address of the remote machine.
e. Notice how this gives both traceable (MAC ID Resolution) and unique identification to each node.
f. Notice that no information about this event is provided to the end-user.
g. Notice that this is a 'phone home' to a US 'consortium'.
h. Notice this is by design.
i. Notice this is intentional.
You are therefore a number, not a citizen. :)
2. Automatic Updates
a. Notice that this enabled by default.
b. Notice that disable mechanism is obscurely located and not part of the services.
c. Notice that old flaws are relaced with new ones, during an update.
d. Notice this transmits information between you and Microsoft on a very regular basis.
c. Notice how this transmits your IP address, in the packet structure of the IP protocol, directly to Microsoft.
d. Notice how the ARP/RARP cache can be used to obtain the MAC address of the remote machine.
e. Notice how this gives both traceable (MAC ID Resolution) and unique identification to each node.
f. Notice that no information about this event is provided to the end-user.
g. Notice that this is a 'phone home'.
d. Notice how this a 'rotational approach' were new and old flaws are simply removed and re-introduced.
e. Notice how any software can be delivered to your PC.
f. Notice how Microsoft has direct remote control of any XP machine.
h. Notice that terminal servies would give them a desktop and access to your hardware/network.
g. Notice this is by design.
h. Notice this is intentional.
3. Computer Browser
a. Notice that every machine on the network is known.
b. Notice that this is not required.
c. Notice that this only provides additional network traffic.
d. Notice that this provides navigational information.
e. Notice that it provides quick access to this information.
f. Notice this is by design.
g. Notice this is intentional.
4. Fast User Switching Compatibility
Can be tested by the end user. Check 'User Accounts' in the control panel.
a. Notice this is enabled by default.
b. Notice that no explanation to the fact that it hides the administrator account is provided.
c. Notice that there is no quick access to the administrator account.
d. Notice to get to the administrator's account requires in-depth knowledge of Windows.
e. Notice how this does not fit in with 'user-friendly usage'.
f. Notice that they have tried to make access as difficult as possible.
g. Notice that any encrypted file system can be accessed by through the 'hidden' administrators account.
h. Notice how easy post-forensic and psychological analysis has been made.
i. Notice this is by design.
j. Notice this is intentional.
5. IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
Can be tested by end user.
a. Place a CD in the drive. (Best type CD-R)
b. Navigate through the CD and watch the title bar move to the CD Burning drive. This may take a while to replicate and make sure you can see the 'full address' in the title bar.
c. Notice that the CDs image layout has been cached by windows.
c. Notice that files are copied to the C drive first.
d. Notice this is not required.
e. Notice that this slows everything down by making redundant operations.
f. Notice this is by design.
g. Notice this is intentional.
6. Indexing Service
a. Notice that this is not required.
b. Notice that Windows searches are extremely slow without it.
c. Notice there is no reason for this to be that way, DOS searches like a bullet, so will my own custom search program.
d. Notice this just catalogues your drive.
e. Notice with Microsoft's remote access capability, this provides rapid access to files information.
f. Notice the entire system defaults to being ready for indexing.
g. Notice the pattern of behavior.
h. Notice this is by design.
i. Notice this is intentional.
7. Internet Connection Firewall(ICF)/Internet Connection Sharing(ICS)
a. Notice how each implementation shares your files
b. Notice how SP2 has been 'pre-configured' to do this.
Windows XP Service Pack 2 Firewall Configuration Error Exposes File and Print Sharing to Remote Users

c. Notice that this consistant pattern of behavior.
d. Notice that 5 years has passed with the same issue since Win2k.
e. Notice that this is not an error.
f. Notice that this is a 'pre-9/11 policy'
g. Notice this is by design.
h. Notice this is intentional.
8. Messenger
a. Notice how this is enabled by default.
b. Notice that this bypasses your incoming firewall.
c. Notice that this send and recieves 'data' (No such thing as text)
d. Notice how this can send information from your PC.
e. Notice how this can receive any form of data and execute it with the right exploit (backdoor access code).
f. Notice how it can broadcast to any IP address, rather than being restricted to NETBios or DNS names.
g. Notice how it is scriptable rather than a GUI.
h. Notice how awkward this makes usage in any environment (standard messages can staged in a GUI too, even imported.).
f. Notice this is not required.
g. Notice this is by design.
h. Notice this is intentional.
