ESF 2004 Newsletter 2
ESF programme takes shape
Internationally renowned speakers to address the ESF
A wide-range of internationally renowned speakers has now been confirmed to address the ESF. These include Michael Albert from Znet; Walden Bello from Focus on the Global South; Oronto Douglas, leader of Nigerian groups fighting Shell; Susan George, leading writer against third world debt; Evo Morales from Bolivia; Dr Aleida Guevara – daughter of Che; and leading European Muslim writer Tariq Ramadan
Over 1,000 organisations involved in proposing seminars and workshops
We have received a massive response to the call for seminars and workshops, with around 900 events proposed by over 1,000 organisations from campaigning organisations and networks, trade unions, the anti-war movement, anti-racist organisations, Non-Governmental Organisations, charities and many more.
The process of merging these proposals into 150+ translated seminars and roughly 350 untranslated workshops is now underway. The vast majority of seminar proposals will need to be merged or converted to workshop proposals. As a first step we are encouraging groups to merge voluntarily with other similar proposals.
If you have proposed a seminar or workshop please search the complete listing to find suitable partners for your event. Once you have agreed to merge your proposal or decided to convert to a workshop please contact

Stall space will be available in Alexandra Palace in North London and in Bloomsbury in central London during the ESF. If your organisations is interested in reserving a stall please email

Affiliates to the ESF continue to grow
The list of affiliates to the UK Organising committee continues to expand. From Oxfam, the Jubilee Debt Campaign, and the TUC, to Stop the War, CND and Muslim Council of Britain, there are now over 150 affiliates! Click here to find out how to affiliate your organisation and for a list of ESF affiliates.
Register now for free and cheap accommodation @ ESF
When you register for ESF 2004 you will get access to discounted hotel and hostel accommodation that has been secured for ESF delegates. Free accommodation is also available, in communal spaces and in people’s homes.
The allocation of accommodation will mostly be on a ‘first come first served’ basis so it is important to register for the ESF NOW!
To register online click here.
Can you provide accommodation for ESF delegates?
We are looking to provide as much free accommodation as possible for delegates and interpreters at the ESF. From community halls to spare floor space in your home, if you or your campaign, organisation, faith group or NGO can offer free accommodation in London from 14 -18 October then please email the accommodation working group on

Accessible accommodation @ the ESF 2004 Please contact the UK ESF Office as soon as possible if you have any specific access requirements for accommodation.
Building the biggest ESF possible
People are organising up and down the UK and across Europe to build the ESF. The Outreach Group is encouraging people to use their networks and get in touch with campaigners, activists and everyone you know who is against war, racism and privatisation and for global and environmental justice to ensure they know about the ESF. Be imaginative!
Contact the ESF Office for leaflets, posters and outreach materials. We can provide speakers for your meeting and videos and photos of the World Social Forum in Mumbai.
Local ESF meetings: Groups have held film showings, music festivals and stalls to promote the ESF. Events and contacts for networks in your area are advertised on the ESF website. If you would like to add an event contact email

A downloadable poster with space to advertise your local event will soon be available on the ESF website.
Organisations are encouraged to put links to the ESF 2004 website from their website and to disseminate ESF publicity to your email networks or in your bulletins and newsletters. If you would like to include ESF leaflets in your publication, please contact

Volunteer at the ESF
Volunteer at the ESF
Hundreds of volunteers are needed to help with organising the ESF. If you are able to volunteer in the run up to the ESF please email

If you can volunteer during the ESF then please complete the volunteers form.
Babels: interpretation at the European Social Forum
550 volunteers from Babels, an international network of volunteer interpreters, will be interpreting during the ESF. They will come from all over Europe. We will also need more interpreters coming from the UK. If you want to be a volunteer interpreter please go to You can also circulate Babels' call for volunteer interpreters available on the ESF website
Americas Social Forum
The first Americas Social Forum was held in Quito, Ecuador from July 25 to 30, gathering more than 10,000 people from both continents. Articles and evaluations are being gathered on the World Social Forum website.