Various articles showing Bush's neo-nazi links.
NOTE: This took the person who wrote it a long time to write it and it took me considerable effort to clean it up. So I thought I'd post it to my web site if only to show some of the things that come into The Skeptic Tank routinely. - flr]
From: <...
I am a Canadian, a Christian, and I wish to share information with you regarding September 11th attack on U.S.
The war we are in, is an anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, and anti-Muslim political movement to control the world, and it has been planned by Scientology Corporation for more than 40 years. These are German Nazis, yesterday's terrorists all over again.
The Scientology took control of the Toronto Stock Exchange when Ashton Company which is owned by Brian Ashton, a Toronto Counselor for Scarborough, was contracted to do TSE’s network services two years ago. The Scientology Corporation now, after the attack on US, and after the installation of new computer network equipment, probably controls the Wall Street.
The Scientology comprised of many former German Nazis, is a danger to law and order and a source of constant friction in Canada. There is complete lawlessness in our country, and Canada’s citizens do not currently have a working government agency or a court of law to which they can turn for help, because Scientology members have penetrated all government departments and all companies.
SCIS is a privately owned company, not a government agency. RCMP answers to SCIS. It probably needs to be established who actually owns CSIS, and affiliations.
Ten thousand Nazis, SS and Gestapo have been admitted into United Kingdom, and several thousand Nazis have been allowed to settle in Canada after the Second World War, and most have not been punished for their atrocities to humanity.
These individuals are now members of Scientology Corporation and are responsible for destabilizing our society.
Canadian Public Libraries display a book titled: 'Lies About Hitler.' All of our library staff are Scientology members.
When an individual logs onto a school, college or a university website, that individual is redirected to the Library website. Librarians are Scientology/Nazi movement members and undermine the website. Scientologists who work as webmasters undermine the website activities. They purposely break the links on websites. They also leave out the ability for a person to leave a message for that company.
They have strategically positioned their own computer personnel in apartment buildings, to cut into the telephone lines and email of tenants. They use verbal judo and shadowboxing -- 'Conquer through misdirection.'
The priests and ministers in our churches are Nazi/Scientology cult members who have penetrated our churches more than ten years ago, and most of whom are German. They penetrated the Roman Catholic Church through Charismatic movement in the 60s.
Every Canadian government department: CRTC, Human Resources Development Canada, UI Pensions, CIDC, Labor Board, Human Rights Commission, Crisis Centers, Citizen Action Group and The Help Center, Amity and other charities, Health Department, Trillium Ontario Drug Programs Branch, Immigration, Customs,
Revenue Canada, all banks and all finance companies, Air Canada, our schools and churches, libraries, security companies, media, group homes, and all Canadian companies are under total control of the Scientology Corporation, Mohawk College, Sheridan College, McMaster University, and many of our leaders are members of Scientology.
Although much of the population of this movement is German, (former Nazi, SS members and families), followed by Austrian, Hungarian, Yugoslavian, Portuguese; the Nazi/Scientology Corporation marketed and sold its greed driven, hatred and anger filled Hubbard's movement to different groups in a different way.
Civil rights have been violated: our telephones have been illegally tapped, electronic equipment has been illegally installed at our residences, our mail has been intercepted, our email has been read and our Internet activity has been redirected to phony websites. Apartment buildings have computer personnel on site, whose only purpose is to cut into our telephone and cable lines for purposes of snooping on us and reporting on Canadian citizens to Scientology.
They have been fuelling wars throughout the world. Each time two opposing countries were about to settle and to sign an agreement, someone went in and undermined it.
The Eurodollar, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the amalgamation, the conglomeration of municipalities, the split up of USSR and Czechoslovakia into provinces, are all part of the Scientology Corporation movement to control the world. The terms 'globalization,' the 'unification,' 'monoculture' are in fact Nazi/Scientology Corporation’s quest to control the world. Global Television's red globe, as it turns around, at one-point turns into a Nazi swastika.
'What is globalization and borderless world?'
It is a world emptied of every value and principle except one 'accumulation.'
They infiltrated the Royal Bank in early 70s, and this bank is now moving into US. Currently, there are numerous scandals involving the Royal Bank and mortgages. The Nazi/Scientology Corporation merged the Toronto Dominion Bank with Canada Trust Bank; now they have taken steps to merge Scotia Bank with the Bank of Montreal; soon we will have one banking system and they will dictate to us how much we will pay and we will all become their slaves.
They have been undermining the activities of everyone, including their own members. One layer does not know what they other layers are doing, and for that reason they remain. The members are not aware of the full scope of Scientology activities.
Everything is designed to confuse and frustrate. The main street in Nashville, for example, every time it turns a corner, it changes its name. So, in fact, one street in Nashville has 8 names.
They have removed postal code information from our telephone books, and we now must pay for that information.
Those who have been opposing this movement, have been blacklisted by the Scientology and are unable to find employment and are unable to support themselves because their names and their pictures have been distributed in Nazi/Scientology meetings.
Medical mobile units bring medical personnel to homes and Scientology Cult members then proceed to brainwash the public and the unsuspecting.
Tenants in apartment buildings have been video taped without their knowledge, electronic equipment has been used for subliminal messages on tenants in apartment buildings and in hospitals, and the Nazi/Scientology Corporation uses those tapes during their instructional brain washing meetings.
Canadian citizens’ complaints for years have been completely ignored. Currently, all public and school library staff are Nazi/Scientology Cult members. The Nazi/Scientology Corporation, took Amway cult /pyramid scheme and Masonic Lodge under its wing.
Dentists have been implanting electronic tracking devices in the dental fillings. Doctors have been doing the same during surgeries.
The members of this corporation are like sharks, constantly on the move; constantly changing their names, location and residence, location of employment. Their companies constantly change the names because of bad publicity. They frequently repaint their cars.
Electronic theft is rampant; they steal from the government, they steal from the companies, suppliers, their customers, employees, and they steal from each other.
'Walkers' have been trained in psychological coercion in malls and on the streets, to make citizens think they have been singled out. They monitor every public telephone booth and every mailbox. They have already taken measures to get rid of all the public telephones altogether. Some mailboxes have been nailed from the inside.
They have been burning houses, purposely causing car accidents, pouring oil on highways during rain through rigged trucks. They have been flipping cars on the roads electronically, remotely. They also have electronic equipment to give Canadian citizens instructions, either when they sleep
They have rigged parking lot lights and streetlights with electronic sensors, to monitor those who have been electronically tagged with tracking implants. When an individual arrives and parks his car in a parking lot, or passes a street light, that light flickers or goes off completely to signal the arrival of that individual. The same is done in apartment buildings.
The hallway lights are rigged for monitoring purposes, or one of the tenants' lights is rigged in his apartment for purposes of monitoring other tenants.
Many Nazi/Scientology members work full time for several companies simultaneously and collect several paycheques using various aliases and displaying phony family pictures in their offices. Frequent firings are promoted because they need people in transition for recruitment purposes. Men in their sixties start new families with young, under-aged teen-aged girls, as young as 14 years old. Our current consent for sex is age 14.
They have infiltrated charities, women's crises centers, and all donations go to the Scientology.
HR Departments advertise ob positions for appearance purposes only, when the intent all along is to give the position to one of their members. They use code when they speak to each other, so that they can recognize each other.
This is done on regular basis during interviews. During interviews, the candidates are also given psychological tests whose only purpose is to determine if that individual can be manipulated and brainwashed.
Changes to gun control were introduced in 1994 in preparation for this, because they did not want the Canadian population to be able to retaliate.
Under the guise of self-improvement, through their courses, they have brainwashed our entire young population, and turned them into psychopathic robots. They have been brainwashing our children, in our schools and churches with Hubbard's beliefs. Many of the so-called 'churches' in strip malls, and nothing more than brainwashing factories.
To acquire additional money, they have also been converting apartment buildings into condos.
They have been systematically been removing all mail and fax contact and addresses of our government departments from telephone books and company directories, of the companies they either own, control or run.
Recent references to Scientology have been removed from the Internet search engines.
They put people in financial difficulty, by undermining their employment, and then loan them the money at 28% interest. When the individuals are not able to pay, those individuals then become Scientology slaves.
They get into the HR and once there, only members of the Scientology get hired. The security companies alert the HR who do the interviewing either by ringing a bell, or telephoning the HR individual, that the person being considered for the position is opposing to Scientology movement, and should therefore not be hired.
They enter companies by acquiring an electronic pass from one of their people in security. Once they have a pass, they simply show up one day and claim they work for either the department, or the HR sent them, or, they simply create a new department and assign themselves a position. Since the already have a security pass, no one questions it.
When they want a parcel of land, they simply burn the building that has been erected on it. There is such lawlessness in Canada and Canadian citizens do not have a safe political and social environment to protect them from harm.
They first create the crisis, get the individual fired from his job; burn the person's business; burn the person's house; they then recruit these victims under the guise of trying to help them.
When our doctors started leaving Canada by the thousands, that was not for the monetary reasons; it was because of what they knew was coming, and because of what was being asked of them to do.
By creating crisis after crisis, they have created the world in their own likeness. Canada has become a brutal and repressive regime in which its members' civil rights are being violated on a daily basis.
Scientology has either partnered with Microsoft, or their programmers have infiltrated Microsoft and purposely designed Microsoft systems, software and programs with thousands of security loopholes, which allows for easy access into other computer systems.
The computer firewalls, within have been reprogrammed to return messages which indicate that attempted accesses to computers were harmless, and nothing to be concerned about; when in fact, the computer systems’ security has been compromised.
Some software firewalls such as Norton Utilities, Toronto, Canada firewall were designed by the programmers to route customers' email from the ISP servers to Norton servers. The only reason for doing that would be to steal the information in those email messages.
Scientology HR managers, during interviews give psychological tests to applicants, and they hire only those who are suggestible.
More than twenty years ago, they closed many wings of psychiatric hospitals in Canada and put mental patients out on the streets. That gave them a pool of unstable people whom they used and manipulated.
Their security companies illegally monitor voting booths.
The Nazis/Scientologists introduced AIDS in 1958 in England and then sent the seaman to Africa for two years in hopes of killing off the black population.
When that did not quite work to their satisfaction, they then proceeded to brainwash and bribe.
Employment Agencies owned or controlled by the Nazi/Scientology Corporation:
Xycorp, ProTech, MIS Consultants, Allen Personnel, CSI Consultants, Intellitactics, Accounting Advantage, ATS -- Reliance Technical Group, Angus Employment Agency, @Tech (previously Apple One Technical), Centex, Ultimate Staffing, Apple One Employment, Cheryl Craig Careers Corp., HEC Group (formerly Hamilton Executive Consultants), Drake Temporary & Permanent Staffing, The Employment Solutions (TES), Express Personnel Services (franchises), High-Road Personnel, Action Force, Adecco Employment Services Limited, Aimco Labor Lease, Ariel Group International, At_Tech, Avion International, Call Us Ultimate Staffing, Can Work Corp, Contempra Office Personnel, Eagle Professional Services, Hire Purpose The, Jankar Human Resources Inc., In Transit Personnel Inc., Industrial Temporary Solutions Inc., Job-Born Candidate Selection Bureau, Kelly Services, Little Employment Group Inc., Manpower, McIntyre Management Resources, Nationwide Employment Agency, Spherion, (TPI ) Trebor Personnel Inc., SkillTech, Today’s Staffing, Office Team, Olsten Employment Services, Path Employment Services, Prostaff Personnel Inc., Skilltech -- A Division of AHR Industrial Temporary, Spherion Workforce Architects, Staffit, Telco Technical Solutions Inc., Trans-United Consultants Ltd., Transport Help Driver Service, Van Hees Personnel Inc., A & A Personnel, Accountemps, Alternative Human Resources, A Q Personnel, Can Work Corp., Ian Martin Limited, Office Team, Olsten Staffing Services, Skill Tech a Division of Temporary Industrial, TDM Technical Services, Transport Help Driver Service, Trebor Personnel, Ultimate Staffing, Academy of Learning Computer & Business.