9. Network Connections
a. Notice that this service is simply additional overhead.
b. Notice it is not required.
c. Notice that it catalogues your network connections and all access information.
d. Notice the only useful function is to provide quick remote access to the information.
e. Notice the clever 'bearly noticeable' addition that this is.
f. Notice the consistant pattern of behavior.
g. Notice this is by design.
h. Notice this is intentional.
10. Protected Storage
a. Notice how this can not be viewed by any Windows application.
b. Notice 3rd party applications can.
c. Notice that it is, therefore, by definition, 'not very protected'.
d. Notice its only function is quick retreival of sensitive end user information.
e. Notice this was designed by 'security experts'.
f. Notice you've been conned. :)
g. Notice this is by design.
h. Notice this is intentional.
11. Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
a. Notice this cannot be disabled.
b. Notice that remote procedure calls, allow your PC to be operated remotely.
c. Notice, in 80% of case, RPC is never used.
d. Notice it was designed by people who know this.
e. Notice this provides 'listening port' services.
f. Notice the pattern of behavior.
g. Notice this is by design.
h. Notice this is intentional.
12. Remote Registry
a. Notice this in enabled by default.
b. Notice that remote access to the registry provides access to your entire psychological profile.
c. Notice that information is structured for rapid access.
d. Notice no explanation is given to why it is there.
e. Notice that in 90% of cases it is not required.
f. Notice this was designed by people who know this.
g. Notice this is by design.
h. Notice this is intentional.
13. Server
(Unevaluated in this report)
14. SSDP Discovery Service
a. Notice how this service is enabled by default.
b. Notice how it is a redundant service already provided by a PC.
c. Notice its only function is to catalogue the devices on a network to each node.
d. Notice the amount of bandwidth this absorbs.
e. Notice its only function is for remote orientation and rapid information collection.
f. Notice the pattern of behavior.
g. Notice this is by design.
h. Notice this is intentional.
15. System Event Notification
(Unevaluated in this report)
16. System Restore Service
a. Notice the quick retreival format for system restore (edited).
%windir%\Downloaded Program Files
%windir%\Offline Web Pages
*:\System Volume Information
*:\SIS Common Store
%SystemDrive%\Documents And Settings\All Users\Favorites
%SystemDrive%\Documents And Settings\All Users\Documents
%SystemDrive%\Documents And Settings\Default User\My Documents
%SystemDrive%\Documents And Settings\Default User\NetHood
%SystemDrive%\Documents And Settings\Default User\Favorites
%SystemDrive%\Documents And Settings\Default User\Cookies
%SystemDrive%\Documents And Settings\Default User\Cache
%SystemDrive%\Documents And Settings\Default User\Local Settings\History
%SystemDrive%\Documents And Settings\Default User\Local Settings\Temp
%SystemDrive%\Documents And Settings\Default User\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
*:\Documents And Settings\*\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
b. Notice that this cannot restore a system, other than for very minor errors.
c. Notice 3rd party applications would not function or corrupt system data.
d. Notice the designers were prepared to take the risk.
e. Notice how focus is given to maintaining user data belonging to the main user.
f. Notice that the main users psychology would be reflected throughout the system.
g. Notice that non-main users are dropped because insufficient information would exist to separate each user from the main user, however, the inverse is easily automated with practice.
h. Notice how this system just eats resources.
i. Notice the pattern of behavior.
j. Notice this is by design.
k. Notice this is intentional.
17. Terminal Services
a. Notice this is enabled by default.
b. Notice 90% of end users would not know how to disable it.
c. Notice that 90% of end users do not need this.
d. Notice how this traps people into windows using clever manipulation.
e. Notice how Windows reduces the technical knowledge of end users.
f. Notice how this provides entire access to your machine, even without your knowledge, using the 'latest expoloit' (updated backdoor access code).
g. Notice the pattern of behavior.
h. Notice this is by design.
i. Notice this is intentional.
18. Windows Time
a. Notice that it connects to either Microsoft or the US military.
c. Notice how this transmits your IP address, in the packet structure of the IP protocol.
d. Notice how the ARP/RARP cache can be used to obtain the MAC address of the remote machine.
e. Notice how this gives both traceable (MAC ID Resolution) and unique identification to each node.
f. Notice that no information about this event is provided to the end-user.
g. Notice that this is a 'phone home'.
h. Notice this is by design.
i. Notice this is intentional.
