Working group of infoshop consists of people from anarchist web-portal, participants of non-governmental “Institute “Republic””, which can be described as a part of non-parliamentary Ukrainian opposition, and various activists.
At the moment one can have a look and/or take (better – if giving some donation for infoshop to survive) various newspapers, leaflets, stickers, some music, books and videos in several languages. Mostly the production is of anarchist, (counter-)cultural, feminist, anti-capitalist and environmentalist kind; there are some things on the side of non-party Ukrainian oppositional groups.
Infoshop is opened for cooperation with different groups. Obviously, no racist, sexist, xenophobic and far-right shit is tolerated.
Working group contact:

Web-sites (at the moment, no English :-( ):

Phone number:
Location (if you happen to be here):
Institute “Republic”, Kyiv, Gorkogo str., 12b (in the very centre of the city). Opening hours: 1pm-7pm (sometimes – except Sat. and Sun.)