These are Nazi/Scientology Corporation owned, controlled, or Scientology member owned companies:
Air Canada (whose president is Milton), (Scientologists in Canada named a town after him), Chapters Bookstores, MacDonalds Restaurants, Wal-Mart Stores, Mohawk College, Trios Technology Training Centers and their testing sites, Sheridan College, McMaster University, Toronto School of Business, Royal LePage Real Estate, Home Depot Stores, Business Depot Stores, Caterpillar Financial (Oakville, Calgary, Nashville), Pangeo-Pharma, CST (this company located at 700 Dorval and 710 Dorval, Calgary and Trinidad monitors banks -- is this legal?), Millennium Care Inc., Med Broadcast, Blast Radius, (a web design company which hosts Med Broadcast, Nike and others), Intermec/Unova -- Mississauga, Seattle, A T & T, Cogeco, Global Television, Global Newspaper, Workopolis job web site, all Internet based job websites, Sprint ISP, Primus ISP, Lara ISP, D.S. Handling, Questica, UPS Courier, Experion, Amex, Toe Kwon Do, The Barn, Food Basics, Comstock, Crime Stoppers Franchises, Royal Laser, Sterling Honda, Halton Honda, Orion Products Crop., Antares Corp., Natural Choice, CITI, Kelsey's Restaurants franchises, Pink Elephant Networking Services, Ontario Energy Savings Corp., KPMG, Clarica, Microsoft Mississauga, Microsoft Seattle, Chem-Dry franchises, CNC Global Employment Agency, Interac, AMAX, Workopolis job site (for all newspapers and all Canadian companies), Jobshark website, Can West Global, Service Master, Rogers, A T & T, Mandarin Restaurants, Alliance Health Care Professionals, Halton Chiropractic and Wellness Clinic, Health and Wellness Care Centre, Ambassador Coffee Service, Mocrosystems Inc., Access Information Services, Accpac Oakville, Sheridan College, At Home Internet, At Home at Work Computers, Balgord Inc., Bedrosian Consulting Corp., Bliss Technologies, Bredet Services Inc., Business Computer Network Inc., CAD-CAM and Unix Consultants Inc., CAS Compact Solutions Inc., Celestine Technologies Inc., Computer Report Systems, Cygnet Information Systems Inc., DBM Systems Inc., DSG Information Solutions, Primus, Sprint, Lara ISP, dbtuneup database consultants, Design Recovery, DIGITALFIRE Computing, Dolfin Com., Don Caster Office Services, Duncan System Specialists, Arthur Murray Dance Studios, Drs. Marcarian, Stirling Furniture, A-1 Antiques, Apple Auto Glass, Apple Employment Agency, London Telecom, British Telecom, AT Automotive, Oakville Entertainment Centrum, The Gym, Ferrone Fitness Centre, CISCO, CAN AM Immigration Services, Belair Direct, High Risk, Affiliated Insurance Management, Fair Insurance, Vince Tomeson Dickerson, Ten Star Financial Services, Powell Insurance Brokers, Pearson Insurance Brokers, Tripemco Insurance, Spriggs Insurance, Elizabeth Interiors, Canada's National Investigation Agency, Protec Building Maintenance Inc., Manning Jewellers, Canac Kitchens, Kitchen Design Plus, Oakville Ceramic Tile, Oakville Kitchen Centre, Appleby Landscape, DalAllegra, Martin & Hillyer, Airport Services, NAV Canada, Mattress Liquidators, CMS Credit, Country Wide Van Lines, Robertson Moving and Storage, Earthlink, Scanell Moving and Storage, Guargian Group of Funds, Heinen, Bronte Natural health Clinic, Roste Group, We Care, Trafalgar Village, Summit Painting, Shred-IT franchises, Walton Paving Ltd., Walton Pools, Burl-Oak Paving, Guargian Pest Control, Apotex Pharmaceutical, Wal-Mart, Air Canada, IPMG, Pearson Insurance, Comstock, Gerrard Ovalstrapping, Moores Clothing Stores, Royal Laser Tech. Corp, RBC Investments, Can West Global, Can West Airline, Apotex, MacDonald’s, Tim Horton's, Jack Astor's franchises, Clarica, ATS, MER (Health Emergency Response Units), The Brick, Mark's Work House, Telus, Toy's-R-US, Chubb Security franchises, PASWord Security and all security companies, Meadowlands, Meadowvale Residential development, Crime Stoppers franchises, D.S. Handling -- Grimsby, Questica , all security companies, all health care and financial institutions, Loews Vanderbuilt Hotels, Ontario Energy Savings Corporation.
Nazi/Scientology Corporation owned or controlled Security companies:
Chubb Security franchises, and Chubb Financial franchises, A-1 Security Systems, A Protection One Security, AA Golan Alarm, AA Welco Protective, AAA Nes Alarms, AAA MX alarms Inc., AM Wass Electronic Security, A-! Protection Services, ADT Security Services Canada Inc., alarm Bridge Inc, Alarm Systems of Canada, Golan alarms, CanGuard, Protection One, Welco Protective Devices Inc., NES alarms, MX Alarms, Alarm- Tech, Alarm Force, All Nite Security Systems Inc., Alliance Security Systems, O & B alarms, Basic security Systems Limited, Bell Guardian, Cocirn Control Systems Inc., Microtec, EKO Security Systems, Custom Home Service Installations, DG Godfrey Communications, EKO Security 18, HR Protection, Lynden Security Systems Inc., Fire Protection Services, Parkwood Security Systems, Fist Security Ltd., Homeguard Canada, Honeywell Protection Services, Interac Alarms Inc., Nutech Security Systems Ltd., PAD Security Products, parkwood Security Systems, PASWord Protection Services, Pro tech Lock and Security, Protection One., Secur-U, Security Advisory Service, Security Headquarters Ltd., Securitylink From Ameritech, Superior Lock and Safe, Superior Security Canada Inc., VIP Security Alarms Inc., Voxcom Security Systems, Cablecom Int's Network Cabling, Brant Telephone, Catech Systems Ltd., CCS Cable Control systems, Deatech Systems Inc., Inside Wire, Multiview Locates Inc., Network Cabling Services Ltd., State Group Limited the, Wallace and Associates Corp., Stirling and Associates Human Resources Services and Security Services, Network and Co., Bell Express Vu., Look Communications, Star Choice, Cogeco, PowerSonic Industries Inc., TelPlus, Telus, Division Technologies, Novadata Information Systems Inc., Paragon Technologies, Pedifox Computer Systems Ltd., Pine Coast Software Inc., Quick Solutions Incorporated, Intermec/Unova, Software Metrics/Equitrac (Software Metrics/Equitrac, RCM Technologies-IT, Sequel Process Design, Skytech Computer Consulting inc., Softfocus, Solid CaDDGroup Inc., Stalworth Technologies Corp., (TCS Canada monitors banks' servers illegally and electronically redirects money into their own accounts), TL Microsystems Inc., Unikoan Inc, Velvet Software Systems, yellow Data Clarity, Akran Networks, CBL Data Recovery Technologies, A-1 electronics Parts, Arco Computers, IT Exchange Inc., Astra Graphics, Automated Design Systems, Drafting Clinic Canada, Envisioneering 3D Multimedia, MKR Productions, Torgon Industries Inc., VCR Active Media, Virtek, Autocad, ACDL Computers, Access Computer Services., Ontim Investments Ltd. ,Germania Club, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Burlington Social Club, South Service Road, Ontario, Canada.
High-tech invisible, psychological warfare and unregulated experiments including radiation experiments and biological agents are being used on Canadian civilian citizens, and mind-altering weapons, radio-frequency weapons, and electronic mind control is being used on a wide scale.
Instead of butchering a population physically, they can now manipulate the public mentally, virtually enslaving their thoughts. Scientology Corporation now controls this technology and that gives them the power to control the minds of men-all men. This is in flagrant violation of civil liberties.
Scientology has been using on Canadian citizens the RF and EMF weapons, thought-influencing technology, aerial mind control in which radio-frequency broadcasts carry subliminal patters that entrain the listener’s brainwaves into a pre-selected emotional state, EMP guns capable of forcing a car to stop by disabling its electronic systems, causing accidents on highways; neuro-electromagnetic energy, low frequency acoustic propagation, ultrasound and voice-FM, hypersonic sound, ultrasound projection systems capable of ventriloquism at a distance, through-wall radar systems, an enhanced version of computer speech recognition, thought-reading devices - with EEG waves being substituted for sound waves: mining the thoughts, human electronic device implantation for the purposes of two-way communication with the brain, low frequency radio wave technology capable of simulating the brain's own electromagnetic current and produce a trance-like state, fatigue attack weapons, psychotronic weapons used to 'force wake,' communication based on the microwave auditory effect, non-ionizing radiation, sonic transduction of microwave energy, thermal guns capable of heating the body to 105 F and 107 F, seizure guns capable of inducing epileptic-like seizures, magnetophosphene guns capable of using a biophysical mechanism which evokes a visual response centered in the retina leaving their victim sightless, synthetic telepathy, Pavlovian hypnotic triggers, brain entrainment technology, pulsed microwave voice-to-skull transmission, mind altering microwaves, manipulating body and mind by satellite, ultrasound signals, which can be transmitted through the air or piggybacked on to radio/TV signals, subliminal 'silent sound' techniques and psychoacoustic frequencies.
Stationary and mobile land units with electronic offence systems (many housed in large trucks), shipboard and airborne models as well as space-based technology are used for this purpose.
Cloning of emotions: using supercomputers, they analyze human emotional EEG patters and replicate them, then store these 'emotion signature clusters' on another computer and, at will, 'silently induce and change the emotional state in a human being,' forcing people to commit suicide, and induce physical and psychosomatic ailments. Electronically, and remotely they induce heart palpitations, anxiety and depression states.
Doctors then diagnose them as schizophrenics and recruit these individuals into the Nazi/Scientology party.
A secret culture sprang about which enable the players to implement and various developed techniques to cleverly circumvent the democratic processes and institutions.
The crime of murder calls out for punishment as a means of deterrence.
History must not repeat itself. Crimes committed have been so monstrous that they cannot be condoned. After the Second World War most Nazis got away without punishment. This time they must be punished.
We need a functioning legal system, where the facts are properly assessed. Our laws must be changed and these individuals must be considered guilty by association; guilty of murder and guilty of rampage and destruction.
There is no room in our world for bigotry; and bigots who are responsible for this must be jailed. A specific offender cannot always be identified for every crime on the law books, but certain acts are made criminal just the same.
Our criminal code penalizes those who willfully attempt in any manner to obstruct, prevent or deflect the course of justice. Yet, our police departments, our courts, some lawyers and judges have been doing just that. They prosecute victims, but let the criminals and the oppressors go free.
The social fabric of our society is in much greater danger of falling to shreds if the murderers of one organization were left unpunished due to perceived pressure by another. Much of what is wrong with our society is the result of a widespread of infiltration of our churches, schools and libraries and the necessary measures must be taken to excise those individuals and groups.
How many times does our civilization must suffer because of their cruelty? Countless atrocities have been committed against civilian population. It is morally imperative that Nazi/Scientology criminals be brought to justice. There must be a worldwide move to expose Nazi/Scientology individuals, groups and companies. The crime of murder calls out for punishment as a means of deterrence. Canada and other countries must remove the violators and their henchmen.
More than 50 years of inactivity has made Canada a haven for war criminals and they are now holding Canadians and our whole civilization hostage. These criminals destroyed forever the peace and tranquility of millions.
When it comes right down to the need for justice, it does not matter how many Nazi war criminals are residing in our country. One is too many.
Canada, and other countries should have had a functioning mechanism in place. The principle of justice, should be reflected in Canada's laws.
Parliament passed legislation that the crime of mass murder is a criminal act. Killing several thousand U.S. citizens in an attack on U.S. is mass murder.
Our politicians and lawmakers must be held responsible for their continued inaction on Nazi and Scientology criminals.
A country cannot leave a gap in the system of legal protection. Each province or state must be ready and able to deal with the criminal at all times.
Scientology Corporation and its members must repay for wages lost, by those citizens who lost their jobs, not because of fault of their own, but because of actions taken by Nazi/Scientology cult members.
All Scientology 'churches' and meeting places should be closed permanently. Canada and other countries must follow Spain's example, the Scientology Corporation must be dissolved, the members must be held accountable, they must loose their possessions, their jobs, they must go to jail for destabilizing our civilization and must pay for their actions.
But if the law enforcement agencies are the criminals themselves -- then what do we do?
The information regarding the activities of the Nazis and Scientology Corporation must be made public. Their names, their photographs, their activities, the companies they own, how much wealth they have accumulated and the harm they have done to our civilization must all be made public.
This can only be done if publishing houses, radio stations, television stations form a coalition with its own law firm and the information is released simultaneously worldwide.
Once this information is made public, citizens will start to come forward with their own painful stories about cruel treatment and abuse by the Nazis, the Scientology Corporation and by its members. A worldwide class action lawsuit must be launched on behalf of these citizens. The Nazi Party/Scientology secrecy has been their strength; they must be exposed.
An attack on one is an attack on us all. Companies must start hiring older workers to provide a good mix of young and old. The older workers will teach the younger generation about history, social conscience and responsibility which is lacking in our society today.
I am hoping that before I die, I will see a promise of a just society.
We (Christians in war) are called to the hardest of all tasks; to fight without hatred, to resist without bitterness, and in the end, if God grant it so, to triumph without vindictiveness.