You are therefore a number, not a citizen. :)
19. Wireless Zero Configuration
a. Notice how this exposes your Wireless network.
b. Notice how this can be 'tapped'.
c. Notice this was designed by 'security experts'.
d. Notice that even the hardware encryption is weak 'by design'.
e. Notice that wireless signals can be detected in space, as they propagate at the speed of light, the ionisphere would only filter the signal.
f. Notice that NASA broadcasts from Mars using less than 0.0001 watts of signal strength.
g. Notice that wireless broadcast are around 1 watt in Europe.
h. Notice that this is 1000% more powerful than a broadcast from Mars.
i. Notice we have no idea what is located in space.
j. Notice that exposing the network is the entire intention.
k. Notice this is by design.
l. Notice this is intentional.
1. Consistant unique identification of end user.
2. Consistant profiling of hardware.
3. Consistant connection attempts to some form of US based 'consortium' that uniquely identify each end node.
4. Pattern consistant with a large scale mapping & psychological information gathering process, of end users, on a global basis.
5. Advanced Psychological Focus - Clearly adapted from from cold-war research in psycho-warfare techniques (advanced embedded psycho-tropic colour schemes). Collection, distribution and 'psychosis' manifestation.
6. Consistant pattern of behavior towards security. Windows is designed to create 'highly specific' array of companies. Specifically, the IT security industry.
7. Consistant slow inclusion of 'subtle' features aimed at end user manipulation and the public acceptance of that manipulation over time.
8. Consistant recording of end users 'habits' and 'personal preferences'.
9. Consistant pattern of making these files 'inaccessable' to end users.
10. Consistant pattern of collecting end user information.
11. Consistant attempt to collected end user information by the deliberate introduction of 'highly specific flaws' into the operating system.
12. Consistant pattern of being 'done by design'.
13. Consistant attempts to hide this activity from end users.
14. Consistant pattern of behavior matching covert intelligence gathering techniques.
15. Implemented long before 9/11.
16. Evidence would suggest the US has some form of nuclear powered, super-computer, processing center requiring parts on a daily basis. Groom Lake, Nevada? Alien cover story, strange air activity nightly, FAA restrictions on crash sites, etc?
My brother used to say,
'What are they going to do, predict your shopping list?'
I can now tell him,
'They intended to determine it for you, and for generations to come.'
Perhap's we should forget about locating any US 'star wars' technology, I get the impression its just 'economic war'.
Hmmm...perhaps those guys, with tinfoil hats, may have a point, after all. If I lived in the US, that is...
...The irony! :)
Government Advice
No government in the world, can take another second's risk of the operating system existing within their country's borders.
Ban it, immediatly.
Check all Linux installations for 'remote access bugs', deploy sniffers across the entire backbone.
Business Advice
OpenBSD and complete custom builds of Linux are recommened, as well as, custom protocols. Due to this, no OS provider with US connections, can be trusted.
Everyone is advised to contact SMB/SME's of Finland, Sweden, Ireland, UK, India, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Russia, Ukraine and Europe in general for technical advice and OS source code and kernels.
Everyone is advised to talk with the 'programmers' directly and bypass all forms of 'middle-management'. Encourage developers to be open about all issues, without impacting business contract decisions. You will receive the best security in the world that way.
Now Microsoft:
A cold-war policy, without a cold-war, for a quick buck, for the US, is simply not on.
a. Notice this is an act of treason.
b. Notice you have been caught.
c. Notice that there will be hell to pay.
d. Notice there is a new sherriff in town. :)
e. Notice this is by design.
f. Notice this is intentional.
Round 'em up, boys! :)
Estimated speed 10,000 petaflops and about that again, in terrabit bandwidth per second. Global telecoms monitoring station like britian's GCHQ, linked to HAARP. HAARP is 'listening' to remote wireless networks for 'economic reasons', not terrorism.
Starting to see the plot?
An upgrade would cost about a trillion and would have been required within the last 5 years, with major upgrades being 10-15 years apart. This would coincide with various wars/conflicts, etc.
America's missing money?
US military technology is known to be between 50-70 years more advanced, than civilian. Therefore, so is the cost.
Imagine Operation Flashpoint, wow! Real-time world war. :)
You should have taken this guys hint:
"Bill Xia, chief executive of DIT, however, accuses Google of reinforcing Chinese internet restrictions by leaving some sites off its list. "When people do a search they will get the wrong impression that the whole world is saying the same thing," he told New Scientist."
Anyone else notice that lately?
Apparently everyone on the entire Internet is of 'one mind', and that 'one mind' has extreme difficulty undestanding plain English and simple logic.
