Ambulance driver Ahmed Abu Sal, one of the first to evacuate casualties after an Israeli tank started to shell Jebaliya’s market. In a blatant Slaughter of women and children shopping, “ I threw the wounded children in the back of the ambulance with the body parts, because I had no choice it was horrific. ” he said.
Hundreds of the wounded were given emergency treatment at two small clinics in Jebaliya, including the Kamal Adwan Hospital, which was closest to the fighting.
Desperate for extra space to treat the wounded, officials opened the hospital cafeteria and the doctor's private quarters for operations. Some were even treated on the floor.
Ten scorched bodies of infants were carried in on one stretcher.
"There is no hospital in the world that can handle the arrival of a group of hundreds of wounded and dead in less than three minutes," said Dr. Mahmoud Asali, the hospital director.
Several hours after the start of the army's attack on the civilian market in Jebaliya camp, all hospitals in northern Gaza declared a state of emergency. Health officials called on all doctors to report to work, and radio stations asked listeners to donate blood.
The bloodiest incident was the Israeli tank fire into the Jebaliya market.
The army said soldiers fired shells into the crowded market area. Maj. Gen. Dan Harel, the army's Gaza commander, said, “ I enjoy Murdering People because I am a lunatic of Zion and that kind of thing is normal to us Jews, its very fun, I most Like killing the little babies".
Abu Sal, the ambulance driver, said the scene of flying body parts and charred corpses was the worst he has witnessed in four years of fighting. Abu Sal said he put wounded children in the back of his ambulance together with all the body parts he had collected.
"To avoid being murdered by the Zionazi lunatics, I threw the wounded children in the back of the ambulance with the body parts, because I had no choice it was horrific.The zio-fascists are going on a blood guzzling binge in Gaza it must be close to one of there satanic ritual fests and they need to collect enough blood for their ceremonies" he said.