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Germans fear neo-Nazi link with Islamists
War on Terrorism: Observer special
Kate Connolly in Berlin
Sunday October 7, 2001
The Observer
German investigators into terrorist 'sleepers' have switched their attention to right-wing extremists who could join forces with Islamic fundamentalists.
Neo-Nazi groups applauded the 11 September suicide attacks on the United States, and thanked the terrorists for 'knocking out' the 'common enemy': Americans and global capitalism. A message on the website of Horst Mahler, the former extreme-left Red Army Faction guerrilla who recently emerged as the leading ideologue of extreme-right academics, congratulated the terrorists and expressed solidarity with Islamic militants.
'The military attacks on the symbols of mammonistic world power were utterly effective and therefore just,' he wrote in a statement that was peppered with anti-Semitic comments.
Confronted with his remarks in a television interview, Mahler said the attacks amounted to 'justified warfare by opponents of the global structures in the United States, and they have my full sympathy'.
Another far-right group, National Resistance (NW), said 11 September was a day for celebration.
'The attacks in the USA have received a hugely positive response on the far Right,' said Hans-Joachim Kunz, of the Bavarian section of the German Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV). 'The fact is neo-Nazis and Islamic fundamentalists have a common ideology and that is they both see the USA as their enemy.'
Following the attacks, neo-Nazis in the north-eastern town of Stralsund publicly burnt an American flag. In Eisenach a neo-Nazi was arrested after praising the attackers in a television interview.
A computer search began last week in the hunt for terrorists who may be living in Germany. A federal official involved in the investigations told The Observer: 'The two groups could be working behind the scenes - sharing logistics or bomb-making skills - towards a common goal. This would be a nightmare scenario.'
Security fears have been at fever pitch since it emerged that seven of the terrorists involved in the suicide attacks on the US had lived and studied in Germany.
The extreme Right is known to have been stockpiling firearms and bomb-making equipment in recent years. This has raised fears of a large-scale terrorist campaign, particularly in the light of a government-led initiative to ban the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) which will come into force later this year.
Why would Osama bin Laden want to kill Dubya, his former business partner?
By James Hatfield
Editor's note: In light of last week's horrific events and the Bush administration's reaction to them, we are reprising the following from the last column Jim Hatfield wrote for Online Journal prior to his tragic death on July 18:
July 3, 2001-There may be fireworks in Genoa, Italy, this month, too.
A plot by Saudi master terrorist, Osama bin Laden, to assassinate Dubya during the July 20 economic summit of world leaders, was uncovered after dozens of suspected Islamic militants linked to bin Laden's international terror network were arrested in Frankfurt, Germany, and Milan, Italy, in April.
German intelligence services have stated that bin Laden is covertly financing neo-Nazi skinhead groups throughout Europe to launch another terrorist attack at a high-profile American target-his first since the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen last October.
According to counter-terrorism experts quoted in Germany's largest newspaper, the attack on Dubya might be a James Bond-like aerial strike in the form of remote-controlled airplanes packed with plastic explosives.
Why would Osama bi Laden want to kill, Dubya, his former business partner?
I knew that bombshell would whip your heads around. So here's the straight scoop, folks.
In June 1977, Dubya formed his own drilling company, Arbusto Energy ("arbusto" means "bush" in Spanish), in Midland, Texas. Like his father before him, Dubya founded his oil business with the financial backing of investors, including James R. Bath, a Houston businessman whom Dubya apparently first met when they were in the same Texas Air National Guard unit. (Interestingly, both Dubya and Bath were both suspended from flying in August and September 1972, respectively, for "failure to accomplish annual medical examination.")
Tax documents and other financial records show that Bath, an aircraft broker with controversial ties to Saudi Arabia sheiks, had invested $50,000 in Arbusto, granting him a 5 percent interest in two limited partnerships controlled by Dubya.
Time magazine described Bath in 1991 as "a deal broker whose alleged associations run from the CIA to a major shareholder and director of the Bank of Credit & Commerce." BCCI, as it was more commonly known, closed its doors in July 1991 amid charges of multibillion-dollar fraud and global news reports that the financial institution had been heavily involved in drug money laundering, arms brokering, covert intelligence work, bribery of government officials and-here's the kicker-aid to terrorists.
Bath was never directly implicated in the BCCI scandal, but according to The Outlaw Bank, an award-winning 1993 book by Time correspondents, Jonathan Beaty and S.C. Gwynne, Bath originally "made his fortune by investing money for [Sheikh Kalid bin] Mahfouz and another BCCI-connected Saudi, Sheikh bin Laden," reportedly the brother of none other than Osama bin Laden, the man accused by the U.S. government of masterminding the August 1998 terrorist bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which killed more than 250 people.
According to court documents, Bath swore that in 1977 he represented four prominent and wealthy Saudi Arabians as a trustee and used his name on their investments in the United States. In return, he received a 5 percent interest in their deals. Time reporters Beaty and Gwynne suggest in their book that the $50,000 Bath invested in Dubya's Arbusto Energy drilling company may have belonged to Bath's Saudi clients since the Houston businessman "had no substantial money of his own at the time."
The FBI and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network later investigated Bath after allegations were made by one of his American business partners that the Saudis were using Bath and their giant piggy bank to influence U.S. policy. (Dubya's father had been appointed by President Ford to head the CIA from 1976-77.)
So, folks, the Middle Eastern oil money used to underwrite the first business venture of our future president of the United States, may have been derived at least in part from the family fortune of Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden, who is now being accused of masterminding his assassination.
From the what-it's-worth-department: I think Dubya's handlers have fed disinformation through the CIA and other backdoor channels to German and Italian intelligence agencies about a possible hit on Dubya by the fugitive terrorist to gain public sympathy and concern for a U.S. president who has taken a nose-dive in the opinion polls.
The latest New York Times/CBS News poll showed Dubya's approval rating fell to 53 percent from 57 percent a few weeks ago, its lowest since he took office. Only 50 percent of those polled approved of his handling of the economy, while 47 percent approved of his foreign policy performances. Some 44 percent felt Dubya was not respected by foreign leaders, a mere 39 percent agreed with his policies on the environment, and a whopping 61 percent of Americans believed the new prez was not addressing the issues they care most about.
Obviously, the pollsters didn't call Dubya's sugar daddies-the oil and gas companies. Because he damn sure is taking care of their interests.
Mike Whine, the security spokesman for the Board of Deputies of British Jews, said that the problem of prejudice directed towards Jews on the European mainland was spreading to Britain. "Tensions in the Middle East and the rise of far-Right activity have come together to produce a depressing increase in anti-Semitic activity," he said.
Mr Whine, who works closely with the police to monitor anti-Semitic attacks on synagogues and Jewish graves, said that extremist Islamic groups are behind many anti-Semitic incidents. "There is reliable evidence from the police to prove that an increasing number of incidents are committed by sympathisers of the Palestinians and Islamists.
"The promotion of anti-Semitism by the Arab media and by Islamist organisations worldwide is having a significant effect on the attitudes of Muslim communities around the world towards the Jews."
Combat 18, the banned neo-Nazi terror group, has orchestrated a 14-month campaign of terror against Lord Triesman of Tottenham. His windows have been broken and his walls daubed with swastikas in 12 separate attacks.
The problem became so bad that he was advised by Special Branch to erect a 10ft fence around his home in Dartmouth Park, north London. The fence was dismantled in December, however, because it fell foul of the planning rules of the Labour-run Camden borough council. Lord Triesman, 61, said that he was disturbed by the attacks, which he blamed on anti-Semitic sentiment.
The Gods of Eden by William Bramley Reviewed by Jim Keith The Gods of Eden, authored by William Bramley, is one of the more popular and talked-about recent books on UFOs and conspiracy. It's all over the place, and spoken of favorably by a lot of people who should know better. What has not been talked about is that there is a hidden purpose to the book, and that is to disseminate Church of Scientology concepts to the UFO field. It's not that Bramley glancingly touches upon material also covered in Scientology; he uses the bullhorn for basic, elementary Scientology principles without mentioning their source, and does it again and again in the pages of the book. I probably wouldn't even mention the matter except for the wide agreement which the book has engendered (even Milton William Cooper references the book like it was UFO gospel) --and people should know what they're agreeing with. The Scientology message begins with the overall theme of the book: we are controlled, even "farmed" by extraterrestrials of evil intent. This concept has been put forward by a number of writers starting with Charles Fort, but Bramley's other theorizing makes plain where he got the idea: from L. Ron Hubbard, in such non-introductory Scientology texts as History of Man, Creation of Human Ability, and his taped Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures. Hubbard specifically warned about passing this "advanced" (read science fiction-y) material on to the non-indoctrinated, and so Bramley carefully doesn't cite these or any of the other Scientology materials dealing with what Hubbard termed "space opera", i.e. tales of past life experiences with civilizations in advance of current Earth levels, except for a citation of the fairly homogenized Have You Lived Before This Life? By being tight-lipped about the wilder Scientology stuff, Bramley hews to the party line in this instance, as he does with his other covert treatments of Scientology doctrine throughout the book. Chapter 2, "Orientation," pgs. 7-9, gets the ball rolling with a dissertation about the spiritual, as opposed to animal, nature of mankind. I won't argue the truth of this matter, but it is straight Scientology "orientation," one of the basic premises of the "religion." (Having spent 13 years in the organization, partly at an executive level, I can state that Scientology is less a religion than a very clever mind control operation, so clever in fact, that I think that Hubbard might have fallen for his own creation). In Chapter 6, pg. 74, Bramley discusses the existence of a mystical "Brotherhood" "engaged in a pragmatic program of spiritual education." Echoing Scientology PR terms he apparently identifies "the original uncorrupted Brotherhood" of ancient times with Scientology, or at least with the purposes of Scientology. It is "scientific, not mystical or ceremonial," which is precisely the claim that Hubbard made, hence the name of his group, and it was "...a considerable body of accurate spiritual data, but it had not succeeded in developing a complete route to spiritual freedom..." This is more Scientology jargon, as can be easily determined by reading any of the books pushing the subject or taking a look at the Scientology "grade chart" defining the various steps of counselling, claimed as the "road to spiritual freedom." The same goes for Bramley's statement, again on page 74, that "Brotherhood teachings were arranged as a step-by-step process [ala the Scientology grade chart]. A student was required to satisfactorily complete one level of instruction before proceeding to the next one... This style of instruction was designed to ensure that a student did not prematurely atttempt difficult spiritual feats or become overwhelmed by advanced level information..." Again, this is straight Scientologese, but this time related to Hubbard's theories on study and the application of the "gradient" approach, i.e. easy before hard. This also provides a justification why everything but the introductory levels are secret: they would "overwhelm" someone who hadn't done all the preliminary Scientology counselling, and paid all the preliminary and considerable fees. How much does Scientology go for these days? Last I looked, which was about 10 years ago, it was something like three hundred dollars an hour for most of the counselling. This is why a goodly percentage of Scientologists choose the lockstep of virtually unpaid staff work: staff is promised free counselling, although in my experience they rarely get much of it. Another point is taken from Hubbard's theories of study on page 76, where Bramley states, "With a word substituted here and a sentence omitted there, the semantic precision needed to communicate an exact scientific principle will be lost." Again, Bramley is virtually quoting Hubbard, particularly in the policy letter titled "Keeping Scientology Working", which rails on about people who change the materials of Scientology. Scientology makes a big deal about alteration of Hubbard's written materials by one jot or tittle. Chapter 7, page 96 Bramley briefly touches upon "third parties" involved in wars and other conflicts. Hubbard insisted in his "third party law", covered in the book Introduction to Scientology Ethics, that third parties were always behind the scene in altercations. In Chapter 9, page 108 Bramley chats about past lives, and shows that he again buys the Hubbard scenario in detail, with post-death disembodied spirits looking around for pregnant women to pick up new bodies. Chapter 10, page 119 mentions the Buddhist legend of the coming avatar Mettaya, who would create "a religion that would bring about full spiritual liberation for all mankind... Mettaya would simply be an individual with the knowledge and ability to get the job done." More covert references to Scientology and Hubbard, provable by reading one of the three Hubbard books referenced in the endnotes of Bramley's book. This is Hubbard's Hymn of Asia, in which he claimed he was Mettaya come to deliver the planet. The text was originally supposed to be delivered at a Buddhist convention in the 1950s, no doubt in an effort to convert Asia wholesale to Scientology. Apparently the Buddhists got wind of Hubbard's plan, since the address was never given. On page 220, Chapter 19, Bramley states, "A properly-done confessional can have a highly beneficial effect on an individual..." Bramley expands on the concept on pages 224-225 of the same chapter. Properly-done? Perhaps with an E-Meter? Bramley couldn't be talking about the elements of Scientology processing, which Hubbard started calling a "confessional" when Dianetics turned into Scientology and incorporated as a religion, could he? On page 225 he talks about improper confessions, terming them "quickie salvation," echoing the terminology employed in Scientology for abbreviated Scientology processing: "quickie grades." Chapter 34, "Robo-Sapiens," is a rehash of Hubbard's take on the evils of psychiatry and psychiatric drugging. This was one of the things that Hubbard was right about, but don't get me wrong: Hubbard was right about a lot of things. This is the glue that sticks one so damnably well into the operation, that a lot of it works pretty well, and that a lot of Hubbard's insights were profound. And when you feel you have even a tentative handle on Truth with promises of a hell of a lot more to come (namely, the Advanced Levels), you're willing to ignore the absolute enslavement that you have to submit to in thought, word, and deed. I could go on listing sneaky Scientology references in Bramley -- there are no shortage -- but frankly I'm bored with combing through the book. As an ex-Scientologist more than familiar with the ingroup cant, I can tell you that Bramley is, without a doubt, a Scientologist who is trying to sell the Hubbard line throughout. Gods of Eden is not that bad of a book, as UFO/conspiracy books go. A lot of his history is pretty shaky and dependent upon funky sources like AMORC, but I know the problems of sorting out truth and fiction amongst conflicting reports on what's been did and what's been hid. On this account, Bramley did a decent job. Knowing the references that Bramley is utilizing, however, the originality of his cosmic conception pales. Bramley, like most other true believers, mouths the Scientology party line like a "Robo-sapians," but then, if you've known any Scientologists, you'll find that they all do. Hell, I did for the 13 years I was a Scientologist, until I finally saw through the scam behind the space opera. Not to suggest that Bramley's intentions aren't honorable when he, like every other Scientologist in the world, attempts to get "raw meat" -- i.e. the unprocessed in Scientology -- to surrender their personal judgement and philosophy to the "pro-survival" doctrines of L. Ron Hubbard intended to recover the "spiritual being's" "total freedom." Everyone knows what the road to Hell is paved with. It may even be that Bramley won't deny what I have said, that his book is riddled with hidden Scientologese. The point is that he doesn't admit it in the book, and like the evil extraterrestrial custodians he blames in the book, he engages in some pretty sneaky mind control himself. Jim Keith is the editor of Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History, available from Feral House, and Casebook on Alternative 3: UFOs, Secret Societies, and World Control, available from IllumiNet Press. 1-800-680-INET.