Also, Google appears to be creating some form of 'internal' and 'external' views to countries and the information they contain. Information returned within one country, is different to the same information request, at the same sites, from another country. Examine this quote from the same article:
"Some users recently reported that Google's Chinese news search returned different results depending when they searched using a computer based outside of China. The claims were substantiated by researchers who connected to computers inside the country.
In the past, other search companies have also been accused of supporting Chinese internet controls. In 2002, for instance, Yahoo's (Google) Chinese search engine was modified to provide only limited results for queries related to the banned religious group, Falun Gong.
And Xia notes that Google recently acquired a stake in a Chinese search company called"
So, the CIA made a deal with the chinese, to enter the chinese marketplace.
Wise up America! You've lost the plot.
Isolated a little too long, me thinks!!
Appendix Contents
Appendix 1. Alternative Solutions To Microsoft OS and Tools
Appendix 2. Background Information on Microsoft Related Activities
Appendix 3. Political Impact
Appendix 1.
Alternative Solutions To Microsoft OS and Tools
This is a great place to start 'kicking the M$ habit', welcome to 'The Microsoft Boycott'. Here you will find everything, you ever wanted, that is non-Microsoft related.

Appendix 2.
Background Information on Microsoft Related Activities
Various Extracts From Old News

"According to a report last Wednesday in The New York Times, the US Justice Department is now investigating Microsoft's relationship with Intel. According to the Times, during a 1995 meeting between Intel Chairman Andy Grove and Bill Gates, Gates made "vague threats" to work more closely with Intel's competitors unless Intel cancelled plans to invest in Internet-related technologies and businesses. The DOJ has reportedly subpoenaed Intel transcripts of the meeting, and several Intel executives have testified about the companies' relationship. Intel and DOJ represenatives had no comment, while Microsoft spokesmen neither conformed or denied the allegations, merely saying they didn't see how that evidence could harm the company's case."
"Making matters worse for Microsoft, a new book due out next week will detail the company's many illegal and unethical business practices dating back to the mid-eighties. The book, The Microsoft File: The Secret Case Against Bill Gates, was written by Wendy Goldman Rohm, a longtime member of the computer media. Rohm, who writes for PC Week and Inter@ctive Week, managed to access Microsoft executive memos previously unavailable to the public. She then filled in gaps in the stories via "insider" accounts from sources around the world.
The book includes incidents of Microsoft bugging competitor's motel rooms, forcing computer manufacturers to stop shipping competing OSes and stealing ideas from competitors. The book also details how Microsoft included encrypted AARD code with Windows 3.x just to disable DR DOS. Rohm claims the book's content is so damaging that Bill Gates personally phoned magazine and newspaper editors asking them not to publish anything she wrote."
"Last week a Canadian company discovered a security hole in Microsoft's HotMail service. The hole, which uses JavaScript to fool users into giving their username and password, is simple enough that anyone with a good understanding of JavaScript can take advantage of it. Microsoft temporarily fixed the problem by blocking all e-mail with JavaScript code in it, but that only worked for the 30 seconds it took hackers to replace JavaScript tags with standard HTML tags. Other e-mail services such as NetAddress and LycosMail are checking into the problem, but mail providers like Yahoo that block all HTML coded messages are immune. All the companies have now implemented a working permanant fix.
The Microsoft File
The Microsoft File - Purchase

Editor's Review

The Microsoft File is based on information from not one but many "Deep Throats," as well as internal documents that tell a story of:
> How Microsoft's predatory marketing and pricing behavior belies its claims of fair competition.
> How Microsoft killed the market for a competitor's operating system, a system that could have challenged MS-DOS.
> How bugging devices were found in the hotel room of a supposed business partner of Microsoft's the day before a critical meeting with Microsoft.
> How Microsoft inserted hidden code in the beta version of Windows 3.1, creating fear in the marketplace that competing products would crash and adding a byte in the final version that was marketed so the hidden code wouldn't appear on the screen.
> How close Apple came to discarding the Macintosh operating system for Windows, and the real reason why Bill Gates decided to invest some $250 million in Apple.
> How Microsoft, despite non-disclosure agreements, obtained and used technological secrets from competitors.
> How the biggest mergers in the software industry unfolded, blow-by-blow, as Microsoft's competitors tried to survive the increasing power of the Gates juggernaut.
Appendix 3.
Political Impact
Not only this, but government's throughout the world were beginning to reject Microsoft software or related companies, even without this evidence.
September 23, 2004, 15:30 BST
Linux goes mission-critical for Danish government