The docu-fantasy of Michael Moore
An extraordinary number of conspiratorial claims
July 2, 2004
That Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 received the Cannes film festival's most coveted prize should have served as a warning that something about it was fishy. After all, a disturbing trend following the 2001 terrorist attacks was the absurdly generous attention the European media lavished on conspiracy crackpots, the moral equivalent of Holocaust deniers, who argued that 9/11 was actually an elaborate plot by the U.S., Israeli or British governments.
Leading the field, for example, was French junk author Thierry Meyssan's The Horrifying Fraud, which posits that the Sept. 11 attacks were carried out by murderous U.S. government officials looking for an excuse to launch a war on Afghanistan and Iraq. Meyssan's bestseller was the inspiration of German writer Mathias Brckers' imaginatively named Conspiracies, which suggests, among other inanities, that the attacks proved just as timely for George Bush as did the Reichstag fire for Adolf Hitler.
No less morally frivolous was The CIA and September 11 by Andreas von Blow, a former German government minister, who fingers the CIA and Mossad as the primary sponsors of 9/11. Blow's half-baked fantasies gained credence in such publications as Der Spiegel, while in Britain the Guardian gloated over its publication of former environment minister Michael Meacher's equally obscene claim that the U.S. knowingly and willfully let the 9/11 attacks occur because it fit into a grander and more sinister effort to procure future supplies of Middle East oil.
It's not a heist exactly, but Moore stakes out strikingly similar territory in Fahrenheit 9/11, likewise sticking to the golden conspiracy-theory formula of confusing correlation with causation, and supposition with evidence. And like its progenitors, the end result is a series of claims so far removed from fact they take on the air of fantasy.
Among them, for example, is the claim that Saudi Arabian oil interests secretly control U.S. foreign policy, and that President Bush invaded Afghanistan to build a gas pipeline and ousted Saddam Hussein for cheap oil. In recent television interviews, however, Moore is hard pressed to explain why, if Saudi influence was so complete, the Saudis themselves were against the invasion of Afghanistan, and so opposed to the invasion of Iraq that they kicked U.S. troops off their territory into Qatar. In trying to explain away such inconsistencies he bumbles on as unintelligibly as the president he so mercilessly lampoons.
The film also accuses the White House of allowing 140 Saudis, including members of Osama bin Laden's family, to fly out of the country in secret immediately after Sept. 11, as all other air traffic was only gradually returning to normal. Problem is, this isn't what happened. In fact, the flights were cleared by Richard Clarke, the head of counter-terrorism for the Bush administration. A ferocious critic of the Iraq war, Clarke has admitted on the record that he alone sanctioned the departures. Moreover, the Saudis left having been duly interviewed by the FBI, only after air traffic resumed.
But these are only a few of the distortions Moore has pathetically tried to spin as objective truth. Did we mention his suggestion that the U.S. is run by a cabal of business leaders who turn a blind eye to terrorism?
Not that this seems to bother many of the film's eager viewers, however, who are pushing ticket sales into territory usually reserved for star-laden blockbusters. And with a three-day weekend coming up, the movie is poised to post even more impressive attendance figures.
Fahrenheit 9/11 certainly does for the aggrieved political left what The Clinton Chronicles did for the livid right a decade ago. Seemingly well-researched, Chronicles told a disturbing tale of bribery, money-laundering, drug-running and even murder during Bill and Hillary Clinton's tenure in Arkansas. The difference, however, is that Chronicles was largely ignored by both mainstream film distributors and the reviewing media. Why? Because it was rightly perceived as vulgar propaganda intended to smear an incumbent president as he approached another election.
This re-election year is obviously different, but far from being a "dissenting" hero, Moore is but one more contestant in the race to the polemical bottom, coming at a time when truth is often the first victim of the supermarket media values now embraced by a depressing number of mainstream journalists. Fahrenheit 9/11 places Moore squarely on the growing list of charlatans and hucksters engaged in a steady business pawning off their fabrications on an unfortunately credulous public.
McGinty threat 'diminished'
Western Australian Attorney-General Jim McGinty says police have informed him that the threat against his life has diminished.
Police allege the threat was made by the former head of a white supremacy group Jack Van Tongeren.
"They tell me that the present risk has diminished and that Mr Van Tongeren is currently being sought by the police and is on the run," he said.
"Because of that, and that a number of Mr Van Tongeren's associates are now in jail, that the risk is now considerably diminished and I'm pleased with that."
Mr McGinty has confirmed that police informed him earlier this week that they had uncovered a plot by members of the Australian Nationalist Movement (ANM) to harm him and several prominent members of the community for supporting multiculturalism.
"I can only go on the basis of what police have told me, and the advice that police have given me, and that was that earlier this week there was a serious threat," Mr McGinty said.
"It was not about property damage, it was about personal violence. I had to take that seriously given the man's track record."
Mr Van Tongeren has also criticised the Prime Minister in a video sent to media outlets, but John Howard says he has received many threats over the years and tends not to respond to them.
Mr Howard says he can understand Mr McGinty's concern.
"When these things happen, you always worry about your family more than you do about yourself," he said.
"That's certainly been my situation, I don't mean in relation to's not really on my mind, but I empathise with that."
Mr McGinty says he does not believe police are over-reacting.
"Given Mr Van Tongeren's background and the fact he's just come out, having spent twelve years in jail for very serious criminal offences, it is something you have to take seriously," he said.
Mr McGinty arrived back in Perth this morning after walking out of a planned meeting of Attorneys-General in Adelaide, saying he had fears for the safety of his family.
It is also alleged several other prominent people are in danger, including the president of the Ethnic Communities Council Suresh Rajan.
In other developments:
Security has been intensified around several prominent people in Perth, including Attorney-General Jim McGinty, amid claims their safety is at risk. (Full Story)
Police investigating a series of race-hate crimes in Perth have raided a Gingin property, where they suspect Jack Van Tongeren is staying. (Full Story)
German high court limits ban on neo-Nazi marches
By The Associated Press
KARLSRUHE, Germany - Demonstrations by neo-Nazi organizations can only be banned when it can be shown that they would endanger the public's safety, Germany's highest court ruled yesterday.
The Federal Constitutional Court overturned an earlier court ruling that allowed the western city of Bochum to stop the far-right National Democratic Party from holding a June demonstration against the building of a new synagogue.
But the high court said that "the authority to limit basic rights of freedom is not tied to people's attitudes, but to the dangers for legal protections that come from concrete acts."
The basic right of freedom of opinion is "also a right for the protection of the minority," the court said, but added that speech meant to incite and deemed a threat to safety can still be punished or banned.
A Voice From Nazi Germany A Survivor shows parallels between Naziism and trends in the U.S.
A Survivor shows parallels between Naziism and trends in the U.S.
One of the most important realities of our time is that there is little difference between Communism, Naziism, Fascism, Fabianism, Socialism, and what is now being sold to the American people as Americanism. All of these systems are a single phenomenon. They are but variants of an ideology called collectivism. (For an analysis of collectivism, see The Chasm elsewhere in the Issues section of this site. This becomes crystal clear when one compares what is now unfolding in the United Sates with events that occurred in Nazi Germany. The parallels are chilling.
Several years ago, The Reality Zone released an audio presentation on this topic called Lesson from Austria, the personal testimony of Kitty Werthman who saw Hitler’s rise to power in her country. (Available at
Now, we have a powerful statement from another survivor of the Nazi system who shows the continuing parallels that have developed after 9-11, particularly the introduction of so-called homeland security and the glorification of war. The following testimony appeared as a letter to the editor at dated January 9, 2004. My commentary is included at the end.
Comment: Once you have the clues you may choose to free yourself within yourself, then act upon the data appropriately. Current events are nothing new when people realize that elitist oligarchical tyranny is a norm, and all too easy within a sheepdog logic. It is our task to continue to restore individual rights, and to handle with extreme care collectivist plans, projects, and propaganda.
A Survivor shows parallels between Naziism and trends in the U.S.
© 2004 by G. Edward Griffin
One of the most important realities of our time is that there is little difference between Communism, Naziism, Fascism, Fabianism, Socialism, and what is now being sold to the American people as Americanism. All of these systems are a single phenomenon. They are but variants of an ideology called collectivism. (For an analysis of collectivism, see The Chasm elsewhere in the Issues section of this site. This becomes crystal clear when one compares what is now unfolding in the United Sates with events that occurred in Nazi Germany. The parallels are chilling.
Several years ago, The Reality Zone released an audio presentation on this topic called Lesson from Austria, the personal testimony of Kitty Werthman who saw Hitler’s rise to power in her country. (Available at
Now, we have a powerful statement from another survivor of the Nazi system who shows the continuing parallels that have developed after 9-11, particularly the introduction of so-called homeland security and the glorification of war. The following testimony appeared as a letter to the editor at dated January 9, 2004. My commentary is included at the end.
The Bush Hitler Thing
Dear Sir,
My family was one of Hitler’s victims. We lost a lot under the Nazi occupation, including an uncle who died in the camps and a cousin killed by a booby trap. I was terrified when my father went ballistic after finding my brother and me playing with a hand grenade. (I was only 12 at the time, and my brother insisted the grenade was safe.) I remember the rubble and the hardships of ‘austerity’ - and the bomb craters from Allied bombs. As late as the 1980s, I had to take detours while bombs were being removed - they litter the countryside, buried under parking lots, buildings, and in the canals and rivers to this day. Believe me, I learned a lot about Hitler while I was growing up, both in Europe and here in the US - both my parents were in the war and talked about it constantly, unlike most American families. I spent my earliest years with the second-hand fear that trickled down from their PTSD - undiagnosed and untreated in those days.
I’m no expert on WWII - but I learned a lot about what happened in Germany - and Europe - back in those days. I always wondered how the wonderful German people - so honest, decent, hard-working, friendly, and generous - could ever allow such a thing to happen. (There were camps near my family’s home - they still talk about them only in hushed conspiratorial whispers.) I asked a lot of questions - we were only a few kilometers from the German border - and no one ever denied me. My relatives had obviously spent a lot of time thinking about the war - they still haven’t forgotten - I don’t think anyone can forget such a horrible nightmare. Among the questions I asked:
Why didn’t you do anything about the people in the camps?
Everyone was terrified. People “disappeared” into those camps. Sometimes the Nazis came and lined everyone up, walking behind them - even school children - with a cocked pistol. You never knew when they would just shoot someone in the back of the head. Everyone was terrified. Everyone was disarmed - guns were registered, so all the Nazis had to do was go from house to house and demand the guns.
Didn’t you see what was happening?
We saw. There was nothing we could do. Our military had no modern weapons. The Nazis had technology and resources - they just invaded and took over - we were overwhelmed by their air power. They had spies everywhere - people spying on each other, just to have an ‘ace in the hole’ in case they were accused - and anyone who had a grudge against you could accuse you of something - just an accusation meant you’d disappear. Nobody dared ask where you had gone - anyone who returned was considered suspicious - what had they said, and who did they implicate? It was a climate of fear - there’s nothing anyone can do when the government uses fear and imprisonment to intimidate people. The government was above the law - even in Germany, it became “every man for himself.” Advancement was possible by exposing “traitors” - anyone who questioned the government. It didn’t matter if the people you accused were guilty or not - just the accusation was enough.
Did anyone know what was going on?
We all knew. We imagined the worst because the Nazis made ‘examples’ of a few people in every town and village. Public torture and execution. The most unspeakable atrocities were committed in full view of everyone. If this is what happened in public, can you imagine what might be going on in the camps? Nobody wanted to know.
Why didn’t the German people stop the Nazis?
Life was better, at first, under the Nazis. The war machine invigorated the economy - men had jobs again, and enough money to take care of their family. New building projects were everywhere. The shops were full again - and people could afford good food, culture, and luxuries. Women could stay home in comfort. Crime was reduced. Health care improved. It was a rosy scenario - Hitler brought order and prosperity. His policies won widespread approval because life was better for most Germans, after the misery of reparations and inflation. The people liked the idea of removing the worst elements of society - the gypsies, the homosexuals, the petty criminals - it was easy to elicit support for prosecuting the corrupt, “evil” people poisoning society. Every family was proud of their hometown heroes - the sharply-dressed soldiers they contributed to his program - they were, after all, defending the Fatherland. Continuing a proud tradition that had been defeated and shamed after WWI, the soldiers gave the feeling of power and success to the proud families that showered them with praise and support. Their early victories were reason to celebrate - in spite of the fact that they faced poorly armed inferior forces - further proof that what they were doing was right, and the best thing for the country. The news was full of stories about their bravery and accomplishments against a vile enemy. They were “liberating” these countries from their corrupt governments.
These are some of the answers I gleaned over the years. As a child, I was fascinated with the Nazis. I thought the German soldiers were really something - that’s how strong an impression they made, even after the war. After all, they weren’t the ones committing war crimes - they were the pride of their families and communities. It was just the SS and Gestapo that were “bad.” Now I know better - but that pride in the military was a strong factor for many years, only adding to the mystique of military power - after all, my father had been a soldier too, but in the American army. It took a while to figure out the truth.
Every time I’ve gone back to Europe, someone has taken me to the “gardens of stone” - the Allied cemeteries that dot the countryside. With great sadness, my relatives would stand in abject misery, remembering the nightmare, and asking “Why?” Maybe that’s why they wouldn’t support the US invasion of Iraq. They knew war. They knew occupation. And they knew resistance. I saw the building where British flyers hid on their way back to England - smuggled out by brave families that risked the lives of everyone to help the Allies. As a child, I had played in a basement where the cow lived under the house, as is common there. The same place those flyers hid.
So why, now, when I hear GWB’s speeches, do I think of Hitler? Why have I drawn a parallel between the Nazis and the present administration? Just one small reason - the phrase “Never forget.” Never let this happen again. It is better to question our government - because it really can happen here - than to ignore the possibility.
So far, I’ve seen nothing to eliminate the possibility that Bush is on the same course as Hitler. And I’ve seen far too many analogies to dismiss the possibility. The propaganda. The lies. The rhetoric. The nationalism. The flag waving. The pretext of “preventive war.” The flaunting of international law and international standards of justice. The disappearances of “undesirable” aliens. The threats against protesters. The invasion of a non-threatening sovereign nation. The occupation of a hostile country. The promises of prosperity and security. The spying on ordinary citizens. The incitement to spy on one’s neighbors - and report them to the government. The arrogant triumphant pride in military conquest. The honoring of soldiers. The tributes to “fallen warriors.” The diversion of money to the military. The demonization of government appointed “enemies.” The establishment of “Homeland Security.” The dehumanization of “foreigners.” The total lack of interest in the victims of government policy. The incarceration of the poor and mentally ill. The growing prosperity from military ventures. The illusion of “goodness” and primacy. The new einsatzgrupen forces. Assassination teams. Closed extralegal internment camps. The militarization of domestic police. Media blackout of non-approved issues. Blacklisting of protesters - including the no-fly lists and photographing dissenters at rallies.
There isn’t much doubt in my mind - anyone who compares the history of Hitler’s rise to power and the progression of recent events in the US cannot avoid the parallels. It’s incontrovertible. Is Bush another Hitler? Maybe not, but with each incriminating event, the parallel grows - it certainly cannot be dismissed. There’s too much evidence already. Just as Hitler used American tactics to plan and execute his reign, it looks as if Karl Rove is reading Hitler’s playbook to plan world domination - and that is the stated intent of both. From the Reichstag fire to the landing at Nuremberg to the motto of “Gott Mit Uns” [God is with us] to the unprovoked invasion and occupation of Iraq to the insistence that peace was the ultimate goal, the line is unbroken and unwavering.
I’m afraid now, that what may still come to pass is a reign far more savage and barbaric than that of the Nazis. Already, appeasement has been fruitless - it only encourages the brazen to escalate their arrogance and braggadocio. Americans support Bush - by a generous majority - and mass media sings his praises while indicting his detractors - or silencing their opinions completely. The American people seem to care only about the domestic economic situation - and even in that, they are in complete denial. They don’t want to hear about Iraq, and Afghanistan is already forgotten. Even the Democratic opposition supports the occupation of Iraq. Everyone seems to agree that Saddam Hussein deserves to be executed - with or without a trial. “Visitors” are fingerprinted. Guilty until proven innocent. Snipers are on New York City rooftops. When do the Stryker teams start appearing on American streets? They’re perfectly suited for “Homeland Security” - and they’ve had a trial run in Iraq. The Constitution has been suspended - until further notice. Dick Cheney just mentioned it may be for decades - even a generation, as Rice asserts as well. Is this the start of the 1000 year reign of this new collection of thugs? So it would seem. I can only hope that in the coming year there will be some sign - some hint - that we are not becoming that which we abhor. The Theory of the Grotesque fares all too well these days. It may not be Nazi Germany - it might be a lot worse.
SL | Wisconsin
Commentary by G. Edward Griffin
As we approach the 2004 presidential election, there is an increasing crescendo of anti-Bush sentiment that appears to be motivated, not by concern over the loss of our freedom, but by a revulsion against our war in Iraq and a partisan drive to replace a Republican president with a Democrat. It is an age-old ploy: Focus on the evils of the leader and hope that people will not look too carefully at the man who is preparing to replace him. In this case, the Democratic hopeful, Mr. John Kerry, is a card-carrying collectivist exactly like Mr George W. Bush, but the voters are not supposed to think about that. They are expected to be so alarmed over the performance of the Bush Administration in Iraq that they will be blinded to the fact that, for decades, both political parties have followed exactly the same long-range agenda. It is to expand government at home and to merge the U.S into a so-called New World Order based on the model of collectivism. Voters are led to believe that, by choosing between the Democratic and Republican parties, they have a choice. They actually think they are participating in their own political destiny; but that is an illusion. To a collectivist theoretician like Professor Carroll Quigley [President Clinton’s former teacher at Georgetown University], it is a necessary illusion to prevent voters from meddling into the important affairs of state. If you have ever wondered why the two American parties appear so different at election time but not so different afterward, listen carefully to Quigley’s approving overview of American politics:
The National parties and their presidential candidates, with the Eastern Establishment assiduously fostering the process behind the scenes, moved closer together and nearly met in the center with almost identical candidates and platforms, although the process was concealed as much as possible, by the revival of obsolescent or meaningless war cries and slogans (often going back to the Civil War). … The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ”throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy. … Either party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, unenterprising, and vigorless. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies. [Taken from Tragedy and Hope, by Carroll Quigley, pp. 1247-1248. Available at
We must understand this perspective when appraising the parallels between Naziism and the ideology that now is embraced by most government leaders in the Western world. It has nothing to do with individual leaders, their campaign rhetoric, or their personal style. Collectivism is the culprit, and we will not recapture our freedom by merely switching back and forth between candidates selected by political parties all of which are dedicated to collectivism. We must have leaders who will stand against collectivism in all its forms and who will declare for individualism, as summarized in The Creed of Freedom. (See The Creed of Freedom elsewhere on this site.)
"[Texas] Observer readers are familiar with much of the ground [Charles] Lewis covers in The Buying of the President 2000 [Avon Press], including accounts of how he:
made $15 million off the Texas Rangers deal with the help of $135 million in corporate welfare from Arlington taxpayers;
took $4.5 million from the business interests clamoring for "tort reform" and rewarded them with laws that make it harder to sue irresponsible businesses; and
invited oil industry executives to develop a do-nothing public relations response to the "grandfathered" air pollution problem in Texas.
The Observer has not yet covered the University of Texas Investment Management Company (UTIMCO) scandal, in which huge sums of money flow back and forth between Bush and his top donors. Tom Hicks (of the Dallas corporate takeover firm Hicks Muse Tate & Furst) made Bush a millionaire fifteen times over by buying the Texas Rangers. Hicks and his brother Steven contributed $146,000 to Bush's gubernatorial campaigns; Steven is a Bush fundraising "Pioneer," who has raised at least $100,000 for Bush's presidential race. Tom Hicks long urged U.T. to move part of its $13 billion endowment into riskier investments. In 1990, for example, he tried to get it to invest in his takeover of Healthco, a dental supply company that went bankrupt three years later. In 1995, the Texas Senate confirmed Tom Hicks as a U.T. regent, just as Bush was moving into the Governor's Mansion. Hicks hired lobbyists to push a bill -- signed into law by Bush -- that created UTIMCO. With Hicks as its first chair, UTIMCO began to dole out lucrative contracts to private investment firms to manage portions of the endowment. Many of these firms had ties to Hicks and Bush:
"The Carlyle Group. The elder George Bush reportedly has an equity stake in this firm, which is run by leading members of his presidential administration.
Maverick Capital Fund. Its investors include Bush Pioneer Charles Wyly and his brother Sam, who gave $210,273 to Bush's gubernatorial campaigns.
Bass Brothers Enterprises. Bass family interests funneled $215,000 to Bush and financed a Bahraini drilling contract won by a small oil exploration company where Bush served as a director.
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts. This corporate buyout firm would soon join Hicks, Muse in a $1.5 billion takeover of Regal Cinemas.
Evercore Partners. Evercore joined Hicks, Muse in a $900 million buyout of television stations soon after its UTIMCO deal.
American Securities Partners. The company won a UTIMCO contract soon after selling eleven radio stations to Hicks, Muse."
The Bush-Bin Laden Money Connection
"Former President George Bush met with King Fahd, right, on a trip to Saudi Arabia last year as part of his work for the Carlyle Group." (NYT, 3/5/01)
A Second Bush Oil Deal To Come With Murky Ties To Saudi Financiers And Osama Bin Laden
"On September 24, President George W. Bush appeared at a press conference in the White House Rose Garden to announce a crackdown on the financial networks of terrorists and those who support them. “U.S. banks that have assets of these groups or individuals must freeze their accounts,” Bush declared. “And U.S. citizens or businesses are prohibited from doing business with them.”
"But the president, who is now enjoying an astounding 92 percent approval rating, hasn’t always practiced what he is now preaching: Bush’s own businesses were once tied to financial figures in Saudi Arabia who currently support bin Laden.
"In 1979, Bush’s first business, Arbusto Energy, obtained financing from James Bath, a Houstonian and close family friend. One of many investors, Bath gave Bush $50,000 for a 5 percent stake in Arbusto. At the time, Bath was the sole U.S. business representative for Salem bin Laden, head of the wealthy Saudi Arabian family and a brother (one of 17) to Osama bin Laden. It has long been suspected, but never proven, that the Arbusto money came directly from Salem bin Laden. In a statement issued shortly after the September 11 attacks, the White House vehemently denied the connection, insisting that Bath invested his own money, not Salem bin Laden’s, in Arbusto.
"In conflicting statements, Bush at first denied ever knowing Bath, then acknowledged his stake in Arbusto and that he was aware Bath represented Saudi interests. In fact, Bath has extensive ties, both to the bin Laden family and major players in the scandal-ridden Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI) who have gone on to fund Osama bin Laden. BCCI defrauded depositors of $10 billion in the ’80s in what has been called the “largest bank fraud in world financial history” by former Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau. During the ’80s, BCCI also acted as a main conduit for laundering money intended for clandestine CIA activities, ranging from financial support to the Afghan mujahedin to paying intermediaries in the Iran-Contra affair.
"When Salem bin Laden died in 1988, powerful Saudi Arabian banker and BCCI principal Khalid bin Mahfouz inherited his interests in Houston. Bath ran a business for bin Mahfouz in Houston and joined a partnership with bin Mahfouz and Gaith Pharaon, BCCI’s frontman in Houston’s Main Bank.
"The Arbusto deal wasn’t the last time Bush looked to highly questionable sources to invest in his oil dealings. After several incarnations, Arbusto emerged in 1986 as Harken Energy Corporation. When Harken ran into trouble a year later, Saudi Sheik Abdullah Taha Bakhsh purchased a 17.6 percent stake in the company. Bakhsh was a business partner with Pharaon in Saudi Arabia; his banker there just happened to be bin Mahfouz.
"Though Bush told the Wall Street Journal he had “no idea” BCCI was involved in Harken’s financial dealings, the network of connections between Bush and BCCI is so extensive that the Journal concluded their investigation of the matter in 1991 by stating: “The number of BCCI-connected people who had dealings with Harken-all since George W. Bush came on board-raises the question of whether they mask an effort to cozy up to a presidential son.” Or even the president: Bath finally came under investigation by the FBI in 1992 for his Saudi business relationships, accused of funneling Saudi money through Houston in order to influence the foreign policies of the Reagan and first Bush administrations.
"Worst of all, bin Mahfouz allegedly has been financing the bin Laden terrorist network-making Bush a U.S. citizen who has done business with those who finance and support terrorists. According to USA Today, bin Mahfouz and other Saudis attempted to transfer $3 million to various bin Laden front operations in Saudi Arabia in 1999. ABC News reported the same year that Saudi officials stopped bin Mahfouz from contributing money directly to bin Laden. (Bin Mahfouz’s sister is also a wife of Osama bin Laden, a fact that former CIA Director James Woolsey revealed in 1998 Senate testimony.)
"When President Bush announced he is hot on the trail of the money used over the years to finance terrorism, he must realize that trail ultimately leads not only to Saudi Arabia, but to some of the same financiers who originally helped propel him into the oil business and later the White House. The ties between bin Laden and the White House may be much closer than he is willing to acknowledge." --Wayne Madsen, 10/22/01
Wayne Madsen, an investigative journalist based in Washington, is the author of Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999.
Part One: "Hike in US defence spending to benefit Osama's family": Bin Laden-Bush business connection seen through Carlyle Group
"If the United States boosts defence spending in its quest to stop Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden's alleged terrorist activities, his family may be the unexpected beneficiary of that, media reports said. "Among its far-flung business interests, the well-heeled Saudi Arabian clan, which says it is estranged from Laden, is an investor in a fund established by Carlyle Group, a well-connected Washington merchant bank specialising in buyouts of defence and aerospace companies," The Wall Street Journal said in an investigative dispatch. It said "through this investment and its ties to Saudi royalty, the bin Laden family has become acquainted with some of the biggest names in the Republican Party." "In recent years, former president George H W Bush, ex-secretary of state James Baker and ex-secretary of defence Frank Carlucci have made the pilgrimage to the bin Laden family's headquarters in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia). "Ex-president Bush makes speeches on behalf of Carlyle Group and is senior adviser to its Asian Partners Fund, while Baker is its senior counsellor and Carlucci is the group's chairman," the journal said." --Hindustani Times, 9/28/01
Part Two : Inside The Carlyle Group
With former US Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci as its chairman, it's no surprise that The Carlyle Group is drawn to defense. Defense and aerospace firms such as United Defense Industries make up a significant share of the world's largest private equity firm's portfolio. Also represented are information technology (Federal Data), health care, real estate, and bottling companies. Since Carlucci joined in 1989, a host of staffers from the Reagan and first Bush administrations have stinted at the company, including ex-Secretary of State James Baker and ex-budget chief Richard Darman. Former President Bush and former UK Prime Minister John Major have also made appearances. --Hoovers Online
...Traveling with the fanfare of dignitaries, Mr. Bush and Mr. Baker [use] their extensive government contacts to further their business interests as representatives of the Carlyle Group, a $12 billion private equity firm based in Washington that has parlayed a roster of former top-level government officials, largely from the Bush and Reagan administrations, into a moneymaking machine. In a new spin on Washington's revolving door between business and government, where lobbying by former officials is restricted but soliciting investments is not, Carlyle has upped the ante and taken the practice global. Mr. Bush and Mr. Baker were accompanied on their trips by former Prime Minister John Major of Britain, another of Carlyle's political stars. With door-openers of this caliber, along with shrewd investment skills, Carlyle has gone from an unknown in the world of private equity to one of its biggest players. Private equity, which involves buying up companies in private deals and reselling them, is a high-end business open only to the very rich. Over the last decade, the Carlyle empire has grown to span three continents and include investments in most corners of the world. It owns so many companies that it is now in effect one of the nation's biggest defense contractors and a force in global telecommunications. Its blue-chip investors include major banks and insurance companies, billion-dollar pension funds and wealthy investors from Abu Dhabi to Singapore. In getting business for Carlyle, Mr. Bush has been impressive. His meeting with the crown prince was followed by a yacht cruise and private dinners with Saudi businessmen. And Mr. Bush led Carlyle's successful entry into South Korea, the fastest-growing economy in Asia. After his meetings with the prime minister and other government and business leaders, Carlyle won a tough competition for control of KorAm, one of Korea's few healthy banks. The steady flow of politicians to lucrative private-sector jobs based on their government contacts is a familiar Washington tale. But in this case, it is being played out for more dollars, on a global stage, and in the world of private finance, where the minimal government rules prohibiting lobbying by former officials for a given period are not a factor. These rules say nothing about potential conflicts when former government officials use their connections and insights for financial gain, and they may attract more notice now that George W. Bush is president. Many of those involved with Carlyle, which invests largely in companies that do business with the government or are affected by government regulations, have ties to the Oval Office.
For instance, Frank C. Carlucci, a Reagan secretary of defense who as much as anyone is responsible for Carlyle's success, said he met in February with his old college classmate Donald H. Rumsfeld, the secretary of defense, and Vice President Dick Cheney, himself a defense secretary under former President Bush, to talk about military matters - at a time when Carlyle has several billion-dollar defense projects under consideration.... "Carlyle is as deeply wired into the current administration as they can possibly be," said Charles Lewis, executive director of the Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit public interest group based in Washington. "George Bush is getting money from private interests that have business before the government, while his son is president. And, in a really peculiar way, George W. Bush could, some day, benefit financially from his own administration's decisions, through his father's investments. The average American doesn't know that and, to me, that's a jaw-dropper."
It is difficult to determine exactly how much money the senior Mr. Bush and Mr. Baker have made. Mr. Baker is a Carlyle partner, and Mr. Bush has the title senior adviser to its Asian activities. With a current market value of about $3.5 billion on Carlyle's equity and with the firm owned by 18 partners and one outside investor, Mr. Baker's Carlyle stake would be worth about $180 million if each partner held an equal stake. It is not known whether he has more or less than the other partners. Unlike Mr. Baker, Mr. Bush has no ownership stake in Carlyle; he is an adviser and an investor and is compensated by obtaining stakes in Carlyle investments. Carlyle executives cited, for example, Mr. Bush's being allowed to put money he earns giving speeches for Carlyle into its investment funds. Mr. Bush generally receives $80,000 to $100,000 for a speech. He sits on no corporate boards other than Carlyle's. Carlyle also gave the Bush family a hand in 1990 by putting George W. Bush, who was then struggling to find a career, on the board of a Carlyle subsidiary, Caterair, an airline-catering company....
With $12 billion from investors, Carlyle claims to be the nation's largest private equity fund and makes money by investing in undervalued companies and reselling at a profit.... The California state pension fund invested $305 million with Carlyle, and the Texas teachers pension fund - whose board was appointed when George W. Bush was governor - gave Carlyle $100 million to invest in November. Carlyle also works as a financial adviser to the Saudi government....Carlyle has done well for its investors, returning an average of 34 percent a year over the last decade, in line with other private equity funds. It has done this by buying what it knows best - companies that are regulated by the government. Nearly two-thirds of its investments are in defense and telecommunications companies, which are affected by shifts in government spending and policy. ...Carlyle has become the nation's 11th largest defense contractor, owning companies that make tanks, aircraft wings and a broad array of other military equipment. It also owns health care companies, real estate, Internet companies, a bottling company and even Le Figaro, the French newspaper.... And its access extends well beyond American shores. In Europe, Carlyle has assembled an advisory board that besides Mr. Major includes Karl Otto Pöhl, former president of German's Bundesbank, and the past or present chairmen of B.M.W., Hoffman-LaRoche, Nestlé, LVMH-Moët Hennessy, Louis Vuitton and Aerospatiale, the French Airbus partner. Carlyle's Asia advisory board, which helps raise money and finds and reviews deals, includes former President Fidel V. Ramos of the Philippines, the former prime minister of Thailand and the executive director of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. The former South Korean prime minister Park Tae Joon was also an adviser to Carlyle.... In an office adorned with photographs of Mr. Carlucci and the politically mighty - he sits beneath an Oval Office picture of himself and Mr. Reagan - Mr. Carlucci makes it clear that his extensive government and global ties are as fresh as ever. "I know Rumsfeld extremely well," Mr. Carlucci said in an interview. "We've been close friends throughout the years. We were college classmates."...NYT, 3/5/01
Part Three : Ex-Prez Bush's Financial Ties With Defense Contractors Leads To Call For Resignation
Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government corruption and abuse, reacted with disbelief to The Wall Street Journal report of yesterday that George H.W. Bush, the father of President Bush, works for the bin Laden family business in Saudi Arabia through the Carlyle Group, an international consulting firm. The senior Bush had met with the bin Laden family at least twice. (Other top Republicans are also associated with the Carlyle group, such as former Secretary of State James A. Baker.) The terrorist leader Osama bin Laden had supposedly been “disowned” by his family, which runs a multi-billion dollar business in Saudi Arabia and is a major investor in the senior Bush’s firm. Other reports have questioned, though, whether members of his Saudi family have truly cut off Osama bin Laden. Indeed, the Journal also reported yesterday that the FBI has subpoenaed the bin Laden family business’s bank records. Judicial Watch earlier this year had strongly criticized President Bush’s father’s association with the Carlyle Group, pointing out in a March 5 statement that it was a “conflict of interest (which) could cause problems for America’s foreign policy in Middle East and Asia.” Judicial Watch called for the senior Bush to resign from the firm then. “This conflict of interest has now turned into a scandal. The idea of the President’s father, an ex-president himself, doing business with a company under investigation by the FBI in the terror attacks of September 11 is horrible. President Bush should not ask, but demand, that his father pull out of the Carlyle Group,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.... --Judicial Watch, 9/28/01
Part Four : Why Did Bush Withdraw From Treaty Talks On Cleaning Up Money Laundering?
"Just a few weeks ago, the Bush administration -- another group well-watered by the murky flow of offshore capital -- announced its withdrawal from international treaty talks on cleaning up the money-laundering swamp. Why on earth did they oppose this strike against terrorism and organized crime? Let's ask Joseph Stiglitz, former chief economist of the World Bank -- no "left-wing fifth columnist" he: "The answer is, it's in the interests of some of the monied interests to allow this to occur," he told The Nation in June. "It's not an accident; it could have been shut down at any time."
"And this week, the Bush administration finally reversed the long-standing conservative appeasement of wealthy murderers, at least in part, by freezing the financial assets of Bin Laden and his associates and threatening to, er, bar any foreign countries and banks from U.S. financial markets if they didn't cooperate with investigators. Of course, it took them 13 days to get around to blocking the cash flow of their "prime suspect" -- but maybe some of their comfortably entwined High Finance pals needed time to get untangled before the freeze. Oh well, better late than never, right?" --Chris Floyd, 9/28/01
Part Five : Daddy Bush's Campaign Manager (Nixon's "Jew-Counter") Has Carlyle Connections
"Fred Malek received his 15 minutes of fame in the 1970s as deputy director of CREEP (Committee to Re-elect the President), the Nixon White House operation behind Watergate. Unlike many of his former associates, Malek walked--but not out of Washington. After lying low for a time, he made his political comeback as a leader in the Republican Party in the late 1980s, only to resign as deputy chairman of the Republican National Committee in 1988 when an ugly incident from his past came to light: At Nixon's behest, he had drawn up a list of Jews in the Bureau of Labor Statistics, where Nixon thought a "Jewish cabal" was out to get him. Nonetheless, Malek rebounded yet again in 1992 as campaign manager for the Bush/Quayle ticket. --MOJO.
A Continuation Of Part Two..."Can it be true that Bush and Major hire themselves out as props, without realizing what Carlyle deals they might be abetting? To schmooze without being aware of the end results? In any event, they did not have to explain their presence in Saudi Arabia, for both had been invited to speak at an economic forum in Jeddah. Bush and Major were also received by King Fahd. "But for part of the time they were just with us," says the Carlyle source. According to two sources familar with the mission, Carlyle executives were focusing on the telephone system deal. In 1998 the Saudi government announced it was privatizing the kingdom's phone service, and the Saudis have been seeking foreign investors. Several companies from around the world have expressed interest. SBC has been looking at this potential deal for about a year and brought in well-wired Carlyle as a partner.
"It might not trouble the (supposedly) unknowing Bush that he is aiding SBC, a Texas-based company run by executives who have contributed nearly $50,000 to George W. Bush's gubernatorial and presidential campaigns. Governor Bush's administration has also been supportive of SBC, which spends more on lobbying in Texas than any other corporation (at least $5 million in 1999). In December the Texas Public Utilities Commission, comprising three Bush appointees, approved SBC's highly controversial request to enter the long-distance market in that state. Critics of SBC complained that the company had not opened up the local market as it had promised, and after the PUC granted its OK, the Justice Department, citing SBC's anticompetitive ways, urged the Federal Communications Commission to reject the company's long-distance application. (By the way, SBC once donated $400,000 to a reading initiative promoted by Govenor Bush.)...
"It's pretty obvious," says one person with knowledge of the trip. "Carlyle wanted to open up doors, and they bring in Bush and Major, who saved the Saudis' ass in the Gulf War. If you got these guys coming in for SBC or any other company, those companies are going to have a pretty good chance." The Carlyle connection runs in the family. In 1990, a year after Carlyle acquired Caterair, a large airline-catering firm, Fred Malek, a longtime Bush associate [and elsewhere described as an advisor to Carlyle], helped place George W. on the board of Caterair. And this past fall the Bush campaign received a scare when one of its lead fundraisers, GOP lobbyist Wayne Berman, was implicated in a scandal involving Carlyle. On September 23 former Connecticut State Treasurer Paul Silvester pleaded guilty to federal racketeering charges regarding his handling of state pension funds. Berman pocketed about $1 million from Carlyle for helping the firm win $100 million in pension investments from Silvester. Shortly before Silvester left office in early 1999, Berman allegedly promised him a job while angling for another $50 million investment in a Carlyle fund. Berman then hired Silvester for a position in the consulting firm he operates with former Senator Alfonse D'Amato. After Berman's role in the affair became public, the Bush campaign announced that Berman, who had worked in the Bush Administration, was no longer fundraising for George W. Carlyle has been good to the Bushes. But if the Berman-Carlyle scandal spreads, it may draw more attention to the back-scratching, deal-making financial-political world in which the Bush family and their friends have flourished. That won't be good for the son of Carlyle's most famous meet-and-greeter." --David Corn, The Nation, 3/27/00
George W. Bush, The Neocons, & The Nazis: Ties That Bind
Glen Yeadon | August 23 2004
Numerous writers have compared the Bush tactics with those used by Hitler, while others have documented the connection between Prescott Bush and the Nazis. However, there is much more to what has lead the Bush regime to transform the United Stated into a fascist police state. Few people are aware that it is the Republican Party which paid for Nazi broadcasts in the 1930s or that the GOP employed Nazis in election campaigns. Fewer are aware that Herbert Hoover conspired with top Nazi officials in Berlin to unseat Roosevelt in the 1940 election. Others have forgotten that George Bush senior as chairman of the Republican Party set up the ethnic heritage groups of the party as havens for former Nazis or that he employed known Nazi war criminals on his campaign staff.
Moreover, as the New York Republican convention nears convening, it is increasingly obvious that protestors will be dealt with brutally. New weapons such as a sound blaster developed for the military are already in place in New York blurring the lines between the military and civilian affairs. Over fifty protestors are being tightly watch and tailed, their only crime is their opposition to Bush. The Republican governor has suggested that free speech is not a right but a privilege that can be revoke. Additionally there is a massive operation going on in Florida and other states to deny Blacks their right to vote. Finally the Bush administration is using terror alerts to frighten voters and to condition them to the possibility of a canceled election. These and similar tactics are no different than the tactics Hitler's brown shirts employed.
The fascist philosophy underlying the present Bush administration. (See accompanying diagram.)
There are numerous connections between the Bush family and the Nazis. Moreover, the philosophy of the neocons within the Bush administration has already been connected with fascism. However, no article has attempted to present an overview of the fascist connections within the Bush administration. This article will begin to outline the fascist connections between the present Bush administration and the Nazis, using a two-prong approach. The philosophical roots of Bush and the neocons can be traced back to one of America's notorious fascist.
Several authors have already noted the link between senior members of the Bush administration and the fascist Leo Strauss. However, exploring further the philosophical roots of Bush administration, we see that this connection leads back to the robber barons and the empire of J.P Morgan. Due to the natural congeniality between the robber barons and the corporate state of fascism, most of America's leading industrialists became America's leading supporters of fascism. They were responsible for bringing Hitler to power and for building Hitler's war machine.
Strauss is nominally portrayed as a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany. However, Strauss wasn't the hapless Jewish refugee that he is purported to be. Strauss adopted Zionism at the age of 17. There is a close and sinister association between Zionism and the Nazis. Many of the Zionists supported Hitler and the Nazis. In fact, the Nazis concluded a transfer agreement with the Zionists. The Zionists were attempting to limit the choices available for Europe's Jews to two choices: immigrate to Palestine or perish in the Holocaust.
As a student, Strauss began studying the philosophers that provided the basis for fascism: Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Schmitt. He became a devoted lifelong follower of their philosophy. Strauss's philosophy and views became increasingly fascist as his studies progressed. The hallmark of Strauss's philosophy was his belief in totalitarian government. He rejected all principles of natural law and believed in keeping the masses ignorant and in general servitude.
Strauss left Nazi Germany with the warm commendation of the Nazi jurist and philosopher Carl Schmitt. Schmitt was personally responsible, in 1934, for arranging a Rockefeller Foundation scholarship for Strauss, which enabled him to leave Germany, to study first in France and then England. He arrived in the United States from Britain in the fall of 1937. Briefly appointed Research Fellow in the Department of History of Columbia University, he then became a member of the graduate faculty at the New School for Social Research in 1938.
The New School of Social Research was founded in 1919, a year after Willard Straight's death from influenza. Straight had been a partner of J.P. Morgan. He believed that America's security depended upon the British fleet and that it was in the United States own interest to enter the war. At the same time, he saw the war as an opportunity for American bankers and industrialists to make substantial gains internationally at the expense of Britain. Morgan was an anglophile and believed in the entry of the U.S. in the war. In 1915, Straight left the Morgan empire for a position with the American International Corporation, itself affiliated with the National City Bank.
In 1914, Straight and his wife Dorothy (maiden name, Dorothy Payne Whitney) invited Herbert Croly to edit the first edition of the New Republic, a new magazine funded by Straight. During WWI, J.P. Morgan was obsessed with the media and endeavored to control it. Providing backing for the New Republic had a threefold purpose for Morgan. Firstly, it would keep him abreast of the thinking in left-wing circles. He even had an inside man in the communist press. Secondly, Morgan believed a magazine such as the New Republic allowed the left to blow off steam, thus acting as a safety valve. Finally, he also believed it would give him a power of veto on any actions originated by the left, in case they ever went radical.
Funding the New Republic was not the only effort funded by Morgan to gain control of the press. In 1915, he got together 12 leading men within the newspaper business and commissioned them to determine how one could control the national press. They agreed that, to control the national press, all that was needed was to control 25 of the most influential papers. Morgan immediately sent emissaries to purchase the editorial policy of the 25 selected papers. Morgan also used his money to form the American Legion and to craft it into a union busting and redbaiting group of hired thugs that ran amok during the 1919 Red Scare terrorizing and murdering countless union leaders and leftists.
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was another Morgan front group aimed at controlling the American people. The CFR evolved out of the Rhodes Roundtable group during WWI. Most of the early members were Morgan employees who had met their English counterparts during the Paris Peace Conference. The CFR was a bridging group between the Morgans and the Rockefellers, and the Rockefellers provided much of the financial support. As the Rockefeller fortune came to outgrow the Morgan fortune, the CFR became more dominated by the Rockefellers. Percy Rockefeller, a Skull and Bones member who served on the board of the Morgan Guaranty Trust further strengthened the bridge between the Morgan and Rockefeller dynasties.
The New Republic certainly fits the blueprint of Morgan's efforts to control the media. Initially, all outside contributions had to be unanimously approved by its editorial board. The New School for Social Research followed in the footsteps of the New Republic. Straight's widow and the wife of another J.P. Morgan partner, Mrs. Thomas Lamont, were instrumental in establishing the New School. Two years later in 1921, Alvin Johnson, the assistant editor of the New Republic was named Director of the New School. Strauss remained at the Morgan-connected New School for Social Research for ten years. In 1948, he accepted a position at the Rockefeller founded University of Chicago.
Not only was Strauss a promoter of fascist ideology, but his entry into the United States and his work there through most of his life was supported financially by two of the most powerful American fascist families. While the dealings of the Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil Company with the Nazis during the war allowed the family the thin pretense that they were not personally involved, other actions by the Rockefeller family confirm their fascist ideology. It was the Rockefeller Foundation that provided funding for much of the Nazi research into eugenics, including the funding for the twin research conducted in the concentration camps by Mengele.
Strauss's connections to the neo-cons within the Bush administration are well known at this point. Numerous other neo-cons serving in the Bush administration or the American Enterprise Organization, who funded the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), were students and followers of Strauss. Not only can this be seen in their dictatorial approach but it is also visible in their strong pro-Israeli views. An interesting aspect of Strauss's tenure at the University of Chicago is that it is during his tenure that both David Rockefeller and John Ashcroft received their degrees from the University of Chicago.
The Rockefeller family played a key role not only in funding Strauss but also in destroying the economies of Third World nations. The Rockefellers have used the University of Chicago and their various family foundations to promote an economic policy of ruin. The laissez-faire economics promoted by the Chicago school has failed numerous times in the past and was one of the leading causes of the 1929 stock market crash and resulting Great Depression. Such economic policies only lead to global fascism and corporate rule, which are the prime goal of the Rockefeller family.
This is evident in David Rockefeller's support of free trade agreements, the World Trade Organization and the World Bank. These trade organization and agreements have impoverished much of the Southern Hemisphere with their draconian demands for privatization and cuts in social spending. Moreover, these trade agreements effectively reduce the government's role to that of an enforcer of corporate policies. All of these free trade agreements contain a clause setting up a tribunal comprised of corporations to settle all disputes, including claims against the government. The clause effectively bypasses the court systems in signatory countries. In effect, these clauses confer supreme sovereignty to multinational corporations who answer to no one. Under these clauses, corporations are free to claim environmental laws, labor laws and other laws are harmful to the company and cause it financial loss, which results in massive settlements against the government and in the overturning of needed laws.
One of the chief advocates of these free trade agreements is Dick Cheney, who has promised David Rockefeller that he would deliver a hemisphere trade agreement before the end of the current Bush administration.
Such unconstitutional trade agreements have become commonplace as a result of the Rockefellers' ability to control and direct economic thought in the United States. In essence, the Rockefellers maintain a monopoly on economic theory. To understand how they gained such control brings us back to the 1920s. During the 1920s, two economists rose to prominence: Ludwig von Mises, and Friedrich A. Hayek. Both were helped by Rockefeller money. Von Mises toured the United States in 1926. The tour of American Universities was sponsored by the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Foundation and was greatly successful in promoting the views of the Austrian School of Economics. Hayek tutored personally David Rockefeller in economics.
In 1950, von Hayek was brought to the United States to teach at the University of Chicago. He didn't teach economics, he was actually made a professor on the Committee on Social Thought. This was an exceptionally dangerous position for a man that held the views von Hayek did. In 1945, von Hayek's The Road to Serfdom was published. This poorly written book was an attack on the concept of the nation-state. In it, von Hayek argued that the nation-state was a hindrance to peace, and socialism led to totalitarian systems, which treated their citizens as serfs. In place of the nation-state von Hayek proposed a supra-national authority or world federation consisting of the financial elite.
This elite would then be free to rule the world according to their own interest. In 1947, von Hayek created the Mount Pelerin Society, made up of the financial elite of Europe, as a first step toward his supranational authority. In the years since, the Mount Perlin Society has been influential in creating numerous "conservative" think tanks, which promote free market economic policies for the Establishment. The society has expanded to include the following think tanks: the Heritage Foundation in 1973, the Fraser Institute in 1974, the Manhattan Institute in 1977, and the Pacific Institute for Public Policy Research in 1978.
The influence of the Chicago University on modern economics is unprecedented. Since 1969, most of the Nobel prizes in economics have been awarded to the free traders, despite the spectacular failures of laissez-faire economies.
Economists who dare publish articles opposing the thought of the Chicago University, are quickly ridiculed, their works dismissed, and their careers wrecked. All this is a testimony to the power of the Rockefeller family and its control over economy and free thought.
The connection between the University of Chicago and fascism was renewed in the 1960s under Pinochet in Chile. It was the "boys from Chicago", students of Milton Friedman, who destroyed the economy and reduced the citizens to serfdom in Pinochet's fascist Chile, where dissent was eliminated by right-wing death squads.
According to von Hayek's views, corporations are given the status of sovereign nations while the nation-states are reduced to mere quislings of the corporate state and enforcer of their laws. This is the same agenda as that of the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary fund and the many so-called "free trade agreements." Many of the Bush neocons are further linked with von Hayek by their beliefs in Mandeville. (Von Hayek rejected the idea that man was created in the image of god and traced his philosophical ancestry to the early eighteenth century Satanist, Bernard Mandeville.)
At this point, it becomes clear that the Bush administration's philosophical roots are clearly grounded in fascist ideology and in the fascist dogma of the corporate state. That these roots come from two of America's richest families confirms fascism as a top-down revolution by the elite to maintain their control and power. The fascist roots of the Bush regime are manifested in the operative side of its philosophy, through the Psychological Strategy Board under Nelson Rockefeller. C D Jackson served in the Eisenhower administration; he was in charge of the psychological warfare. Both Bruce and Howell Jackson were part of the PNAC project, the blueprint for the Bush regime.
The operative route: how the fascists manifested themselves. (See accompanying diagram.)
A return to the partners of J.P Morgan provides the operative connection between the Bush administration and fascism. Thomas Lamont was a prominent figure in the 1934 fascist plot to remove Roosevelt from office. The plot called for retired Marine General Smedley Butler to lead the force --much of it consisting of American Legionnaires-- to take over the White House. Roosevelt would be given a chance to step down and to cooperate with the plotters. If Roosevelt refused to let the business leaders seize power, then the plotters would kill him.
However, Butler was an honorable man, and he leaked the information concerning the plot to Roosevelt. Roosevelt knew he could not simply dismiss it when it was connected with several leading industrialists and bankers. To foil the plot, Roosevelt leaked information about it to the press. The resulting commotion in the front pages of the country's newspapers undermined any efforts by the plotters to proceed.
Butler described his military career as follows.
"War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses…. I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested."
A third partner of J. P. Morgan, Henry Davison, financed the Yale Aviation Club, of which his son Trubee was a member. Many of the Aviation Club members were also members of the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale. The club gained fame during WWI. Robert Lovett led the unit during the war. Artemus Gates was another member. Trubee was injured in a crash during training and never saw combat.
The most interesting aspect of this group of college aviation buffs is how many of them later served in WWII on the targeting selection committee. Henry Simpson, Secretary of War and a former Bonesman, appointed John McCloy as his Assistant Secretary of War in charge of intelligence. Robert Lovett was appointed Assistant Secretary of War for air. Directly under Lovett was Trubee Davison. Davison held the position of assistant chief of staff at A-1. Artemus Gates served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy for air. James Stillman Rockefeller served with the Airborne Command and Airborne Center as assistant chief of staff.
Clearly the Department of War, and particularly the command for air had an unusually high number of members from the Yale Aviation Unit and the Skull and Bones. Moreover, these individuals all had extensive ties to Wall Street firms, which had a history of doing business with the Nazis. Certainly they were able to influence the target selection in the air campaign against Germany. Lovett was a lifelong advocate of what amounts to terror bombing, the bombing of civilian centers.
The air campaign against Germany left eighty percent of the homes destroyed. Factory production was only reduced by twenty percent. However, much of the reduction in factory production came about not by damage to the factories, but from delays and shortages of parts caused by the disruption of the transportation system from bombing damage. For example, Cologne was a city targeted for massive bombing attacks. While the city lay in ruins, the Ford and I.G. Farben plants escaped all but minor bomb damage. In Berlin, a city that had been reduced to rubble from the bombing campaign, the Allies chose the I.G. Farben building for their headquarters. It had escaped all but minor damage from the bombs.
Robert Lovett and Prescott Bush were both Bonesmen employed by Brown Brothers and Harriman. In fact, many of the top directors and partners of Brown Brothers & Harriman were Bonesmen. It was one of the main firms on Wall Street to have extensive dealings with the Nazis.
The deals with the Nazis were so extensive at Brown Brothers & Harriman that Prescott Bush had 23 firms seized from him for trading with the enemy. Five firms were seized from Bush in 1942, another 18 firms were seized shortly after the war. The 18 firms had been allowed to operate during the war only because seizing them had been judged detrimental to the war effort and their continued operation posed little risk to the Allies.
Before the firms were seized, Prescott Bush hired the Dulles brothers to conceal the Nazi ownership in these firms. Any window of deniability slammed shut the minute Bush hired the Dulles brothers to conceal the Nazi's ownership. This is when it becomes treason by both Bush and the Dulles brothers. It confirms that both parties knew that the continued operation of these companies was in violation of U.S. policy and of the Trading with the Enemy Act. Moreover, it confirms that both parties freely chose to aid the Nazis when the U.S. was at war with Nazi Germany.
The Wall Street law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell employed both John Foster and Allan Dulles. Throughout the 1930s and the early 1940s, the Dulles brothers were busy cloaking Nazi ownership of numerous corporations and their cartel arrangements with I.G. Farben. Not only was their work treasonous in and of itself, it also delayed the production of war materials and munitions.
Aside from his 23 corporations seized for violating the Trading with the Enemy Act, Prescott Bush was a leader in the American eugenic movement. The American eugenic movement was successful in the passage of sterilization laws in many states for anyone judged unfit. These laws served as the basis of the Nuremberg Laws passed by the Nazis. Much of the Nazi eugenic research was funded, even during the war, with money from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation. The Harriman's were also large financial backers of the movement.
After the war, John Foster Dulles, with the aid of Rockefeller money, led a world tour of third-world nations stressing the danger of population expansion of nonAryan races. George Bush, Prescott's son, has followed in his father's footsteps in setting up population control in third-world nations through the UN. In his first political race, George Bush campaigned against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and as a member of congress he warned of the danger of too many Black babies. While population control may be a laudable goal, in the hands of the Bush family it becomes another eugenic tool aimed at eliminating nonAryan races.
Moreover, Cold Springs Harbor, the center of eugenic research in the 1920s and 1930s is still operating. It is currently a leader of the human genome project. While the genome project will undoubtedly provide many future medical benefits, Cold Springs remains firmly under the control of the same families involved in the American eugenics movement. Current directors William Gerry and Allen Dulles Jebsen are the grandsons of Harriman and Allan Dulles respectively.
The genome project provides the ideal cover to develop a genome-specific bioweapon, a weapon with the sole purpose of committing genocide on a massive scale. Such a weapon has been described by the PNAC as a politically useful tool. The PNAC is the road map George W. Bush is following as a "War President."
This is not the only link between the Rockefeller Foundation and questionable programs. In 1931, with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, Dr. Cornelius Rhoads infected human subjects with cancer cells. Rhoads later established the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama. It was named the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While there, he began a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.
Following the war, Allan Dulles faced an investigation for treason. While Dulles was crafty enough to escape the charges, one of those aiding him in covering up his crimes was Richard Nixon. While still serving in the navy, Nixon was given some captured documents to review. The contents would have revealed Allan Dulles as a traitor. In exchange for burying the documents Dulles agreed to fund Nixon's first political campaign. Nixon's campaign benefited from large contributions from a large New York bank connected with Brown Brothers and Harriman.
Captured Nazi documents reveal they had a comeback plan. Their plan to regain power after the war revolved around using their friends or other fascist sympathizers in other countries --and particularly in the United States-- to do their bidding while rebuilding Germany. The documents note that, as late as 1944, the Nazis were hoping for a Republican victory in the presidential election because they would get an easier peace. The second part of their plan aimed at provoking a war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, which would allow the Nazis to retake power in Germany without U.S. intervention.
Politically, Eisenhower had a tin ear, and he was politically naïve. When John Foster Dulles approached him in Europe to run for election in 1948, Eisenhower had no foreign policy concept formulated. He was easily swayed by Dulles' idea of massive nuclear retaliation, which led to the appointment of Dulles as secretary of state. While Eisenhower was no Nazi and expressed his hatred of Nazis and Germans in his letters to his wife, he allowed the American Nazis like the Dulles brothers to gain a great deal of control over his administration. Eisenhower appointed Allan Dulles as CIA Director, and Prescott Bush and John Lovett were Eisenhower's close golfing buddies. Prescott Bush was also the driving force in selecting Richard Nixon as Eisenhower's running mate. Nelson Rockefeller was appointed to head the Psychological Strategy Board. Numerous employees of Sullivan and Cromwell, the two Wall Street firms most involved with the Nazis, held important positions within the administration.
John McCloy and General Draper, both from the former Control Council of Germany, fulfilled important roles in the Eisenhower administration. Nothing was left to chance in the rebirth of the Nazis. In postwar Germany, the three most powerful figures: John McCloy head of the Control Council, Lewis Douglas, the head of the Finance Division of the Control Council and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, were all brothers-in-law. They all had wed daughters of Fredrick Zinsser, a partner of JP Morgan.
While the American Nazis succeeded in gaining partial control of the Eisenhower administration and were able to stoke the fires of the Cold War, they failed to secure total control. Although these American Nazis managed to dupe the tired old general, they never succeeded in completely tricking him. Even after suffering a debilitating heart attack the old general refused to turn over the reins of power to Nixon, a man he loathed. Before leaving office, Eisenhower realized he had been duped and left us his rather cryptic warning about the military-industrial complex, suggesting the dangers of corporate rule.
Since 1960, Eisenhower's warning has gone largely unheeded. Beginning with the rise of fascism and the elitism within the Reagan administration, the military keeps taking up a bigger portion of the budget, social welfare has been largely eliminated --just as it was eliminated in Nazi Germany. Today, under the regime of George W. Bush, it is clear that the corporations within the military-industrial complex are in control of the country. It allows Dick Cheney to pad his retirement account at Halliburton with millions of dollars of Halliburton overcharges for services not delivered in the Iraq War. Meanwhile, many of the soldiers are sent into combat without body armor.
A recently disclosed top-secret document from the NSC reveals that the NSC staff were instructed to cooperate fully with Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force as it considered the "melding" of two seemingly unrelated areas of policy: "the review of operational policies towards rogue states," such as Iraq, and "actions regarding the capture of new and existing oil and gas fields." The document suggests that Cheney's Energy Task Force was actually a discussion for geostrategic plans for oil, putting the issue of war in the context of the captains of the oil industry sitting down with Cheney and laying grand, global plans. This would confirm Bush's plans for regime change in 60 countries and his support for rebel forces opposing the democratic government of Venezuela as well as the increasing hostility of the Bush administration towards Iran.
Too many people still believe that fascism can't happen here. It is happening here today. The Gestapo is firmly in place in the form of Ashcroft's justice department. The FBI no longer serves to protect the citizens; instead it is being used to protect this regime, by such means as the gagging of Sibel Edmonds, for instance. The FBI is no longer primarily charged with criminal investigation instead its being used to enforce this regime's policies and finally the FBI, other federal law enforcement agencies and the military are illegally spying on anyone opposed to this regime. Moreover, Representative Porter Goss, Bush's choice to head the CIA has introduced legislation that would allow the CIA to conduct operations inside the United States including arbitrary arrests of American citizens.
Ike's military-industrial complex, the PNAC document, the World Trade Organization, free trade agreements, and the George W. Bush regime are all parts of the many-headed Nazi Hydra in America.
If George Bush declares a red alert or martial law or manages to steal another election, will you be one of the first sent to the concentration camps? Will you go quietly like a lamb? Will you allow the Gestapo to haul away your neighbor, your wife, your son or daughter? Will you live next to the crematories with your head in the sand as the Germans did? Or will you oppose the regime and help reestablish the constitutional republic?
The time to decide is now, tomorrow may be too late. The corporate state of fascism has risen from the ashes of 9/11 like a giant phoenix. It will consume all that opposes it. The Fourth Reich has risen. Beware. Your life and freedoms depend on it.
For greater details into these connections and others and complete documentation click the link below to the Nazi Hydra in America.
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Oh no you didn't. I did it.
06.10.2004 23:26